Half Marathon Training- Week 2 Recap

It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be

Thank goodness that the second week of training was a little less busy.  I had plenty of time to get my workouts in, even if I had to rearrange a bit.  It was Dan's birthday, so I had to move some classes to go out to dinner (which was great!) and we're also currently visiting his family in Boiling Springs, PA.

(note, I'm not affiliated in ANY way with the Biggest Loser or with the Run/Walk.  I just wanted to make it clear what I'm training for in a fun way!)

Here was my training plan for the week:

To remind you, I'm using Hal Higdon's half marathon intermediate plan as a base, but adjusting it to fit my schedule.  I'm also helping Dan train for a 5K using the Couch to 5K plan.

Here's how my week went:


3 miles / 28:00 / 9:20 pace
I had a dentist appointment, so I had to run on the treadmill at the gym.  Not a particularly good or bad workout, but nice and easy.


Rise and Shine Yoga video
Dan and I went to dinner for his birthday during my Centergy class, so I ended up doing this video and some sun salutations before work.  I used to do yoga in the morning when I could walk to work, so it felt really good!  I might have to start waking up early to do this every day before work.

2.5 miles / 27:00 / 10:48 pace
The Couch to 5K run was to do 25 minutes non-stop.  It was a more challenging run, but Dan got through it like a champ!


3.8 miles / 35:00 / 9:12 pace
After work, I walked some dogs at the Humane Society, then ran back to my apartment.  Today was a tempo run, so I started at a 9:30-10:00 pace to warm up for 10 minutes, then increased to 8:00-8:15 pace for 15 minutes.  I was so tired and dehydrated after that, so my cooldown was super slow and I walked home after finishing 35:00 of running.

I didn't make it to spin class because I stayed too late at dog walking, but I was too exhausted to go anyway!


6AM Group Power class
I had to swap my usual evening class for a morning one since we traveled after work. I love this class!  Today, we had a few new exercises and I tried to move up in weights on a few exercises.  I was super worn out afterwards but felt great!


2.63 miles / 25:00 / 9:30 pace
Today's C25K ran was great!  We ran in Dan's neighborhood, which is super flat compared to Pittsburgh.  The weather was perfect- 45 and cloudy- and he had no problem running the 25 minutes and talked non-stop.  Amazing how one run can feel awful and a few days later feel easy!


3.1 miles / 27:10 / 8:45 pace
Chilly morning run with some snow.  Felt a bit sluggish and couldn't get into it until the halfway mark.  Not the best and not the worst run.


6 miles / 54:00 / 9:00 pace
Great run!  I tried out Honey Stingers gel today for the first time and I loved it.  It didn't bother my stomach at all and made me feel nice and energized.  I think I'll buy some more and see how it goes on longer runs.  I liked how thin it was and it tastes amazing (if you like honey!)  For the run, I did the first 3 miles alone, then Dan joined me.  He kept pushing the pace, and we finished up at an 8:00 pace!  I could barely keep up.

Total Mileage for Week: 21 miles / 9:19 average pace 

Overall, week two was a success.  I did have to skip a spinning class and had to combine my run with Dan's C25K, but I'm fine with that.  I hit all of my actual training runs, and was happy with my paces.  Hopefully next week nothing comes up so I can go to all my regular gym classes.

 Week 1 Training Recap


  1. Way to crush it this week! I have yet to try the honey stingers. Maybe next time I go I will give them a try.

    1. Thanks Shaun! They're really good. I've also heard their waffles are good fuel but I haven't tried those!

  2. Awesome week of workouts. I love doing yoga in the morning before work.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! It is really nice. I just have to convince myself to wake up earlier :)

  3. Great week 2, Gretchen! Is this your first half marathon?

    1. Thanks Heather! No, it's not. I've done quite a few in the last few years (I honestly haven't been keeping track) but this is my first time doing one in Erie!

  4. You did great this week! (So did Dan!) I think Honey Stingers are tasty too.


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