MIMM - Short Weekend Recap

Hi everyone!  Today will be a short post just to share some pictures from the weekend.  I'll be writing more about the race and my experience tomorrow, but for now here are some pictures!

The expo was really small, but past Biggest Loser contestants were there.  I was there when Rob from the most recent season was talking.

I think I need this shirt:

For dinner, we went to la bella in Erie - great pasta and salads.  All of their dressing is homemade and tasted great!

I got the Ragu Bolognese with meatballs (unnecessary because the sauce was SO meaty!)

We also made sure to stop at Tim Horton's for a double double..my favorite!

Beautiful sunrise over the lake at the start!

The race course was beautiful but brutal for me (it's completely flat and I'm used to tons of hills!).  Here I am at mile 12!  (Thanks to my mom for the picture!  Unfortunately Dan hurt his back and couldn't make it so my mom skipped a party she was supposed to attend and came with me!)

Finisher!!! My official time was 2:05:59.  It's a new PR, but I didn't hit my goals.  I'll talk more about what went wrong (and right) during my training and the actual race tomorrow!  The medal was great though! 
Linking up with Katie for MIMM!


  1. Congrats on the PR! I always thought running on a totally flat course would be the easiest, but when you're training on hills, your muscles are so used to the variation, the flat terrain can be even more difficult to cover. I'm looking forward to your recap! Hope you have a fab Monday : )

    1. Thank you! You described it perfectly. Definitely a lesson I learned the hard way :)

  2. Congrats on your PR! That pasta makes me reaaallllyy want pasta right now. It looks awesome!!

    1. Thank you so much! And it was great..and I still have leftovers :)

  3. Congratulations on your PR, but I'm sorry you missed your goal for the race. I look forward to reading your detailed race report!

    Also, you make mile 12 of a half marathon look so relaxing and easy. I'm pretty sure I am about dying at that point!

    1. Thank you! My goals were probably a bit ambitious for this point, but I know I can get it next time :) and thank you so much- but the sunglasses were hiding my pain and tears!

  4. Congrats on a new PR, looking forward to hearing more about it

  5. Congrats on the PR!! I agree, this weekend was short! Too short! :)

    1. Thanks Jenny! It was a beautiful weekend at least :)

  6. Congratulations on finishing the race with a PR. Even if you didn't meet your goals, I'm still very impressed :)

    1. Thanks Lauren! Sometimes I just have to be happy with finishing :)

  7. Hey, do you guys have Tim Hortons in the States now or did you travel up north for the race? I LOVE the ceiling in that restaurant. Congratulations on the race. Looking forward to reading about it soon!

    1. Some areas have them, like northern PA and new York. I wish we had them in pittsburgh..they have the best coffee!

  8. Congrats on getting a PR even when it was brutal for you. You are such an inspiration! I can't wait for all the details!

    1. Thank you so much Jennifer..that means a lot to hear that :) you inspire me as well!!

  9. Way to go on the new personal record! How do you manage to look so cute at mile twelve!!??
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  10. Congrats on the PR! I love the turtle shirt, so cute! I love watching the sunrise/set over the lake! I grew up in a small town about a half hour from there. My husband's whole family lives in Erie so we visit there pretty frequently.

    1. That's so cool! I love Erie and its only 2 hours away so I should go more often :)

  11. Great job on the PR! And that pasta looked really good.

  12. Congrats on the race! Can't wait to hear the recap. Even if you didn't hit your goals, you still finished and that's really an accomplishment we runners often overlook.

    1. Thank you, and you're exactly right! It's not like I could have won anyways, so I ended up with the same medal I would have gotten even if I hit my goals :-P

  13. Congrats on your PR. I love the ceiling of the restaurant you went too, the Ragu Bolognese looked so good!

    1. Thank you! I loved it as well..I want a ceiling like that in my future house!

  14. Congrats on the PR! I love the lighthouse medal. I can't wait to read your recap.

    1. Thank you! I love the lighthouse as well..so pretty!


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