Pin to Present #1

Hi everyone!  Today, I'm joining in a linkup with Anne called Pin to Present!  Is anyone else obsessed with Pinterest?  I use it all the time for outfit inspiration, makeup ideas, travel guides, workouts, and recipes.  Now, you get to see me attempt my most recent pins!

Today, I'm going to be trying out a few different pins: an art project, a hairstyle, and an outfit.  Go big or go home, right?

First up is the art project.  I got this idea from Tatertots and Jello. I knew ahead of time that I wanted a project that re-purposed magazines, because I have a TON of old issues that I needed to get rid of.  This design was really pretty and easy to recreate! 

I decided to make mine with a plane silhouette instead of a bird, since I love to travel so much.  This would be a fun project to do with kids, or to give as a present to someone because it's easy to personalize.  A running themed one would be really cool too!  Next time, I'll use a thicker paint and an extra coat of Mod Podge, because I could still see the magazine a bit through the paint.  I also like how her version is more colorful!

Next I tried out a hair style that I've been attempting for a long time- curling with a straightening iron.  This pin claimed that it made curling nearly fool-proof, so I decided to give it a try.  It turned out to be really easy using their method!

This has been my latest go-to style for work when I have a little extra time (literally 5 minutes).  It looks sleek and is really easy to accomplish.  The secret is to wrap the hair around the flat iron and pull slowly towards the end.  This adds a nice, natural curl and also makes it look really sleek!  Make sure not to stop along the way, because that caused me to get some crimps in the hair which didn't look so good!
I usually just do a few pieces throughout my entire hair and brush it out.  This takes just a few minutes and makes my hair a bit more interesting and doesn't take a lot of effort.

Finally, I tried to recreate an outfit that I pinned.  This comes from my favorite style blogger, Caroline from un-fancy.  I had to create a look from her, because she inspired me to buy most of my recent purchases.  She makes everything look so great and effortless, so I had to copy her on this outfit, since I had all the pieces but never wore them together.

I don't think mine looks quite as effortless as hers, but it's something different for me to try!  Next time I'll play around a bit more with the tuck, and maybe try it with a less-flowy pair of shorts.  These ones are the same pair that she's wearing, but they're a size too big on me.  The chambray shirt is also a little large, so I usually pair it with tighter bottoms.  It's still a fun look though!

I hope you enjoyed my trials with some fun pins.  Check out the linkup for more ideas, and let me know some of your current Pinterest favorites below!


  1. I don't use Pinterest but my wife does and I have to say I think Pinterest is the devil, all it does is seem to cost me money for her projects, but she has made some really nice things though so I guess I can't complain too much

    1. That's so funny and true! I try to find projects that use things I already have laying around, but I could see that it can get expensive. You can find free things on there too like good workouts to try or motivating quotes!

  2. These look great and I really like the airplane. You "nailed" Caroline's outfit. I've tried the straightening iron curls, and just couldn't do it, but yours looks good. Lov

    1. Thanks Megan! Halfway through I was thinking I would scrap the art project because it looked so bad, but I actually like how it turned out! I think if I tried it again (and took more time painting) it would look even better :) Thanks for your nice comments!!

  3. Wow, I'm impressed that you tackled 3 pins! All are such good inspiration and turned out so great - extra impressed with your curling. No matter how "foolproof", hair curling tutorials only turn into Pinterest fails for me, ha. And I love the outfit - Caroline is great, and it's such a perfect look for bopping around town on a nice day. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Anne! You should try this makes it really easy to make pretty curls! I love Caroline as well and use her for inspiration a lot. Hopefully next time I can get the lighting a bit better and replicate her Starbucks pose :) Thanks for hosting!

  4. I love Pinterest, but mostly for snarky e-card type stuff, cat pics, workout inspiration memes, maybe some actual workouts and recipes. I pin crafts and stuff but rarely get around to doing them... and they definitely never look as good as the pin. Then again, my recipes never look like the picture either and they still taste pretty good! lol I do like your plane artwork. That is really cool stuff!

    1. I agree, my presentation is never close to the pins, but I don't really care! If it tastes good what's it matter what it looks like (unless it's for a party then I care a lot!)

  5. I love Pinterest! I've gotten quite a few good recipes and cake decorating ideas from here. I love your curls too! I have a terrible time trying to curl my hair.

    1. I want to learn how to decorate cakes!! I'll have to look up some pins :) you should join the linkup next month!

  6. What a great post Gretchen. I love the way you captured the pins in real life. The hair and outfit look terrific on you. And what a nice art project!


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