Goop x Gretch [Affordable Gift Guide]

Tis the season- for holiday gift guides!  Within the next month, our inboxes and blog feeds are going to be inundated with guide after guide.  What to buy for the office best friend or running pal.  What to get for the person who has everything or your newly-grad cousin who has nothing.

One site that always comes out with tons of guides is Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop.  If you haven't heard of the website, it's an upper-class site full of expensive products, restaurant and travel suggestions, and tips for staying mindful and fashionable.

Each year, Goop releases extravagant gift guides for different types of people.  Their gift suggestions range anywhere from less than $50 to over $90,000 (would a trip to the moon be a stocking stuffer or...?).  This year, I decided to tackle three of their guides- the Wanderer, the Ridiculous (and Awesome), and the Dude- and try to find affordable options for a few gifts that I think are thoughtful and clever.   I hope you enjoy!

The Wanderer

Mini Backpack

Mini Backpacks are huge this year, and for good reason!  They're really handy for holding everything that a purse would, without the struggle.  I love the sleek look of the Loeffler Randall bag, and couldn't believe how similar the Zara bag was!

Goop: Loeffler Randall Mini Backpack ($395)
Gretch: Zara Backpack with Foldover Flap ($29.90)

Card Case

A few years ago, I traded my normal, huge wallet in for a card case.  It's so much easier to swap between bags, and slip into my pocket now.  Plus, it forces me to keep it clean!  I love the interesting print of the Valentino case, and the Marc Jacobs one has the same graphic impact for a fraction of the cost.

Goop: Valentino Camouflage Leather & Canvas Card Case ($195)
Gretch: Marc by Marc Jacobs Sophisticato Leopard Print Lina Card Case ($68.60)

Flight Kit

For the friend who travels a lot, I think this would be a great gift!  Sephora is always coming out with travel kits and amazing value packs.  This one is full of skin care goodies and would be perfect for travel.  I also love the idea of making your own travel kit- just get a quart bag and fill it with mini products, headphones, and an eye mask.  Done!

Goop: Goop Flight Pack ($185)
Gretch: Sephora Skin Wonderland ($68)

The Ridiculous (and Awesome) Gifts

Gold Nail Polish

Who wouldn't want a gift in gold?  While the Formula X nail polish doesn't come in a gorgeous bottle, the formula is absolutely terrific and one of my favorites.  Both of the polishes look very similar on the nails, so save some money and go the cheaper route!

Goop: Dior Diorific Vernis in State of Gold ($28)
Gretchen: Formula X in Temptation ($10.50)

Water Filter

Staying hydrated is always a good thing, and now you can give someone a stylish way to drink their water!  I love the modern look of the Soma pitchers (available at Target).  They're sleek and are SO much cheaper than the one recommended by Goop.  

Goop: Aquaovo Ruby Water Filter ($1,100)
Gretch: Soma Water Filter Carafe ($49.99)

Survival Kit

I actually love the idea of getting someone a survival kit.  This may not be the most romantic or fun gift, but it's very important and something that you might not think to buy for yourself.  Dan and I are actually in the process of putting together our own survival kit, and I'll be writing a post about this in the future.  With all the tragedies we see on a weekly basis now, it's a good idea to be prepared in case the worst happens.

Goop: Just One Eye Standard Survival Kit ($12,500)
Gretch: Emergency Zone Bug Out Bag ($119)

The Dude

Table Lamp

This is another non-romantic gift, but a really great idea!  I know that Dan always complains about there not being enough light in our apartment, so I think he would love getting a lamp.  I like the Target lamp so much- marble is really in style right now, but it's so basic that it will look great in any style living room or bedroom.

Goop: Paul Smith Desk Lamp ($240)
Gretch: Target Copper Desk Lamp ($50)

Perpetual Calendar

Calendars are always a great gift idea, and what's better than a clock that doesn't expire?  Perpetual clocks are so cool because they can be used year after year.  Both of these versions are really stylish and would look really cool in a cubical or home office.  I really like the cheaper version, and I know Dan would geek out about the engineering behind the design!

