Training Report : 11/9 - 11/15

Another week of training is in the books!  I took it a little easier this week and didn't have any speed workouts.  I was having a little trouble with my piriformis muscle (aka a muscle deep in the buttocks if we're being all science-y).  This is a pain that I experienced during the Biggest Loser Half, so I knew that I had to take it slow and get in some icing and heat therapy.  I think my two days of speed work last week was too much- live and learn!

I also got in two days of cross training which is my goal for the month.  I went to a Zumba class and also did some yoga.  I finished the week with 26.2 miles (just had to do a little extra to make it to that distance!).  Here's a look at my week:


3 miles / 27:10 / 9:03 pace
Great run in the evening!  The weather was gorgeous, and I ran on my old cross country course.  It was the perfect course for me- lots of rolling hills and soft surface to run on!

In the evening, I went to my gym for a Zumba class!  I used to go pretty frequently last year, but it's been a while since I've gone!  The class was so much fun.  I'm a terrible dancer but just enjoyed trying out the choreography and getting in a workout at the same time.  I will be back- soon!


3.8 miles / 33:10 / 8:43 pace
I was surprised that I felt so good on this run!  It was my fifth day of running in a row, and I was tired out from Zumba as well.  My legs felt great though, and I ended up with a smoking fast time!  I didn't have my Garmin, so I just set a timer and was shocked at how fast I was running!


3.25 miles (untimed)
Old pic- credit True Runner
True Runner hosted a "Light Up Your Run" event with Saucony and Nathan.  I got to try out a new pair of shoes and got a safety lesson about nighttime running.  The run itself was great- I ran with Lynne and we took it nice and easy.  Afterwards, there was a hot chocolate bar which was a great touch on a chilly night!




4 miles (untimed)
I was feeling a bit sore, so I took it really easy and hit the trails again.  I didn't time myself and didn't measure the distance either- but it felt great to keep the pace slow and enjoy the trails!


5 miles (untimed)
I ran with Lynne again and took her to North Park!  It was her first time running there, and it was a perfect morning.  Nice and cool with a slight breeze.  We chatted the whole time and kept the pace nice and brisk.  It was challenging but fun! Isn't it always better running with someone else?


7.15 miles (untimed)
Yet another untimed run!  I plotted out the distance ahead of time, and just took it really easy on the run.  I wasn't trying to hit any paces, just get the miles in.

Lots of stretching and hip opening exercises, which really helped me feel better!

linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap
Erin, Meghan and Katie for Weekend Updates


  1. Gretchen, I feel your pain. My left piriformis gives me trouble from time to time. North Park looks like such a pretty place to run. Are you running without your Garmin in an effort not to overwork yourself or stress over a certain pace? Or just because you want to run for fun? I'd have a hard time not wearing mine. I could probably not look at it until I was finished, but I'd still have to wear it. LOL. I appreciate you linking with us!

    1. It's such an annoying pain to have! There are a few reasons I haven't run with my Garmin lately... it isn't working very well and I have to wait around so long for it to sync, I'm not really worried about my pace and want to enjoy the run and not worry about time, and I ran with friends a lot this week so I didn't want to have my watch annoying me. Plus, I always have my fitbit on and it's annoying to wear both!

  2. I was going to come out and run at the park on Saturday but because it was cold I stayed by the house. After seeing your pic I now regret I didn't because I like the scenery there. Great week and let's hope these nice temps stick around for the turkey trot

    1. WIMP! Just kidding :) The weather was perfect. It did feel cold when we first got there, but within a mile I was feeling amazing!

  3. great weekly training recap!! you get to run in some beautiful scenery.

    1. Thanks elle! I definitely am lucky to run in such a beautiful city :)

  4. Love the Lake Loop at North Park. Great people watching, and just enough mini hills to keep things interesting.

    I did a lot of my Pittsburgh Marathon long runs out there this past spring. I had a few rough weeks of training & liked knowing if something went wrong I was never more than 2 or so miles from my car.

    I'm focusing on weight lifting right now, but unfortunately still have not found the right balance between running and everything else. So, I'm back to tweaking my plan, again.

