Top Five Friday #32

It's Friday already?!  What a quick week, but I can never complain about that.  I'm excited for the weekend and have a lot of fun things planned.  I'll also be posting on Saturday and Sunday, so I hope I'll see you back here this weekend!

Some weeks it's really tough to come up with favorites for the weeks, and then others I have too many to share.  This is definitely one of the latter weeks, so I hope you enjoy hearing about my new obsessions!

Trader Joe's Cocoa Truffles

Ok guys, this is kind of a problem.  I have always been obsessed with these types of truffles, and always buy a pack during the holiday season.  I had no idea that Trader Joe's stocked them, and they're really cheap (I believe it was only about $3 for a box of 30).  I keep them at my desk at work and find myself eating them way too often.  They're sooo good!

K9 Advantix 

This is both a love and a hate product.  Unfortunately, our poor Selma got some fleas last week and was absolutely miserable.  We ended up getting these drops thanks to a recommendation, and it worked SO well!  Selma immediately stopped scratching and all of her fleas completely disappeared.  Dan and I both felt like horrible pet owners, so now we're going to be extra-vigilant!  If you're looking for a flea product that works well, I highly recommend this one.  We also used a spray at home and washed all of our blankets and pillows, and vacuumed every surface.  Bye, bye fleas!

My Haircut!

In Bradford, I got my hair cut by Dan's aunt.  It was my first time going to her for a haircut, and she did an amazing job!  I just wanted a few inches off and some layers, and I love how it turned out.  If you happen to live near Bradford and need a haircut- check out Amy's Hair Cellar!

Boscia BB Cream


I'm still working my way through all the products in the Sephora Sun Safety Kit ( purchase ever!  GET ONE next year!) and just discovered this product.  I've always been a fan of BB Creams, and this is by far my favorite one I've ever tried!  It reminds me of an Asian BB that I tried before (Lioele Water Drop).  The texture is mousse-like and really hydrating, so it makes your skin look incredibly smooth and naturally flawless!  It also has "skin matching technology", so you don't have to worry about getting the right shade.  Love this stuff!

Happiness Project Update

It's been quite a while since I last did a happiness gold star and demerit, so I wanted to share some today!  First up is my gold star.  This week has been absolutely gorgeous, with weather in the upper 70's and sunny.  I've been taking advantage of this by going for walks at lunch time, not skipping any runs, and taking Selma for extra-long walks!  Who knows how long this nice weather will last, so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can!

My happiness demerit is putting off dish washing.  I've been doing a great job of hitting my goal of spending time each day de-cluttering, but for some reason I keep skipping dish washing!  It's getting really bad, and I'm running the dish washer much more frequently than I should.  I don't even hate washing dishes- I'm just being lazy!  Time to just get it done, and keep it under control in the future!


Target henley x Treasure and Bond jeans x Reebok sneakers

Express tank x Forever 21 blazer x Forever 21 jeans x Target flats

Target tee x American Eagle jeans x Target flats x Target necklace


Thousand Miles - Tove Lo 

I have a major thing for Tove Lo right now.  Her music is so interesting and addicting.  This song is really cool (that's the only way I can think to explain it..just COOL) and I can't stop listening!

Hey Baby - No Doubt  

Fun fact- No Doubt's Rock Steady was my very first CD that I ever owned!  I also bought the very first Now CD right around that time as well, so this song definitely brings me back.  I love Gwen, and how is it possible that she looks the exact same in that video and now!?

The Spirit of Radio - Rush

This is Dan's song of the week!  His favorite band is Rush, and he said that this is the song that inspired him to learn the guitar.  Even though he never learned the opening riff, he still loves listening to it, and so do I!

Avalanche - Nick Jonas ft Demi Lovato

Nick + Demi = power duo.  I love this song and think these two should collaborate 

Bailando - Enrique Iglesias

This is the song that's been making me bailar this week!  I always love a good Latin tune, and this one is really catchy and has a great beat.  I always prefer listening to the Spanish versions of Enrique's songs, and this one definitely delivers.  Esta canción es increíble ... !se escucha ahora!

Have a great weekend!  

Linking up with MarCynthia and Court 
as well as Heather!


  1. It's a good job I am no where near a Trader Joes otherwise I wouldn't be able to resist picking up a box of those truffles!
    Love the hair cut - looking pretty girl! Have a fab weekend! :-)

    1. They are SO good and addicting..I just know I'm going to pick up more next time I go. And thanks so much Jen! I appreciate that :) Hope you have a great weekend as well!

  2. My run late afternoon yesterday was so awesome because of the weather. Running in a tank + running skirt in November = priceless!

