Story Behind the Pic #2

I'm joining Elle once again for the Story Behind the Pic linkup!  This is such a fun linkup where you get to talk about some random pictures on your phone.  Today I'll be sharing three, and I hope you'll join the linkup as well!

This weekend, Dan and I were supposed to meet up with some friends for rock climbing.  We woke up super early to go to the store, do our shopping and have some lunch before going.  Everything was fine until Dan tried to open a package of cheese and sliced his thumb!  He's fine now, but he said it hurt so badly and he was bleeding for a while, so Selma came over to comfort him.  She stood there for a while, then laid down and put her head in his lap until he was ok to get up.

Does anyone else have a dog like that?  One that always knows when something is wrong and just sits by your side until you're ok?  Selma always takes care of us, whether we're sick in bed or hurt or just feeling blue.  She's like a mind reader, therapist and nurse all in one!

One more note- does anyone go through periods of being really clumsy?  Lately, Dan's been tripping, dropping things, cutting himself accidentally, and breaking dishes.  He thinks he's going through a growth spurt!  Has anyone else had a period like this?  I'm hoping it'll end soon before he really gets hurt!

A few weeks ago, I went to the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at the Humane Society!  The dinner is always potluck style (which is why I brought the mini pies) and there's always a great selection of alcohol as well.  This year, someone brought a bunch of "Chateau La Paws" wine.  I have never heard of it before, but I loved the dogs on all the labels and the fact that they support no kill shelters!  The wine was also really good, so I'm going to look for it on my next trip to Wine and Spirits.

Who else loves going to the liquor store?  It might not be a big deal for those of you who don't live in Pennsylvania, but we have to go to a special state store to pick up wine or liquor.  I love to look at all the different bottle designs and labels.  It's always so inspiring to me to see how much work goes into the aesthetics of something so simple.  I never end up buying very much, but I just love going up and down the aisles looking at each bottle!

Remember when I shared some scary stories right before Halloween?  Well, Dan's story freaked out a member of my family (who shall not be named).  This was on the way up to Bradford for the weekend, and they were not very happy that I was stuck in a car with an alien demon!

I wanted to freak them out (aren't I nice?!), so when we stopped for breakfast at Sprague's and saw this spooky woman, I got a picture of Dan and sent it over.  The bright lights helped make it even spookier, and the person I texted was not too thrilled.

I hope you don't mind this short post today!  I have two really exciting posts coming up that are taking a lot of work- so today I wanted to keep it short and sweet!

What is your most recent picture of?  Any interesting stories?
Does your dog (or cat) have a sixth/sick sense as well?


  1. I'm so glad I clicked on here! I LOVE YOUR BLOG. You DO know that by now, right? I had a cat named Steps who would always know when I was crying. He was suuuuper fat. Like, 30 lb. Huge. And whenever he needed up on my bed, I'd have to lean over and haul his furry ass up onto the mattress but when I was crying, he'd channel his inner superpowers and jump up on his own, purr and lick my face. Animals are grace and love and healing in a furry package. Right? Right.

    1. You are so sweet Suzy! I had a feeling you liked it :) I love that story!! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I love going to the liquor store. Okay, that sounds awful. But I like it for the same reasons you do! I love to look at the wine labels.

    1. No judgement! I thought it might sound bad when I was explaining it, but I'm glad you get it. It's like an art museum for me!

  3. My sister's dog is absolutely the same way! She gets so protective when we are sick or hurting! And I seriously spend hours in the liquor store every weekend reading wine labels it's so sad. I usually end up helping customers and the worst part is employees have asked me where certain bottles are! This is what happens when you're born into the a family of wine snobs

    1. That's so funny! I bet you could help me out with my wine pairing. I just drink whatever looks prettiest :)

  4. My husband had a leg cramp yesterday & literally couldn't stand so he just laid on the floor. Our dog came & just laid down right next to him & kept trying to take his nose & nudge him to see if he was OK... it was precious. Animals know.

    1. That's so sweet!! I love hearing stories like that :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I definitely have periods of clumsiness! I have fallen THREE times this year! Prior to this year I can't remember the last time I fell!! I am definitely too old to be having a growth spurt so I don't know what it is. I think just bad luck for me. This was a fun post and I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve for later this week!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. That's so weird! Maybe the earth's gravitational pull is changing or something?! Who knows! Stay safe Gina!

  6. Aw, man! I almost bought that wine the other day and didn't because I hadn't heard anything about it. When I first moved to PA (from a state when it comes to anything alcoholic), I HATED Wine & Spirits and refused to go in. Now I don't mind as much, but I really miss being able to pick up a bottle of wine at the grocery store! I will say though, prices to drink out are much cheaper! :)

    1. I love going to other states and being able to do that as well! It always feels like I'm doing something illegal. One time I asked someone where we went to buy the beer and he said "umm...the register?" and looked at me like I was crazy!

  7. Really glad I'm not the only one who loves looking at everything in the liquor store. I didn't grow up in PA, so when I head home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, my friends know our hangouts will include a trip to the liquor store. My favorite is so big they have their own distillery on site!

    1. That's so funny! Love how that's a stop on your tour home :) That one sounds amazing...where is it?

    2. KY, near Cincinnati. They're working to make themselves a stop on the Bourbon Trail.

  8. Most recent picture is a super embarrassing selfie while I'm flexing showing Will that I actually lifted weights. It's a rare occurrence so I figured it needed to be documented.

    1. That's SO funny!! I would document that as well :)

  9. I had to have oral surgery when I was 4 because I knocked a tooth out. Our beagle became a good nurse dog when I was recovering that day and coming out of the sedative. Once she knew I was good to go, she became her ornery self.

    1. Sweet dog!! That's so funny how she turned like that. Selma's always sweet so this wasn't surprising!

  10. Selma is so sweet! My puggle Charlie always takes care of Ryan and I - he is the sweetest little thing. Whenever some is crying or hurt, he'll come over and lick their face and snuggle until they feel better. Dogs always seem to sense emotions and know just how to comfort.

    1. Dogs are the best!! I wonder what goes through their mind? "Owner hurt- must make better". Love it!

  11. This is such a fun idea for a link! The dog on the wine bottle looks just like one of mine! I'd have to buy it. My other dog (not the one on the bottle) is very intuitive like Selma. She's the smartest dog I've ever had. She can look into my soul with her beautiful brown eyes.

    1. Awww sounds like a sweet dog! I hope one day we can get Selma a little friend :)

  12. My dog always knows when something isn't right! I sometimes get really anxious and have even had a few panic attacks and Dixie always knows when I'm getting flustered. She walks really softly up to me and just snuggles me and melts my heart. I know she's acting different because she usually is running around and wanting to play, but she can always sense my emotions. Animals are amazing!

    1. I feel like I know Dixie from reading all your posts :) She sounds so sweet!! Animals (and dogs in particular) are the best!!

  13. Oh man, I know a few dogs who are like that... So glad to find new bloggers through the link ups!! Looking forward to read more from you! xo

    1. Thanks for stopping by Veronica!! Coming to check out your blog :)

  14. I am so glad you linked up, thank you!! loved reading about your pics. i swear pets just KNOW. i am drawn to packaging too on things. especially makeup. but i love the designs and fonts.

  15. Slicing open any skin is no fun...ouch!
    I don't have a dog, but I've heard many stories from friends about how intuitive they are :) can't wait to get one.


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