Pinterest-Perfect Day

Happy Thursday everyone!  Today is a great day, because I'm joining in Anne's Pin to Present Linkup!  I have a fun post planned for today- one that I've been wanting to do for a while. What if we tried to live a Pinterest-Perfect day?  What would that look like and what would we think about it?  I wanted to find out!  Since I'll be trying something new out, of course I'm linking up with Jess!

You'll see in my post today that I had a few things out of the ordinary happen, so I wasn't able to completely pin-ify (did I just make that term up?) my day.  I did try out a few pins which I'll discuss.  I hope you enjoy a look into a day in my life, as well as see a few Pins in the Present!  Make sure you check out Anne's post for more Pinsperation, and check out Amanda to see what other people are thinking about today!

6:00 Wakeup and take Selma for a walk

6:15 Morning yoga sequence. I usually don't stretch or do yoga in the morning, so this felt great!
This particular set was nice and easy and only took around 10 minutes.  I really liked the stretches and thought it was the perfect way to start the day!
6:25 Shower
6:35 Overnight oats - the typical Pinterest breakfast! I followed a recipe for Almond Joy oatmeal and it tasted really good. This version didn't call for chia seeds, and turned out really good and creamy.
After eating breakfast, I quickly got ready for work.  I was planning on trying out an outfit/makeup/hair pin, but I had to wear comfortable, old clothes (you'll see why in a minute!)
7:10 Catch my bus for work!
7:30 Log in at work, check emails, set my Out Of Office status for the day. My work allows employees to volunteer up to 40 hours a year during the work day,  and today my team was volunteering at a local girls' shelter!  Within a year, my team volunteered over 100 hours at this particular shelter, so we won them a grant.  Today we were able to present the grant, which was an amazing, gratifying experience!  One of many reasons why I love where I work.

8:30 Leave work to head to the girls' shelter.  On the way, I stopped for a caramel latte and walked through a park.  Great start to my morning!

9:00 Super busy as soon as we arrive.  Since school is starting next week, we put together school supply bundles with items that my work donated. Does anyone else start missing school when all the supplies are out in Target and Walmart?  I miss college!

11:30 Lunch break!  We stopped by the Humane Society to check out the food truck that was there (every Wednesday a different food truck stops by).  Today, it was Oh My Grill, which serves gourmet grilled cheese.  I had one that had gouda, caramelized onions and bacon.  SO GOOD!  Of course, we also had to stop inside and play with some of the dogs!

12:30 Head back to the shelter to get back to work.  We finished packing up our little bundles, then moved on to cleaning some of the rooms before the girls get there.  I also got to create new signs for the building which was fun!

3:30 Time to leave!  I was originally planning on going to the Humane Society to walk more dogs, but I am beat from the day.  I head home instead to walk Selma, have a snack, and work on this post! I also cook some chicken for dinner. I just brown a few tenderloins and shread it for a pinned recipe!

6:00 Leave for Run Club.  I recently joined the Pittsburgh 10 Miler training group, which meets for speed work on Wednesdays. Today's run was Hill repeats- specifically 12 repeats at schenley park. Really tough workout but a lot of fun running with the group! 

7:30 Get home and eat dinner. It was a super simple meal- general tsao chicken wraps. They turned out really great and I added avocado for extra creaminess and fat. I also drank my alpha amino drink for recovery and watched some tennis! 

8:00 Shower #2 of the day.

8:15 Get together my lunch for Thursday, pick out an outfit and lay out my running clothes. My plan is to run before work, so I use to have everything ready to go!

9:00 Take out Selma for the last time and finish this post while watching more tennis matches. I'm SO excited for the US Open to start!! 

9:30 Head to bed, exhausted. Get ready to do it all again tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed a look at my day! It was fun to try out a few pins throughout my day. Next time I try this, I'll also attempt a makeup/hair pin as well as recreate an outfit. 

Have you ever tried a pin-perfect day?
What is your favorite recent Pin?


  1. Very cool that your work allows you to do volunteer work during working hours. What an awesome idea!

    Pin I've been loving lately: I want to try it with a shortbread crust instead of oreo so that it will be like a twix bar. Twix bars are my husband's favorite candy bar, so I'm probably going to make them for his birthday in September (but shhh! don't tell him!).

