Day in My Life - WIAW #3

Hello!  Happy Wednesday everyone :)

Today is going to be a bit of a different post, and I'm very excited to share it.  I love when other bloggers share a "day in the life" post, and I thought that would be a fun way to join the What I Ate (#WIAW) linkup as well.
If you haven't heard of #WIAW, check out this post that explains it.  Basically, I'll just be sharing what I ate for an entire day. 

I hope you enjoy seeing what I do on a typical work day, as well as a full day of eats.  Enjoy!

4:45 - Wake up, drink some water, brush my teeth and get changed for running.

5:00 - Leave the apartment and wait for for my Garmin to sync up, and take a Honey Stinger gel.  This was my first time trying Fruit Smoothie and it was delicious!

5:10 - Give up on my Garmin and just use it as a stopwatch.  Run to the track for my warmup, then run 8x200, with a 200 jog in between.  I have a few 5k's coming up in August so I have to get some speed back in my legs!

6:00 - Get back home, drink Tart Cherry Juice, eat a Kind Bar, wake up Selma and take her on a walk

6:15 - Shower, do the normal getting-ready-for-work thing and say goodbye to Dan.

7:00 - Grab my lunch and head out to catch my bus.  I checked my phone right as I was leaving and noticed messages from my work team.  Everyone was working from home, so I turned around and changed back into my pajamas.  Yay for flexible work arrangements!

7:10 - Turn on Sports Center (thank goodness Fire TV has an ESPN app!) and make some coffee. I'm obsessed with Tim Horton's coffee, but there are no stores in Pittsburgh.  Luckily they started selling K-Cups and I'm obsessed with the dark roast!

7:30 - Log in to work.  Today was a low-key day.  I had to dial in to a few meetings, and work on some reports for some upcoming presentations, but other than that it was an easy day.

9:00 - Starving again, so I had breakfast #2: whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, hard boiled egg, cheese, bacon and dill.  I was also thirsty so I got a big glass of milk.

11:00 - I have a meeting during lunch, so I take a break to take a walk to the store.  I had to pick up some ingredients for dinner tonight, and also picked up a KeVita Mojita, which was on sale (I also picked up Strawberry Acai Coconut).  It was really good and refreshing- perfect for the hot day!

12:45 - Grabbed some lunch during the meeting.  I heated up some frozen chicken, topped it with rootbeer barbeque sauce, and added a side of fresh corn salad.  I also finished off my bread and butter pickles from Picklesburg.  It's probably not healthy to eat a jar of pickles so quickly, but they were soooo good!

4:30 - Snacked on some almonds and drank a ton of water throughout the day, and now work is done!  Take Selma out for a walk and do my 10 minute declutter.

5:00 - Tried a new yoga video : Total Body Yoga which I found kind of boring and only lasted 15 minutes.  Better than nothing, right?

5:30 - Started to make dinner.  Tonight I'm making Belgian food for my monthly challenge. Does anyone else like to drink wine when cooking a big meal?  I like to have a glass of red wine and watch something on my iPad- makes cooking so much more fun and relaxing.

For dinner, we had Mussels, Frites with Sauce Andalouse and Honey Roasted Belgian Endives and Parsnips.  Not exactly summer food, but it tasted good!  I also had to bring out the Belgian beers (my favorite)!

7:00 - Dan, Selma and I take a walk to Frick Park.  It's such a nice day out, so it was great to walk in the trails.  We walked about a mile or two, then I took out my bike for a quick ride.  I'm still a little nervous riding it, so I'm trying to get out every day to get more comfortable.  Selma was worn out after the walk:

8:30 - Ice cream bar time!  I also have some coconut water and relax for the rest of the night.  Amy Schumer + craft project + foam rolling = perfect end to a busy day.

10:30 - Time for bed!!!

I hope you all enjoyed what goes on in my day.  Let me know a few highlights of your day so far, or something exciting that happened yesterday!


  1. I haven't tried the Kevita probiotic drink yet but saw it in the store the other day. I have to get it!

    1. I've always noticed it as well and it was so cheap so I had to pick some up. Definitely going to get more in the future!!

  2. Aww, selma is so cute! Yay for being able to work from home!

  3. I work from home on Fridays and it is the best thing ever! Pajamas for the win!

    1. Same here! I absolutely love it and feel so lucky to work at a place that allows that.

  4. Yes! I always love these posts. I guess this is why I love snapchat so much because it can be like a day-in-the life post but with pics and video. I am fascinated by the honey stinger energy gel? Interesting! I will be looking into those! And I'm so impressed that you get up and get a run AND walk the dog before work. One thing I did not see - when do you find time to blog?!?

    1. Same here Gina! These are the only gels I can have with running..they don't upset my stomach at all and taste so good. I don't really have a lot of time to blog, so I just take 10-15 minutes whenever I can throughout the day! Usually that works, and then I plan a lot of posts on the weekend. It's a nice break from my regular work during the day :)

  5. Yes I may drink wine while I'm cooking. And if it's in the recipe, I have to try out the wine first ;-)

    1. Oh, of course! You want to make sure it tastes good :)

  6. Wow, you get up early! I've been getting my runs in early lately but I don't think I could do track work this early. I like these days in the life of posts. So fascinating!

    1. I actually don't even mind it any body seems to do better with around 6 hours of sleep so this works perfectly for me! It's also so relaxing to run before work so I just suck it up :) I would love to see what a day in your life looks like!

  7. why do you give up on your garmin? does it stop working or something? ruh-roh. you get up so early! i need to get up earlier. i love those kind bars, so good.

    1. Oops I should have explained that! Sorry! Some days it takes my watch a really long time to sync up, so if I get impatient I'll just shut it off. Other days it starts right up, even though I always start it in the same place..doesn't make sense...

  8. LOVE day in the life posts... also that picture of Selma is priceless... Haha. That is exactly how I feel after a long day at work!

    1. Haha thanks! She has the weirdest sleeping always cracks me up when I look up and see how she's lying.

  9. I love this post! That was cool feeling like I kind of tagged along with you through your day. :) Oh, and I also LOVE Tim Hortons. I swear one of the reasons I enjoy going to Oglebay with my family is the fact that there is a TH right before you head into the park. I have to stop there every single time!

    1. TH is the best!!! I would be so excited if they put one in Pittsburgh. I would just forward all of my paychecks to them.

  10. Watch at picture of funny! You are one busy gal.

  11. I haven't tried that flavor of Honey Stingers, looks yummy!

    1. They're so good! Honey Stingers are the best :)

  12. I love day in the life posts too & loved this! Our mornings are very similar, except django's dog walk is longer (30-45 minutes) because that's his main walk of the day since it's cool out. In the evenings he can only walk for 10-15 minutes because it's so hot. We're also similar in that I also work from home once a week. I LOVE that pic of Selma! So cute!

    1. I'm glad Selma doesn't need a long walk in the morning! I'm always half asleep and so is as soon as she does her business she just wants her breakfast. Nice and easy!

  13. Mm I love me some bagels. And those KIND squares are crucial for quick snacks at work!

  14. Tha bagel looks so so good! I love smoked salmon and cream cheese as well - I think I know what my next lunch will be! I love your dinner themes as well. That beer is one of my favourites, too. :)


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