WIAW : Monday Day in the Life

It's been quite a while since I participated in the What I Ate Wednesday (#WIAW) linkup, and I wanted to share what my Monday looked like this week!  I love reading "day in the life" posts from other bloggers, and I hope you enjoy another look into my day.  Monday was quite a busy day, so I hope you like the pictures and seeing what my life is like during the week.

Check out the linkup to see what others are eating, or check out my previous WIAW posts here!

Day in the Life : October 26, 2015

6:30 - Wake up and attempt to get Selma awake.  She hates to wake up, so she always hides under the blankets when I turn on the lights.  Definitely not a morning dog, so I have to give her lots of hugs and cuddles before she'll go on her morning walk.  It was a chilly morning, but I got to see Venus/Mars/Jupiter in the sky.  Really cool!

6:45 - Feed Selma, get a quick shower and do other morning getting-ready things.  Thank goodness I packed lunch last night, so I can just grab it on my way out the door!

7:15 - Catch my bus and listen to an episode of "Happier with Gretchen Rubin".  Love listening to podcasts in the morning!

7:30 - Get to work (first one there) and see the beautiful sunrise and fog over the city.  I love working on a high floor because I get gorgeous views of Pittsburgh and the Allegheny River!

7:40 - Log in, make some coffee (McCafe Pumpkin Spice with Spiced Latte creamer) and eat a banana and granola bar.  First time trying one from the "sweet and spicy" line from Nature Valley and I love it!  I open up a blank page to start this post.  For those of you asking when I set aside time to blog- I don't!  I just write when I have a spare 5 minutes in my day, and then edit/finish posts when I get home.

8:00 - Work, work, work!  Nothing too exciting.  I listened to Pentatonix's new CD which kept things a bit more interesting!

11:30 - So hungry, so I grab my lunch.  I have avocado toast with a White Cheddar Laughing Cow cheese and hard boiled egg with a side of lentils and mushrooms.  I also made chamomile tea to sip during lunch!

12:00 - Take a walk down to the river.  It's a beautiful day - 50's and sunny - so I'm trying to enjoy the warm weather and take lunch walks while I can.  I get so tired of staring at a computer screen for hours on end, so I like taking a break to walk around.  Plus, I'm in a Workweek Hustle challenge on FitBit, so I have to get steps!

12:30 - Back to work.  I think this is the first day in a few months that I had no meetings scheduled the entire day.  I got a lot of work done and finally cleaned up my emails.  I had a bag of pretzels at my desk, so I snacked on those throughout the afternoon along with some more tea (peach this time)

3:45 - Change my clothes and head down to the Humane Society to walk dogs.  We got so many cuties in, including this little guy who's 9 months old and the biggest cuddler ever!  Just check out that overbite:

5:00 - Hurry to catch my bus and head home.  I listened to This American Life on the bus, and it made the time pass by really quickly!  Unfortunately there was a ton of traffic so it took longer than usual to get home.

6:00 - Home!! Take Selma out for a walk.  It's still beautiful out, so I take her on a longer walk.  Tons of people are out and want to pet her, and I discovered that she's afraid of fake spider webs.

6:20 - Cook dinner and feed Selma.  I made a bunch of random stuff to eat- roasted Japanese potatoes and broccoli, left over German Potato Salad and half of a salmon burger (so photogenic, right?).  I also had a glass of Chardonnay and caught up on some blog reading and finished Tuesday's post.

7:30 - Clean up and get changed for the gym!  I felt great after the race on Sunday, so I wanted to have an easy workout.  I decided to swim for a bit and run/walk on the treadmill to watch Dancing With the Stars (perks of gym membership- cable!)  One thing I don't miss about cable is how many commercials there are- but I got to flip between DWTS, The Voice and Monday Night Football.

8:45 - Home from the gym!  I was super thirsty, so I drank tons of water and some watermelon Nuun.  I think Grape is still my favorite flavor, but watermelon is a very close second.  I'm feeling pretty gross, so I take a shower.

9:30 - Take Selma for her last walk of the night, then settle in to watch the rest of the Ravens/Cardinals game while I finish with this post.  It ended up being an exciting game, so I stayed up until it was over - way past my bedtime!

What's your daily routine like?
Any other tea drinkers out there?  Favorite varieties?
What music do you listen to at work?

linking up with Momfessionals!


  1. I'm in Cleveland and I feel like my work routine and view is much like yours. I'm on the 9th floor and I get to look out over the whole city and on days when I'm lucky enough to go for a walk, there's the boardwalk and the river. It's so pretty.

    Happy WIAW and thanks for linking up.

    1. Cleveland is definitely really similar to Pittsburgh! Having a cube with a view is a huge perk! Thank you for hosting :)

  2. I love reading a day in the life posts too! It's just so funny to see the little differences in other people's routines. First of all, I love that you walk dogs after work and ride a bus. I went to private school and don't live in that big of a city so I've maybe ridden on a commercial bus like 5 times in my life. Is that sad?

