Looking for Results

It's been a few days since I've posted, and I've been quite busy with both training and work. After work on Tuesday, I went running at Riverview on the trails, like usual. I was expecting to go for an easy run, only one lap around the park, which is a little over 2 miles. Once I started running, though, I wanted to keep going and ended up doing 4 miles of trails. I felt really great, and stronger than I have in a while.
On Wednesday, I had an intern activity after work and took that as my first day off in a week, which was a much-needed break.
Yesterday, I decided to lift and had a terrific session. Here are the exercises that I did (3 sets of 10 reps per exercise, 10 pushups in between each)
-military press
-dumbell squats
-bent over row
-bench press
-calf raises
-skull crushers

I felt absolutely wonderful and am really starting to see some results as far as my leg and arm muscles are concerned. This has definitely helped improve my speed as well as endurance during my runs. Some runners don't believe in strength training, but I think it's worth it to do some light lifting a few times a week.
On another happy note, since I'm talking about getting results from workouts, I've finally crossed the 125-pound mark. Since entering college, it's been my goal to get back below this number, and it seemed impossible to do. Once I saw the needle hitting below the 125 mark, I thought about how much work I've put in this past year to improve myself physically and mentally. It's nice to finally have concrete evidence that I made a difference. It may seem like a long journey, but everything is worth it in the end if you keep it up!


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