Real Neat Blog Award Survey

I absolutely love doing surveys, and I was so happy when Jamie tagged me to do this one!  I loved reading her answers to the questions, and I can't wait to see how everyone else answers.   I'll be joining in the Thinking Out Loud fun today as usual- now let's get to the questions!

The rules are:
1) Put the award logo on your blog.
2) Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
3) Thank the person who nominated you, linking to their blog.
4) Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
5) Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

1.)  If you weren’t happy with yesterday, what would you do to change it?
Honestly, yesterday was a great day!  I got in all of my workouts and got to work from home, plus had some amazing food.  You can read about my day here, but there's not much I would change about it to be honest!  Maybe if Dan was home all day that would make it better.
Dan + Selma..what more could I need?!

2.)  What is your favorite book?
I've read a lot of books in my life, and I really can't think of any that stick out to me as a favorite.  I'm currently reading Lopez Lomong's autobiography and I can honestly say it's the first book that has impacted my life and how I see things.  I'll be dedicating a post to the book because it's so incredible.  I also tweeted about it, and Lopez responded which was cool!

3.)  What has been your biggest success and your biggest challenge?
Biggest Success: Making the Blue Band my freshman year!  I can't imagine my life if I never joined.  Not only did I meet the best people who are still great friends, but I also met Dan!  It's pretty competitive to get in the band, so I still think that it was a fluke that I made it in.  Definitely one of my proudest moments.
My first game as a member of the Blue Band!
Biggest Challenge: Being sensitive.  I am not a very emotional person, so it's hard for me to understand other people's emotions and can be really harsh and uncaring. 

4.)  What does your perfect day look like? (April 25th is void… ;)
Spending time traveling a new city in a new country, preferably surrounded by water, with Dan and Selma.  Great food should be involved too, and the weather should be partly sunny and in the 70s. 
I wouldn't mind re-living this day!

5.)  What is your favorite memory?
All of my trips out of the countries are my favorite and strongest memories.  I can still picture being in Switzerland hiking up to our little hotel:

or seeing the Trevi Fountain for the first time:

I guess I should say my favorite memory is from Dan proposing.  Whoops!

6.)  What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
I'm not really afraid to try anything once, but I don't really consider anything that I've tried "crazy".  Some people consider me crazy for running marathons, but I would say my adventure trip to Costa Rica was full of crazy things (by the way, I'll be writing a post about my trip sometime soon.  It was so much fun and I want to re-live it!)

White Water Rafting

Zip-lining through the jungle with no hands (the instructors called this "pollo loco"- crazy chicken)

7.)  If your life were a movie title, what would it be?
That would be a very boring movie... but I would have to go with my blog name and say "GretchRuns"!  Yeah, I wouldn't see it either ;)

8.)  If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?
I love to travel and experience new things and cultures, so I would love the opportunity to travel for my job!  I've always been a fan of Rick Steves and it would be a dream come true to have travel guides published or a TV series where I just get to travel the world.  That would be unbelievable!

I tag…
HoHo Runs

I also tag YOU!  Answer some questions below..I'd love to hear your answers!


  1. I've never heard of that book but will look into it! I love a good autobiography. I can definitely tell how much you love to travel, and I think you'd be a great travel writer because I love your travel posts. And I think zip lining with no hands definitely counts as crazy, lol!

    1. Thank you so much Jennifer! That's such a nice thing to say :) I hope you'll do the survey! i would love to see your responses.

  2. I love white water rafting!!!! And your pics from your trip make me want to go to all the places you have been. I will do this later today, I need to think of my answers.. Lol

  3. Haha love this! And the Trevi fountain is a must see for me :)

    1. It's incredible!! I hope you get to see it some don't do it justice.

  4. Love the April 25th reference :)

  5. I love the surveys too! You learn so much about other bloggers. Thanks for the tag! I'll have to give my post some serious thought. It's so cool you were a member of the Blue Band!

  6. What a fun survey. I would love to go white water rafting!!

    1. I would love to see your responses to the survey Katie! And you should definitely try WWR at least's so fun!

  7. Well, I had no idea you were a fellow Penn Stater! I'm not all about college pride so I never really mention it. That's really cool you were in their band I know how competitive it is!

    1. That's so cool! It's such a small world..I've heard a statistic like 1 in 10 college graduates in America went to Penn State. That's amazing! Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Love learning random facts about bloggers :D And I'm -so- jealous that you got to hike in Switzerland! Going there is definitely on my bucket list, and I love the idea of a cozy hotel up in the mountains.

    1. Oh my gosh would love it. It's SO unreal. I didn't even know a place like that could exist! You have to go sometime.

  9. Yay PSU! Jealous of all your traveling, one day I'd love to experience some of that :)

    1. Whoo hoo!! We Are! Traveling is definitely something I'm thankful I get to do. I wish everyone had the opportunity!

  10. Oh so cool! I'd totally watch your movie. I need to check out that book. I love inspirational real life stories. My favourite book ever is Shantaram. It's based on a true story which is good enough for me. THAT is an incredible book.

    1. Aw thank you Suzy! You might be the only one ;) I'll have to look that book up!

  11. I always enjoy reading facts about different bloggers. It's fun to see what others are enjoying. Thanks for sharing and Switzerland? That is amazing!

    1. Thanks Hollie! I would love to see you do the survey :)

  12. Wow, your travel pictures are amazing! I would LOVE to get paid to travel the world and write about it.

    1. Thank you! And yes, wouldn't that be amazing?? Dream job!

  13. Thanks for tagging me! What a fun survey!

    I just LOVE seeing all of your travel photos!

  14. Sunny and 70's sounds perfect for me, too! OOOH you are BOLD for going white water rafting. I'm too chicken!

    1. It's so much fun! I love everything having to do with water, so I was all in :) I've actually done it a few times and have never fallen in!

  15. thanks for the tag girl! i honestly couldn't think of a few answers for some of these, but i'll try! i am so jealous you saw the trevi fountain all fountainy and actually working lol


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