One Step at a Time

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.

Today has been a very reflective week for me. It's my 21st birthday, and as I was running along the trails in Riverview Park last night, I thought back over the past year of how much I've changed. I would say that I definitely matured a lot through the past 365 days in multiple ways. I'm much more career-focused after completing my first internship. Last summer I was a technology intern at Progressive Insurance, and working for 12 weeks in the field helped me realize what life will be like after college. That helped me focus on the past year of school, giving me the two best semesters of college thus far. This summer, I'm interning at PNC Bank as a technology project manager, which has already allowed me to grow in so many ways, both professionally and technically. It helped me to narrow my vision and realize my potential in the work place.

Other big changes that I've gone through, as I've mentioned before, is re-discovering my passion for running. Last year, I'd be lucky if I'd go for a "run" once a week after work, which would turn into more of a half-hour of run/walking (most walking). Now, I get antsy and grumpy if I'm unable to run or workout 5 or 6 days out of the week. Yesterday I realized how much my body has changed with all of these life-style choices I've made. Running a half hour on the trails is so comfortable for me now, and I actually look forward to that time during the day.

The quote at the top is one that I first heard back when I was competitive in middle school, and really helped to motivate me during training and races. I realize more and more now how much that can apply to everything in my life. Everything in life must be done to the best of your ability at all times, and we must always strive to improve ourselves! This can't be done by living idle, get up, get going, and change your good into your BEST!

Pittsburgh Marathon: 313 days
Workout: 30 minutes/ 3.5 miles on trails


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