    1. It's one of my favorite places to run! I always see the same people when I go in the morning on the weekend. Nice to see everyone out there struggling with me every week :) It's so hard to juggle different activities, so I hope you find a good balance soon!

  5. My piriformis is a persistent trouble spot and my hips are so weak. I'm quite sure that's what lead to my ITBS. I go to Pure Barre to strengthen those spots and when I'm cramping, I try to hold the exercise as much as I can. That's why I go, but the cramping makes it difficult to strengthen it.

    1. I definitely need to work on mine! Thanks for the tip. Hope that doesn't happen to either one of us in the future!

  6. My piraformis has been tight for the past three years haha. I try to do pigeon pose after every run which seems to help. Combine that with rolling and I find some relief, but it's definitely me achilles heal.

    1. I'll try that! I think I need to start doing more strengthening in that area instead of just running.

  7. I hope your hip starts feeling better! Sometimes its a lose/lose with those things. You want to strengthen it, but you also don't want to strain it! I need to talk to the running store I run with... they never have hot chocolate bars for us!

    1. Thank you! I think I just need to spend more time stretching/rolling/yoga-ing. Definitely have been neglecting that!

  8. I really love that you ran 26.2 total miles! And I'm so glad you were able to run with friends. That's the best. I've had piriformis issues before too. A literal pain in the ass.

    1. I saw that I was close so I just had to go the extra .15 :)

  9. Piriformis issues are no fun - I hope yours feels better soon! Mine aches from time to time and only doing some myrtls and foam rolling seems to help. It looks like you had a great week of running with some pretty views!

    1. Thank you! I don't think I've heard of myrtls so I'll have to look that up :)

  10. Hope you feel better! Speed work is so great for better running but it is rough on our bodies.

  11. I should try Zumba one day. I'm a horrible dancer, so I'm terrified of completely embarrassing myself. Fleet Feet did a similar light up your run event a few weeks ago with Brooks. I hope your piriformis is feeling better. I used to used a tennis ball when mine gave me trouble. Your pics are beautiful! Have a great week!

    1. Trust me- nobody in my class is a pro at all. It's just fun and we all laugh together and don't care what we look like. It can be scary at first, but once you let go you really enjoy yourself! I tried a tennis ball last night and it helped SO MUCH, so thank you for that tip!

  12. Zumba is so fun! Hope your piriformis is feeling better. You had a great week of running though!

  13. Be careful with that pirifomis! And I like that you ran a marathon this week :D

    1. Thanks Suz! I'm being extra careful. Working on recovery a lot more than I was!! It just took me a week to do a big deal right? haha!

  14. Beautiful pictures, is it a gravel trail or what do you run on there? My gym offers Zumba, I can't dance either but it sure sounds like a fun workout! So glad you joined us again this week! Have a good one! :)

    1. Hey Tricia! The first picture is at a frisbee golf course, so I run on grass, and the second has a road with bike and run lanes that go around the lake. I hate running on gravel (always gets in my shoes and I seem to slip a lot) so I try to avoid running there when possible!

  15. Ya know I have never done Zumba or ran a Turkey trot! Things to put on my list I guess!

  16. Wow, what a beautiful view for your Sunday run. A girl could get used to that.

    Happy Monday and thanks for linking up.

    1. I feel really lucky to have so many beautiful places to run! Especially around water :)

  17. Wise to give your body a break from speed this work. Very cool that you got to introduce someone to North Park. When I first went there, I remember not liking it much because it's always so crowded and so many people don't know the stay-right-pass left rule, but now it's one of my favorite places to run. I just love the rolling hills.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Luckily it wasn't really crowded at all. It can get really annoying when it's crowded, but luckily there's tons of parking so that's never a big problem. (my #1 issue with driving somewhere to run!)

  18. i love yoga and the hip stretches. it takes a long time for my hips to loosen up but when i get there it makes running so much easier!

    1. I just spent tons of time stretching yesterday and it felt SO GOOD

  19. Hip opening yoga is amazing, especially for women. We hold all of our tension and emotion in our hips so it's this type of yoga is something we should all do regularly :)

    1. Very interesting to know! Thanks for stopping by Pragati!

  20. It looks like you had a great week of running! I hope your hip feels better soon!


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