Finishing Up

At lot has happened since my last post. I went home for thanksgiving break and went running at home a lot, which was great to get back on track. While there, I ran a five mile race, the Turkey Trot. I've run the race in the past, but always the 5k, not the five miler. It was a great day and wonderful weather, and I got to run most of it with my friends.

I've also been getting back on track with running at school. I'm almost ready to start my marathon training schedule and I'm SO EXCITED! Right now, I'm working on getting my endurance back and weight lifting again. I've done some great runs and can't wait to move forward with this!

Here's a look at what I want to do this week:
Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday: 3 mile run and half hour power sculpt
Wednesday: 5 mile run
Thursday: cross training
Friday: 3 mile run
Saturday: 1 hour run at home!

I can't wait until I can start updating my blog regularly again. I have some great ideas to make it better, and once this semester is over I can make them a reality. Bye for now!


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