Training Changes

Hello everyone!  The theme song today is Changes by Tupac (or David Bowie if that's more your speed).  I hope that you read my post on Paleo Running Momma yesterday, where I talked about what NOT to do while marathon training.  I mentioned what went wrong during the Biggest Loser Half a few weeks ago, and today I'll be talking about what changes I'm making for my next training cycle (which starts soon!).

New training plan 

I've only used Hal Higdon's training plan for my half and full marathons.  I don't really think it's worked for me for a few reasons, including too many junk miles (which I'll talk about below) and not enough variety.  By the end of the cycle, I was bored and unmotivated.  I decided to try a tougher training plan to really push myself and try to hit my goal time of 2 hours.  I actually found a plan to get sub-1:50 in the half, and will be modifying it a bit for myself.  I'll be breaking it down monthly and weekly when I start up and see what happens!

Less junk mileage

As I mentioned above, I think my previous training plan had too many junk miles.  If you're unfamiliar with the term, explains: "junk miles are the ones you run that don't produce a specific physiological benefit."  Looking back at my last training log, most of my runs were described as "ok" and my times didn't really improve much.  I wasn't running these easy, as recovery, or hard, to improve.  They just added mileage on to my week, and didn't really help to improve anything.  In my new plan, each run has a purpose, and I'll stick to the goal paces as much as possible.

More consistent cross training

Last cycle, I introduced cross training to my plan.  I think this really helped out and made me a stronger runner, specifically in my upper body.  I definitely want to continue this going forward, and be more consistent and strict with this.

No skimping on the long runs

I mentioned this in my guest post yesterday, and is definitely my biggest hurdle in training.  I'm just going to suck it up and do my long runs (each and every one of them!)  This alone should help improve my time drastically!

Better diet

In the past, I haven't really been serious about tracking food or making sure I have enough calories in a day.  I can definitely tell a difference in my performance based on what I eat the day before and the hours leading up to a run.  This time, I want to better track my food and make sure I'm eating enough, as well as figure out what works best for me as far as fueling goes.

Train on similar conditions as race

I mentioned before that I trained mostly in hilly areas (they don't call it Squirrel Hill for nothing) for a flat race.  I'm doing another relatively flat race in October and will change my long runs to a flat area.  This is also run on a crushed-stone path, and luckily one of the flattest areas in Pittsburgh is a crushed-stone path that goes beside the river!  I'll be on the lookout for my northside girls down there!

Race more 

I did do quite a few races during my last training cycle.  I want to continue that, but have the distances gradually increase (I mostly did 5k's last time).  The point is to see how my training is coming along and practice fueling, so I need to find some races to do!

What changes have you made to your training in the past?
What training plans do you follow?
How is your week going so far? 

Tuesdays on the Run 


  1. I like variety. In the summer I run with my USAFit group. I've done plans from, AMR, & others I've cobbled together on my own & they've all produced different results!

    I am a big believer in strength training. And yoga. And cross training. It's just really hard to get that all in!

    1. It sounds like you've tried it all! Which one has worked the best for you?

      I completely agree..I wish I had more time to fit in all the fun workouts that I love! I hate having to pick a few to focus on :(

  2. I have used the Galloway plan previously because that's all I knew of. Now I can almost confuse myself with all the options out there!

    1. You're not lying..there are TOO many options now! I've never tried Galloway but I heard it can work really well for some people!

  3. How about the Shrek 2 soundtrack Changes featuring David Bowie? That's fun to workout to... In the past, I used plans that I knew I could change up and did have variety. The main thing is I needed something that fit with my schedule, and that one seemed to work.

    1. I'll have to listen to that sometime! Customizing a plan is key and seems to work best for most people!

  4. I used to follow Hidgon's training plans as well, but I now have started combining what I have found works best with me into my own training plan. I agree that strength training definitely helps - I've been trying to get into plyo's to strenghten my fast twitch muscle fibers and to help increase muscle stability. I loved your post on Michele's blog yesterday - I think we're all guilty of making some of those mistakes! Hope you have a fabulous day : )

    1. Making my own plan was really fun and I'm interested to see how it works out! I hope that adding plyo's helps you..they're supposed to be fantastic for runners but that's a bit too intense for me right now! I'm glad that you liked the post..I loved yours as well!!

  5. Yeah, I used to log close to 100 miles per week but it was only when I started implementing speed work that I got my race times to go down. I used to run a LOT of miles, but most (all) of them felt like junk miles.

    1. That's so impressive! I can't even hit 100 miles in a month, let alone a week. Good thing to know that quantity is not the same as quality!

  6. I can totally relate to wanting to cross train more during my next training cycle (although, who knows when that will be! ;) ) I barely did any strength training before I ran my marathon and I totally regretted it come race day!

    1. Same here! It made a huge difference and I need to keep it up :)

  7. I haven't followed a specific training plan in the past but will agree that junk miles aren't worth running. I try to make my runs have purpose, even if their purpose is just to go slow and recover from the speed work the day before. It's really important and makes a positive difference.

    1. Completely agree! Most of my runs are just getting it done as of now, so I don't feel any better or worse afterwards. Definitely going to change that!

  8. I like Hal and his plans have gotten me safely through 4 marathons and a few half marathons, but I'm trying out Hansons this time. They are a high mileage plan, but every run is designed to either push you or help you recover, while keeping your legs tired.

    1. I'll have to check that one out! Sounds like it could work for me :) Good luck!

  9. I use to be terrified of racing during training for a marathon. My last full training I raced five times and did awesome, then ended with a marathon PR! It's one of those things we have to be ready mentally for. I know you'll hit your goal, you are so ready!

    1. That's great to hear! Thanks so much for the support girl :)

  10. I've been thinking about switching up my marathon training plan... for half marathons, I run 3 times a week, and for marathons, I've run 4 days a week - but I'm debating changing that to 3 also due to the same "junk mile" issue!

    1. That's an interesting idea! I hope it works out for whatever you choose to do :)

  11. I've always formed my own plan based very loosely on Hal Higdon's. But I admit I have trouble following a plan closely. But I am very good with the long weekly run and doing the appropriate mileage for that. I'll eagerly be following your next training cycle.

    1. Thank you! I'm the opposite and I'm not very good at the long weekly run..definitely going to work on that :)

  12. Sounds like you're making really smart changes. I'm excited to follow your training & hear how it goes. What is your October race? Buffalo Creek? I'll be doing that one--love it!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! It's actually the Towpath Half in Ohio!

  13. What really helped me was running with purpose. For example: Mondays were my track/speed workout days; Wednesdays were tempo runs; Friday were mid-distance slow days then a long run on Saturday. I like incorporating races into training-breaks up the monotony. Just be careful in racing too hard because after a hard race and then running 2 days later - your body will most likely feel it. Recovery is key. Excited to see how training goes!!! :)

    1. That's great to hear! I was really inspired by your BQ and how much you've improved, so I appreciate the advice. Thanks Sokphal!


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