MIMM - First Fall Weekend

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  Do anything exciting?  The weather in Pittsburgh was a bit chilly and dreary- perfect for pulling out those hoodies and taking care of chores and errands indoors.  I'm finally starting to believe that fall is around the corner, and I'm getting a bit excited!

Here are few highlights from my (kind of boring) weekend, with a sentence per picture.  Hope you all have a great week!

Happy Hour with Lynne at Independent Brewing Co - I got the Hitchhiker Brewing Dusseldorf Altbier.

Running errands on Saturday morning calls for breakfast from IHOP.

First ever pickling attempt- Citrus Pickled Bell Peppers!

Lots of sports action - PSU Football (WIN), PSU Women's Volleyball (WIN x 3), Mens and Womens US Open Finals!

Long run cool-down included a walk through Schenley Park and my favorite bridge!

Round one hanging paintings (bedroom)...

...round two hanging paintings (kitchen)...

...and round three hanging paintings (living room).

I hope you all have a fantastic week- I have a lot of exciting stuff happening and I can't wait to tell you all about it in my Top Five Friday post!

Give me your weekend highlights!
If you had to summarize your weekend into one sentence, what would it be?
What was the temperature this weekend wherever you were?

linking up with Erin and Katie!


  1. Did you do all those paintings yourself!? That's awesome! I had a triathlon Saturday morning and then basically took it easy the rest of the weekend since I'm traveling to Penn State, Pittsburgh, and then Nashville the next 3 weekends. Let us know how those peppers turn out!

    1. Dan did some of them as well! We do painting with a twist every once in a while. Sounds like you're going to be VERY busy...lucky girl going to Penn State! Are you going up for the game?

  2. We're getting hints of fall but we're now in the "feels like fall, gets hot, thunderstorms, feels like fall" pattern. I'm taking advantage of the weather though and I aired things out this weekend.

    1. I think we're in that pattern as well! The weather definitely can't make up its mind yet!

  3. It was a lot cooler here in Memphis. I got a lot done this weekend. I'm really excited to hear how your peppers turn out!! I hope you have a great week

    1. Thanks Heather! Glad to hear it cooled down in Memphis :)

  4. Well, I won a bobble head trophy yesterday! I'm not sure if this is just post-marathon starvation or what but that waffle and egg breakfast looks like heaven to me right now. I may have to go to IHOP for second breakfast.

    1. That is SO cool Suzy! You absolutely rocked that marathon :) Yay for IHOP!

  5. I'll live vicariously through your fall-like weekend :) 90's here. My summary: long run followed by nap and food recovery.

    1. Ugh sorry Emily! Wish I could send some cool weather to you :(

  6. ooohhhh waffles.... i want waffles!!


  7. Mm those peppers look like they're turning out well! It definitely started to feel more like fall here in VA, especially yesterday.

    1. They're delicious! Glad you're getting some cool weather!

  8. Did you paint some of the art you're hanging in the house? Looks great! The weather in Seattle was great on Saturday, but it's cooled down a lot in the past two days. Very typical, I think :)

    1. They're actually all painted by me (except for the one by the lamp, which was Dan). Glad you like them!

  9. I love the bridge :) Uneventful weekends are always good..time to get stuff done or just relax!


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