Upcoming Races, Training, and Goals

Hi everyone!  Happy Tuesday! For today's Tuesdays on the Run linkup, I'll be talking about some fun races that I have coming up.  As always, you can keep up-to-date on my race schedule by checking out my Races page, but I thought it would be useful to go in-depth with four races.  I always love to hear about people's goals and training plans for races, so I wanted to share mine today!

Race: Brookline Breeze 5k: August 8th

This is a local race that I have never done before, but have always heard good things about.  It's supposed to be a tough, hilly course (my favorite!) so I think I could do well in this race.

Goal: 23:59.  My fastest 5k of the year was the Riverview 5k, where I finished in 24:37.  That's another hilly race that I didn't plan on "racing", so I think I could beat that time!

Training: I based my training on the Hal Higdon Advanced 5k Plan.  I started the plan late, so I'm just doing the first four weeks on the plan (with my race being the "5k Test" day in the plan).  I like how much speed work is in this plan, while also adding a long run on the weekend.  This is the first time I've specifically trained for a 5k in years, so I'm interested to see if this makes a difference.

Race: Run Around the Square 5k: August 23rd

I absolutely love this race, and convinced Dan to run with me this year!  The course starts out on the streets in Regeant Square, then enters Frick Park for a trail portion.  It's a lot of fun and the party afterwards is worth the entry fee alone.

Goal: Have fun with Dan.  He wants a new PR (29:59) so I'll try to help him reach that.  I'm still trying to convince him that running is fun, though, so hopefully he'll enjoy this race as much as I do!

Training: I'll continue with the Hal Higdon plan after the Brookline Breeze.  This should help to build a nice base for half marathon training!

Race: Towpath Half Marathon: October 11th

This race is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous!  This will be my goal race, and I'm really excited to try again to break 2 hours.  There are two trail races that I'll be doing between the Run Around the Square and the half that should serve as good training races as well.

Goal: BREAK 2 HOURS!!!  My current PR is 2:05:59, so anything under that would also be acceptable.

Training: Training starts on August 10, and I'll go more in-depth about my training then!  It will be based on a completely different plan than I'm used to running, and is a lot more aggressive.  I'm excited for the challenge though!

Race: Pittsburgh 10 Miler: October 25th

This is my favorite Pittsburgh race!  It's one of the newer races, but it's always been organized really well and I love the course.  It's always been a lot of fun for me to run, and I'm hoping I improve my time every year!  If you're looking for a great fall race- this is the one to do.
Goal: 1:25:00.  Last year I broke one and a half hours, and I think I can take even more time off this year!  I would be thrilled if I could get under 1:20, but that might be too much of a stretch this year!

Training: Since this is so close to the half marathon, I'll just do a few runs in between the races.  I don't want to get injured by keeping the intensity up, so it will be a long taper between races.  If anyone has suggestions on how to handle this I would love to hear it!

There is also a free training program for the 10 Miler offered by True Runner!  I'm thinking about joining just to stay accountable for two runs during the week.  If you want to learn more check out the website!

What races do you have coming up?  
What has been your favorite/most successful training plan?
Are you running any of these races?


  1. I have a virtual race in September and a 5k road race in October. It feels good to train, but August is coming and that's when I usually down grade a little bit with running.

    1. Sounds great! I've never done a virtual race but I've heard great things about them. Good luck!

  2. ahh so many good races! I really wish we had more races around here. I might have a look, because races are such fun and are good training for the bigger races. can't wait to read your training plan for the half! good luck to both of us :)

    1. I love doing smaller races! Better chance of getting an age group award too :) I hope we can both break 2 hours!

  3. Oh, these are some great races and goals! I broke 1:30 in the half a few years ago and haven't been able to since. I think I need to follow your training a little more closely and take some pointers!

    1. That's amazing Suzy! I think I need to take some pointers from you..not the other way around!

  4. As far as the taper in between the Towpath half and the EQT 10 miler...I ran 2 full marathons 2 weeks apart a few years back, first of all, what a terrible idea that was...second, I've since done something similar with shorter distances, the key for me was taking off or just doing some yoga/walking through about Wednesday, then doing some short-ish runs, 3-5 miles or so, easy pace, with a long run on that weekend in between, maybe 8-10 miles, depending on how you feel. I felt fine with no speed work or anything more difficult than an easy pace run. I figured I wasn't going to get more fit in 2 weeks so pushing myself wasn't worth it.

    Good luck! I live in Pittsburgh also, I've thought about the Brookline Breeze race, I spent several years living there, but I've got my eye on the Buffalo Creek Half in October, and Mighty Moraine Tri towards the end of September (my first!). So plenty to train for. And I'll be heading to DC for Ragnar (a 2 day running relay) again this fall! Can't wait.

    1. Thank you so much for the suggestions! That sounds like a great plan. I don't think I could do back to back marathons like that! Thank goodness these are both shorter. You should definitely do the Breeze! It should be lots of fun. I know a ton of people doing the Buffalo Creek half and regret not signing up this year! I'll have to check out the recaps and decide if I'll do it next year :) Good luck to you!

  5. I don't know when my next race is! I am trying to figure it out for September/October. Ugh, it's so annoying for me. I am looking at a possible half September 13 or maybe a 10K the week after.