    1. Not sad at all! You just have a different life and there's nothing wrong with that! I grew up in the city and work downtown so it's just easier and cheaper to get around on bus. It's pretty quick and I can get some work done or listen to music/podcast which is nice!

  3. You need to teach me your ways if you are able to put a post like this together in five minutes! I too love reading these "day in the life" posts. I also love checking out the scenery and views where you live/hike/work when you share them on Snapchat!

    1. Oops I wasn't really clear..I didn't mean I do it in 5 minutes- if I have a few free minutes in my day at work I'll put down a few sentences, so that usually happens throughout the day. Then when I get home I'll re-read everything to spell check, add in more stuff and pictures, then publish!

  4. BUSY DAY! Those views from your office are gorgeous though. I wish I could see out over the city. I'm really into lunchtime walks too. Luckily, my apartment isn't far from my office so I usually just walk home and back which is nice.

    1. Lunchtime walks are the best :) I used to live downtown and it was about two blocks from my office, so I would always go home. I miss that now, but it's nice to get around the city instead!

  5. THAT is a gorgeous view of the city/fog you've got there. My husband works for PNC :)

    1. Love the view :) PNC is the best!! What department is he in??

  6. I brew ice tea at home and bring it with me to work. My favorites are flavored black teas so it's not plain but I get the caffeine kick, and it's not sweet either. Once I finish it, I switch to water for the rest of the day.

    1. That's a great idea! I never bring a drink with me..I'm afraid of it falling over on the bus or spilling, and I'm always lazy about cleaning it out at work :(

  7. I love love LOVE these types of posts where we get to see what people do all day! I think I did one once and it was exhausting just reading about it. Hmm... maybe I'll do it again soon. Selma is afraid of fake spider webs? Me too.

    1. I would be so interested to see what your days are like!!

  8. I love Tazo Refresh tea. Perfectly minty and great for a sore throat. Low the city views, makes me miss working downtown Chicago although I don't miss all the crazy traffic.

    1. Ohh that sounds good! I haven't tried that but I'll look for it :)

  9. It sounds like you had a really productive day! I think it's hilarious that Selma hates getting up in the morning. Gus is the complete opposite...he's up between 5-6AM whining because he wants to eat. It drove us nuts over the weekend! Are you going to dress her up for Halloween?

    It's still a little too early...but Michael Buble's Christmas album was always on repeat at work during the holidays. I got major flak for listening to it nonstop :)

    1. She doesn't mind waking up, but she just wants to snuggle and not get out of bed :) She loves to cuddle! I don't think we're going to dress her up..mostly because we're not going anywhere! Are you dressing up Gus?

  10. Love tea but haven't had it in a while because it's been so hot. Bringing it back soon :) My dog is not a morning person (err..dog) either. He gets up but goes straight back to sleep on the couch.

  11. My puggle Charlie is the same as Selma - he hates getting up in the morning and just buries himself under all the blankets. I want to adopt that cute puppy from the Humane Society as well - I love rescue dogs. The view from your office is gorgeous!

  12. I've never heard of those sweet and spicy bars. Very interesting. I always want to do these day in the life posts, but I always get half way through the day and I'm like, oh, crap, I haven't written anything down in 4 hours. Or even better, i've sat around doing nothing for 4 hours, I don't want to tell people that.

    1. They were delicious! I completely understand about sitting around...doing these posts motivates me to be productive!

  13. oooh what a fun link up. i love seeing what other people eat.
    mushrooms and lentils? why have i never tried that?? yum! i also love the idea of putting the avo on toast with the laughing cheese thingys. i have never had one of those laughing cheese thingys because i never knew how i would eat them.
    i am totally a tea drinker.... but only english breakfast :)

    1. Same with the Laughing Cow! I love them but never know how to eat them....this was was delicious and I'll have it again tomorrow!

  14. My dog totally gets up for a treat in the morning then immediately runs back to bed while I get ready, lolololol
    That tea sounds REALLY good! I love peach flavored things!

    1. So cute!! I love peach flavor too..especially peach rings!

  15. your puppy is so cute cuddled up in the blankets!! what a phenomenal view you have, those clouds are so cool!!

    1. Isn't she adorable!! And the view is the best! Love it.

  16. oooo I don't know how you can workout after work!! If it's past 11am, there's no hope for me hehe.

    1. I used to only workout after work! I started running before occasionally, but if I go to the gym it's always after work :)

  17. Cute puppy Selma!!!! I am a runner too- i like strawberry/lemondae nuun!

    1. Thanks Tina! I haven't tried that flavor but I'll check it out! :)

  18. Oh my goodness! Gorgeous!! Your life looks like so much fun! We live in the NYC area and I just adore seeing other city people :-)
    -Erin (No Bohns About It)

    1. I'm glad you like it Erin!! Thanks for stopping by, and hello from another city dweller :)


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