Huffington Post
Hello everyone! Last week, I had the privilege of hearing Arianna Huffington speak at Penn State, and she inspired me very much during her speech. She has been one of my idols for a while, and she's a big inspiration to me. Wanting to thank her for taking her time to come to my school, I sent her an email, which she followed up with an invitation to submit an article for the website . Over the weekend, I worked on an entry about-what else-running. Below is what I submitted. I'd love to hear your thoughts and hopefully one day it'll end up on the Huff Post! I am high right now. I got out of class about an hour ago, and couldn’t even go back to my apartment before getting my fix. During class, I kept imagining the amazing feeling I’d soon have, the feeling I have now. I feel free, happy, completely and utterly alive. I just got done running six miles, and I have runner’s high. Runner’s high, a term coined in the 1970s, can more accurately be describ...