    1. It's so funny how some people plan out races years in advance, and other sign up days before a race. I'm somewhere in between and like to do a few months ahead of time. I'm hoping by September it will cool down a bit and be easier for racing!

  6. I really need to race a 5k at some point! I keep putting it off and it's been years now. Looks like some great races on your schedule!

    1. 5ks are so much fun! I would love to see how you would train for one..I bet you would do an amazing job :) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I think it's so cool that you have these races all planned out and goals set! It just seems like a great way to make the most of your training and of life! I obviously don't run, but I'm big on goal setting in general just to make it feel like I'm accomplishing something in life! Can't wait to hear if you beat your under 2 hours goal!

    1. I love following your fitness as well Gina! You do some crazy workouts :) I love how many different options there are so everyone can find an activity they enjoy!

  8. If your best 5k from earlier this year is a soft PR (as in, not an actual race effort), I think you would have no problem with shaving 40s or so off of your time. But, 4 weeks really isn't long enough of a training period to make any speed gains. From what I've read, it takes 10-14 days for training stresses to translate into a fitness gain. So with 4 weeks until the race, you really are only getting 2-3 weeks of training.

    If it were up to me (and obviously, it isn't so you do what you think is best, because I'm definitely not an expert!), I would spend now through august 10th working on increasing your weekly mileage so that you are set up to start a higher mileage half marathon training plan.

    But regardless, I look forward to following your training and I bet you'll be setting all sorts of PRs this fall!

    1. Thank you for the input Heather! Just to clarify, I wasn't really starting from scratch on my 5k plan. I've been running all along (around 15-20 miles a week) and started to follow the plan that I linked. I really like this plan because it's higher mileage than I would normally run before a half marathon training cycle starts, so I'll already be around the 25-30 MPW range by the time I start the half plan.

      I hope that makes more sense, but thank you as always for your suggestions and help! I'll definitely take that into consideration. You're definitely a big inspiration for me in the 5k!

    2. Aw, thanks, Gretch! *blushes*

      I just didn't want you to get all hyped about the 5k only to realize that there just wasn't enough time to prepare (learn from my mistakes! 6 weeks was not enough time to switch from 5k racing to halfs!). But it sounds like your plan will get you to the perfect spot to start chasing down that sub 2 half!!

  9. I'm excited to hear how these races go! I especially can't wait for the October half! I bet you crush your goal! I think I told you that RATS was my first race and while I'd love to run it again, I just don't do well in hot weather races. I might do the 10-miler as a fun run since I missed out in it the last 2 years. I did a 5k training plan for JASR in 2014, and I do think that really helped. I really want to train for either a 5k or 10k after my half since speed is my weakness.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I'm really excited as well. I've never felt this good before, so it has to end well, right? I hope you get to do the 10 miler this year! It's so much fun and you would love it!

  10. I did not know Pittsburgh had a 10 miler! I will have to check that one out. I registered for the Pittsburgh Great Race (5k). It is my first race so I am pretty excited!

    1. That's awesome!! The Great Race is a good choice for a first race. I highly recommend the 10 miler!

  11. I'm considering doing a 10k in September, but otherwise don't have any race plans until October 11 - the same day as your half marathon! I'm planning to run the Victoria marathon if I manage to get through summer training uninjured. Otherwise, I will drop down to the half marathon or just go and cheer since I have always wanted to visit Victoria, BC. :)

    1. That sounds like it would be a great race! I would love to run a race in Canada some time (maybe Seawheeze next year!) and hope you stay uninjured!

  12. Awesome goals!! GOOD LUCK! I can't wait to follow along and see how you crush these goals!!
    I really want to TRAIN for a 5K at some, and not just wing it. I'm really curious to see what I'm capable of!

    1. Thanks girl! I would love to see you train for a 5k. It's tough but really fun!

  13. A hilly 5K sounds rough, hehe. Love reading about your goals. Looking forward to updates along the way!

    1. Unfortunately hills are unavoidable in Pittsburgh :( Thanks for following along!

  14. We will have to have a couple of beers at run around the square, that is my favorite race!!! Not the course so much but the after party, lol

    1. Definitely! I convinced my whole family to come and volunteer so I'll be at the party for a while :) can't wait!!

  15. You go girl! My favorite training plan is the Nike+, which I am using now! I have tried Hal Higdon, but it wasn't as great for me as Nike+! My next planned race is the Chicago Marathon in October, but I'd like to squeeze one or two in before then!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion..I'll definitely check that out! Chicago will be so much fun..can't wait to see how you like it!

  16. i haven' committed to any more 5Ks this summer, but if I decide to do any - those are the two I would do. I have some friends running the full Towpath marathon. I didn't even know the half was an option....interesting. I may look into that. Breaking two hours is an awesome goal! you can do it!

    1. That would be awesome! I'm really excited for both races. I can't wait for the half either..hoping that good things happen this time :)

  17. I have great faith. With all of the heat and conditions that you deal with on a daily basis, you will be set for an easy fall SPRINT

    1. Thank you so much Susie! That means a lot coming from you :)

  18. Wow, look at all the races you have ahead - very fun! I would love to find a race to do in Seattle. Great way to explore!

    1. I love signing up for races all the time! Very addicting. I hope you can find some good ones!


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