    Fleas are horrible. When we lived in TX it was bad; they can get itchy up here, but it's nowhere near as bad.

    1. It's such a weird feeling! I can't get over the weather feeling like summer, and it being so dark by 6PM. Weird times...

  3. There are too many products at Trader Joe's that can get me into trouble. At holiday time, I go crazy for all their peppermint chocolate choices. I've been using K9 Advantix for a long time on my Yorkie and we have never had trouble with fleas. Your dog should be in great shape now with the treatment.

    1. Same here! TJ's is dangerous around the holidays. Good to hear that it also works for your dog! Thanks for letting me know :)

  4. Oh man, sorry about the fleas!! My roommate's dog in college had them and we had the toughest time trying to get them out of place for good! But anything from Trader Joe's is the best...whenever I see their Pineapple Mango Salsa, I grab it!

    1. I'm hoping we won't be seeing those guys any time soon..they were NOT nice! YUMM to any kind of salsa they good!

  5. Omg take me for a haircut too! Your's looks great! I need one so badly. But I want to chop it OFF. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Susie!! I want to do something dramatic sometime..but I get nervous and end up with just a few inches off :/ I hope you have a great weekend and feel better soon!

  6. I absolutely love your hair cut!! haha and I love that k9 Advantix is on your top five, it made me laugh in my quiet cubical. This reminds me that I need a makeup lift... being a girl is hard.

    1. Thanks so much Margaret :) Yes..being a girl certainly is hard!!

  7. Ooh, look at you whipping out the Spanish! You're a woman of many talents, Gretchen! I will NOT be purchasing those truffles seeing as both my kids have giant stashes of Halloween candy still and I don't need any more temptations around!! LOL! Your new hair cut looks great, and it's really fun to see your outfits each week! So glad you are including that!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. I actually studied Spanish in college! I miss speaking it! And thank you for inspiring me to post pictures..I just have to figure out a better way to take the photos because I'm not happy with how these look!

  8. The family's cat got fleas when I was in high school. We had to chemical bomb the house after giving him a bath, then leave him in outside while the house was taken care of. That was the one and only time he got them.

    1. Ohh that does not sound fun! I didn't want to bomb the house and luckily it wasn't so bad so we could clean it ourselves.

  9. Your hair turned out super cute! I love that healthy feeling a fresh hair cut gives you! BUT I'm super lazy so I only feel it about twice a year, lol

    1. Thanks Amanda! That's about how often I get it cut as lazy!

  10. Great hair cut! I overdid those truffles once and I can't eat them anymore. :(( So sad. As usual, I can't wait to come back here later and download those songs! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

    1. Thanks Suzy! I always eat so many of those each year but I never get tired of them..maybe because I only have them once a year? Who knows!

  11. i love the boscia brand. its the only product i can use to help with breakouts. hello body im not a teenager anymore could you please stop with the acne!

    1. I'll have to try out more of their products! I'm in the same boat..never had breakouts until I was a senior in college. Isn't that when it's supposed to get better?

  12. aw your poor pup! glad to hear the fleas are gone!!

  13. You haircut and outfits are too adorable! Poor Selma - fleas are no fun but it sounds like you picked the right solution to get rid of them! I'll need to keep those drops in mind for Charlie - he had fleas last year and it was so rough for both us and the poor little guy.

    1. Thanks Laura! The drops worked really well and the vet said it's a great product to use!

  14. heyyy cute target flats ;)
    your hair looks AMAZING.
    i last got my hair cut in June, I'm getting it done next week and can't wait!
    oh trader joes. i need those truffles!
    i have been running the dishwasher more often than i should, but i figure it's okay if it's full-ish, lol.

    1. I'm so glad you suggested those flats because I seriously wear them every single day!

  15. ughhh fleas. We use K9 Advantix as well, and have never had a problem, except for one time when my MIL took him to the part and let him walk in tall grasses. It was took close to his needing the next dose, I think, so he got one tick, but it didn't bite just chilled, hahaha. If you ever get them again, though, I highly recommend regular old Dawn dish soap! When we found my kitten she was too little/young (probably 4 weeks?) for flea treatment but came to us with TONS. 2 Dawn dish soap baths and they were completely gone!

    1. That sounds horrible! Thank goodness you found the tick. I've heard great things about Dawn baths as well! I'll definitely keep that in mind when we run out of this product. MUCH cheaper!

  16. Your haircut looks great! We use K9 advantix on our lab every month!

    I must look into those truffles at TJ's!

  17. Love your music suggestions! Trying to pull together a good half marathon playlist for Sunday so this is perfect :)

    1. Can't wait to hear how it goes!! You probably already finished, so hope it went well :)


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