Goop: Formosa Wall Calendar ($275)
Gretch: MoMA Small Perpetual Calendar ($32)


No one really likes getting clothes for Christmas, but it's usually inevitable that you'll receive at least one sweater.  If your guy is anything like Dan, he wouldn't know the difference between a $20 and $200 sweater, and would be really upset if I spent that much on a single article of clothing.  LL Bean's clothes are such great quality and come with a lifetime warranty, so I know he would appreciate this sweater a lot.  It's such a basic style and color, and he can enjoy the softness of the cotton/cashmere blend.

Goop: Steven Alan Accent Sweater ($140)
Gretch: LL Bean Cotton Cashmere Sweater ($39.95)

I hope you all enjoyed this post!  It was fun to put together a gift guide and try to find cheaper alternatives to the suggestions from Goop.  Have fun shopping, but don't forget to join REI and #OptOutside on Black Friday (I know I will!)

Where do you usually look for the best gift guide?
Bloggers- are you making gift guides? Please link because I love to read them!

linking up with Amanda and Kels


  1. This is amazing especially because I have to buy somewhere around 10-15 gifts this year so who can spend a couple hundred or more on one thing? Luckily the men in my life are very outdoorsy so I can usually knock them out in one trip to REI and the girls can be taken care of at Nordstrom (rack). The perpetual calendar is so cool! My brother in law and boy friend would love that!

    1. Wow, quite the list you have! Yay for REI shopping! I just joined their Co-op..if you haven't yet and are planning on spending money there you might want to! It costs $20 (one time fee for life) and you get 10% of your purchases back each year! So, you could potentially make money by shopping :) I swear..I don't work for them, just love their movement and want to spread the love!!

  2. The gifts you chose (especially that mini backpack!) even LOOK better! Thank you for this!

    1. I'm so glad you think that! Thank you for stopping by:)

  3. I love this!!! And since I'm running short on some ideas for Will... I appreciate any and all help I can get :) I think I will potentially post my Christmas list at some point... but most likely not for another few weeks ! Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. So glad you liked this Jamie! I'd love to see your list!

  4. This comment just made my day!! Thank you Amanda :)

  5. i have to know what 1100 water filtered water tastes like lol. glad to know there are alternatives.

    1. I can't speak from experience, but I'm pretty sure it's still going to taste like water ;) so expensive!!

  6. I've never attempted to make a gift guide before. That water carafe looks interesting; I haven't seen anything like it before.

    1. I just use a Brita, but this one is so much more chic! Love it :)

  7. Oooooh a gift guide would be a splendid idea! I love this post, how you compared the different things and handed us more realistic ideas. I wish I could fly you over and put you in my pocket so I could take you shopping with me!

  8. Your list is way better than Goop's! My whole Christmas list comes from REI this year, although I also love Sephora's travel sets - always such a good deal!

    1. Thank you Laura! Yay for REI! Definitely hitting them up this winter.

  9. I love it! This is such a good guide!!! I actually don't seek them out, and don't make them myself. Maybe I should do both of those things, because I'm always excited when I see one...

    1. Thank you Leslie! I would love to see your guide if you end up making one :)

  10. This is the best! I seriously do not get Goop of their gift guide (there was a toothpaste squeezer this year? What?!) but I love your choices!

    1. Thank you Morgan! I had to laugh at the toothpaste squeezer..I almost included that and compared it to a 25 cent squeezer you can get on Amazon. Who needs a luxury toothpaste squeezer?!

  11. I think I made a gift guide for runners last year, I should check! I am forever in the market for a new handbag for myself (never see anything I want these days!) so hopefully I can find one to report to someone else to get me as a gift lol

  12. I have never heard of this site, although I wouldn't mind getting some gold nail polish!

  13. This is amazing, Gretch! WHY does Goop even recommend those things?!

    1. Who knows! I guess that's what the top 1% do for the holidays. Definitely not how I live!

  14. I like your list WAY better and I'm so over unrealistic wish lists. In this economy, WHO spends that much?!!?!?

    1. Thanks so much Pragati! I guess Gwyneth can afford it...and not many others!

  15. This is awesome! Clever idea and very well done. Love your picks! The prices on the goop picks are mind boggling to me.

  16. um i love this!! i hate gift idea posts that are like spend $200 on your boss. i'm like... no. and who needs a trip to the moon?! hahaha.


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