Half Marathon Training : Week 11 Recap

Inspiration from StrideBox's Instagram

One Week to go!!

My final full week of training was full of highs and lows, and definitely was one of my tougher weeks mentally.  I managed to push through, and now I'm really excited about the race next Sunday!  Read on to see how my week of training went, and I'll see you tomorrow for my race goals and recapping my weekend fun!

Monday : 5 miles / 47:10 / 9:26 pace
Felt really sore on this run, and kept my pace nice and slow.  Tried to keep it easy so I was happy with my time!  It was also pretty warm out when I ran, and the heat didn't really bother me.  Finally think I'm adjusting to the heat...thank goodness!

Tuesday : 1 hour yoga
I did a few yoga for runners videos from YouTube as well as specific stretches that felt great.  Nothing too exciting- just some nice stretches!

Wednesday : 4 miles / 34:00 / 8:30 pace
Today was my last speed workout, and as soon as I started my hamstring stated to bother me.  I was hoping it would improve during my warmup, and it did slightly right at mile 1, so I decided to go on with my workout (1 mile, 4x200, 1 mile, 4x200 with jog in between).  As soon as I started picking up the pace, my hamstring started bothering me again but wasn't painful, just felt sore if that makes sense.  I finished the mile around 6:50, jogged a lap, and did my 200 repeats.  By that time I knew it wasn't a good idea to keep running fast, so I decided just to run home slowly.  I'm hoping with some rest my hamstring will be alright!

Thursday + Friday : REST!!!!

Saturday : 1 hour yoga
First outdoor yoga class of the year!  This year they're all over Pittsburgh (read all about it in my Top Friday post!) and I tried out the new northside class.  It was a warm, sunny day but we were under the trees luckily, so it was beautiful!  The class was a great pace for me and I had lots of fun.  Really enjoyed it and will be back for more!
(there were lots more people there, I swear!)

3.1 miles / 27:40 / 8:53 pace
Ran my old running course - Riverview Park!  It was super hilly and warm out, but I didn't care at all.  My hamstring didn't bother me whatsoever!  I felt so relieved and felt great the entire run.  Thank goodness for resting!

Sunday : 7 miles / 1:01:49 / 8:48 pace
Today was supposed to be a longer run (10+ miles) but I just wasn't feeling it from the beginning.  Dan started out with me for 2 miles and also was struggling, then I ran around Pitt's campus and to Shadyside.  Really struggled, and my new shoes started rubbing on my left foot.  Decided just to call it quits after 7 miles and start my taper!  One more week to go- no need to push myself to injury now.

Only 19 miles this week, but I wanted to be cautious when I wasn't feeling my best.  I put in a lot of hard work this entire training cycle, so I know one bad week this late isn't going to ruin anything.  Hoping to get in some good runs next week and crush the race!

Read my past weeks' recaps!
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 
Week 6 
Week 7 and 8 

Week 9 
Week 10


  1. Smart move and pull back instead of pushing through and risking injury. At least now you can look forward to the taper and get some relaxation in.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping it'll pay off. I'll try to relax a bit :)

  2. Great that your hamstring is feeling better & that you've adjusted to the heat! It's so exciting that the race is just one week away. You are going to kick butt on race day!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! The nerves are definitely starting to set it, but so is the excitement :)

  3. I'm glad your hamstring is feeling better. I'm not sure I ever adjust to the heat! So I'm very jealous! LOL. Good luck at the half marathon. I can't wait to read all about it.

    1. I thought I was, but today's run was brutal! So maybe I'm not as adjusted as I thought :) Thanks for the well wishes..I need it!! :)


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