Running, Running, Running

Yesterday afternoon I got the chance to use my new watch for the first time. Needless to say, I was extremely excited about it. I went to the river trail on the North Shore and ran towards the stadiums for a mile and a half then turned around and ran back. The watch shows all kinds of stats- distance, elapsed time, lap time (you can touch the screen and it'll mark your laps), calories burned, pace, and average pace. It was so neat running with it and knowing exactly what my speed was.
I haven't been able to run much this week, so yesterday's run was pretty laid back and relaxing. Running along the river, especially on a weekend like this, is such a great experience. There were tons of people on their boats, playing in the water steps by PNC Park, running, biking, yacting, everything. I love being surrounded by people when I'm running to keep motivated and avoid slowing down too much.
Overall, I really like the watch so far. I haven't plugged it in yet to check out my course and see other stats, but I'm sure that'll just take my love of it up another notch!

Pittsburgh Marathon: 309 days
Workout: 3 miles/27:08


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