It's....RACE WEEK! MIMM, Playlist, and Goals!

Hi everyone!! Happy Monday! I hope that you all had a great weekend.  Here are some highlights from mine:
Outdoor yoga with my mom and sister!  My sister just moved back home from California, and I got to see her a lot this weekend.  She wasn't so much a fan of the yoga, but my mom and I loved it!

Hofbrauhaus for dinner!  My favorite restaurant.  Dan and I got a sampler platter to share- filled with wurst, schnitzel, cabbage, and German Potato Salad.  Not my favorite dish I've ever had there (the sauerbraten is my favorite) but it was still good!  We went out for dessert afterwards and I had an AMAZING fro-yo.  Delicious!

My adorable little beer beside Dan's liter.  The seasonal was higher in alcohol content, so they only serve it in 1/3 liters.  I made sure to get some hefeweizen afterwards!

Race Goals

This week is race week and I'm so excited!  I've trained really hard for this race (check out my training recaps here) and I can't wait to see how I'll do.  For most races, I make A, B and C goals.  Here are my goals for this race (the most important goal for me is always to finish the race safely and injury-free, but these are what I'm aiming for time-wise)

A Goal : 1:50:00.  This is 8:24 pace, and may be a little faster than what I'm in shape for right now.  This is my "reach" goal if everything on race day goes perfectly!

B Goal : 2:00:00.  I've run quite a few half marathons, and have never broken the magical 2 hour mark.  In longer races, though, I've crossed the half marathon point in under 2 hours, so I know that I can do this!  This is my main goal for the race and what I really want to do.  This would be a PR for me!

C Goal : 2:05:00.  This would be a 9:33 pace, which is definitely do-able for me.  If it's a really warm, humid day and I'm not feeling great, I'll be happy with this time.

Overall, though, I just want to have a fun race and be happy with my performance.  There have been a lot of races in the past when I was disappointed in myself for not pushing enough, and I just want to be happy with my time, no matter what it is.  (Also, I would be happy with some decent-looking race photos!  They're included with our race fee, so hopefully some will turn out well!)


And now for my playlist - a mix of fast songs, slow songs, rap, hip-hop, pop, classical, Latin, and country.  I like to keep it varied while I'm running so I don't get bored! 

If you're interested in seeing my playlist for the race, check it out here on Spotify.

I hope that you all have a great week!  Linking up with Katie for MIMM!


  1. LOVE the playlist! Adding some of those songs to mine right now : ) I'm so excited for your race, and I hope you enjoy taper time!! Have a great Monday!

    1. Yay, glad that you liked it! I'm excited too..I've never trained so well for a race before! Have a great week!

  2. I am trying to goal my half marathon for 2 hours also, but most likely will be a bit longer. I am in the midst of creating a new playlist as I am bored with my current one, so thanks for the list Gretchen :)

    1. Hope you like the songs! And we can both do it (eventually...haha!) If I don't get it in this one I know I can do it in the fall, and so can you!

  3. Writing some songs down to check out on youtube :)

  4. Happy tapering and good luck at your upcoming race! Looking forward to hearing how it goes. :)

    1. Thank you Alison! Now I feel the pressure..haha!

  5. Good luck and think you are only going to get your A goal. You got this!!!

    1. Thanks Shaun! I'll definitely go in with that mindset. :D

  6. Okay, you've made me put outdoor yoga on my bucket list for this year. I really want to do that and I have no idea why. It just seems like yoga was meant to be enjoyed outdoors! Also loving your running playlist. I love a lot of those songs and I can imagine the remixes would be very motivating!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. It's SOO awesome! I absolutely love it. Especially if you're in a grassy area and have trees to shade you..perfect! Glad that you liked the mix! Have a great day Gina :)

  7. I've been very close several times to the elusive sub 2:00 but can't seem to cross under. I think you'll definitely do that and much more! Biggest Loser does a good job with the free photos. I've run several of their races. Good luck and enjoy your race. I can't wait to hear about it.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm in the same boat..can't seem to break it. Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Good luck with your upcoming race!!!

  9. I am so excited for your race! I know you have been doing so awesome throughout the whole training, and I know you're going to do just as awesome in the race! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

    1. Thanks for all your support Jennifer! I'm excited too :)


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