May 18 : Weekly Goals and Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone!  How was your weekend?  Mine was pretty exciting (for me) and was pretty busy.  I'll be linking up with Katie for MIMM!  Here are some highlights:

- Team Alex 5 miler.  Even though the race wasn't the best (see my short recap here) I had a lot of fun!  Dan and Selma both came to cheer me on and even ran a bit at the end with me (Selma almost took me out though..she would have been DQ'ed!).  I learned a lot and know what I can improve on for my half marathon in 3 weeks, so I consider it a success!

-Here's my race playlist if you're interested (click to listen on Spotify!)

- Spoonwood Brewing.  We were out in the area for some errands and decided to stop in Spoonwood for the first time!  I loved it and Dan and I sampled all the beers on the menu (minus the three IPAs).
spoonwood pittsburgh

I ended up buying a growler of the Saison and the Welsh Ale.  The Welsh was insanely good and had such an interesting taste that got more intense as it warmed up.  Loved this beer!

spoonwood pittsburgh review

- Ice Skating.  Dan decided to join an adult hockey league, so we went to a free skate to practice.  I haven't gone in years and it was a lot of fun!  I was horrible at the beginning and couldn't get off the wall, but I eventually loosened up and was whizzing around the ice.  It was a great workout too and we refueled with some milkshakes afterwards!

Here's my training plan for the week:

- Monday : 5 miles
- Tuesday : Group Centergy
- Wednesday : True Runner Run Club
- Thursday : 3 miles + Group Power
- Friday : Spinning
- Saturday : 5 miles
- Sunday : 11 miles

Hope you have a great week!


  1. I loved the Welsh ale at Spoonwood too! That and the "50 Shades of Grain" were my favorites. :) Glad you had a good weekend!!

    1. Ahhh I'm so glad that you talked about spoonwood..I'm in love! And the welsh is so amazing right?

  2. Sounds like an awesome weekend! I haven't been skating in forever, would love to!

    1. You should go if you get a chance! My legs were killing me today!

  3. Brewery sounds so fun! I love doing activities like that.. and plus what a great reward post race : ) Hope you have a great week!!

    1. Breweries are my favorite places to try out! I love sampling beer and their food is usually great too:) hope you have a great week as well!

  4. I don't know what it is about Hey Mama, but that song always makes me want to just get up and run ((or dance!))

  5. I saw your post on DM & was wondering how you ended up ice skating! Good stuff this weekend! I missed your race recap so will check it out now.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Super random to ice skate in May, but it was tons of fun!


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