    1. PS Totally pinning those overnight oats recipes. I haven't tried overnight oats before, but the PB&J one sounds pretty tasty.

    2. I'll have to check that out! Sounds absolutely amazing, and I bet your husband would love that for his birthday! Great idea :)

  2. Love this post! I have to try some of those overnight oats recipes. And that's really cool that you get to do volunteer work during your work day! I haven't really been on Pinterest since I started an account, unfortunately. I love the idea of discovering new things on it, but I never feel like I have the time for it. :(

    1. I spend way too much time on Pinterest! It's a great way to pass time (waiting at the doctors', commercial break, cooking). I make some many things based off it!

  3. My body feels like it needs to do some yoga today. I'm going to try your routine with some other poses thrown in.

  4. I love that your job allows you to volunteer! I think that's totally awesome! I've never tried a pin-perfect day but I just might have to :) Hope you have a fabulous day !!!

    1. That's one of the main reasons I chose to work here..they're an amazing company who makes a huge impact in the community. I love it!

  5. Sounds like an awesome day! :) I haven't made overnight oats in may be time to start doing it again! I also had NO idea the humane society had food truck Wednesdays. Do you know if it's just lunch hours or are they also there in the evening?

    1. It's only lunch hours unfortunately...I believe it runs from 11:30-1:30?

  6. What a full day! You're such a positive person and I can feel it through your posts. Those chicken wraps look great. I always get frustrated with the lettuce though because they always break and my food goes everywhere. I usually just eat it with a fork!

    1. Thank you so much Suzy!! That makes me really happy to hear. I try to keep my blog full of positivity so I'm glad that it comes through! The wrap was so good, although I have to admit I used regular wraps instead of lettuce. Whoops!

  7. Ohhhh Pinterest, how I love and hate you. Love for all your inspiration and ideas, but hate how much time you steal from me lol. Seriously... how did we used to get by without it?!

  8. Oh My Grill looks deliiiicious. We have a truck out here just called the Grilled Cheese Truck (i think?) and it is so dang good. mmm grilled cheese... now I want one hahah

    1. It was so good! Makes me want to try some out at home :)

  9. Sounds like a busy day!

    Really cool that your work allows you to volunteer. There are so many events that I would love to volunteer at - but are during the week :-(

    1. I know what you mean! It's really great that they support it and I'm always sure to get in my hours :)

  10. Oh. Em. Gee. Can you send me one of those gouda/grilled onion sandwiches?? That sounds amazing! I could also go for a caramel latte right now but it would have to be iced! What a fun concept for a post!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. It was so good! I have to figure out how to make it at home. Glad you liked this!

  11. Yummmm, that grilled cheese sandwich sounds amazing! Your company sounds like a great place to work - what a cool opportunity to get to volunteer. It's not only gratifying, but also a fun and meaningful way to bond with your coworkers. I will admit that I'm really impressed by your 9:30PM bedtime. I'm lucky if I get in bed before midnight. Definitely need to work on that!

    1. It definitely changes day by I was just really tired and had to wake up early so I went to bed early! I found that since I got rid of cable I can go to bed a lot earlier because I do a ton more work during the day and I'm more productive. Back when I would watch TV I definitely had to stay up late to get everything done.

  12. Fun day!! Look at all those overnight oats combos :) *drool*. Thanks so much for linking up, my friend!

    1. Thank you for hosting Jess! This was such a fun post to make :)

  13. Haha having a "pinterest-perfect" day is such a fun idea! I should try this. And you made me want grilled cheese, yours sounded amaaaazing.

  14. Love the concept of this post! I love pinterest, I am always pinning recipes! So nice of you that you volunteer, I think it's awesome.

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Please do another Pinterest day and share... and I may copy you :) The morning yoga is a pin I should definitely try out, and the dinner recipe sounds great too.

    Oh, and US Open tomorrow! My TV will be on for HOURS. Yay.

  16. This is such a fun idea--I love how your Pinterest Perfect day turned out! Even though I'm not an oatmeal eater, those overnight oats ideas sound so good I may just have to try them again. I'm sure my day would start better if I squeezed in some yoga as well!


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