What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  Today will be a fun, new post- I'm joining the What's Up Wednesday linkup to talk about what's new in my life.  This is a fun way to catch up and answer a few questions.  I'd love if all of you also answered some questions below!

eating this week : lots of Thanksgiving food!  I had to test out all the recipes that I shared in my GretchRuns Thanksgiving posts (read part 1, 2, 3, 4) and we'll be having even more treats this weekend!

reminiscing about : my trip to Budapest and Prague!  I went two years ago on a Groupon Getaway, and it was an amazing trip.  On the way back home, we had a layover in New York City the day before Thanksgiving, so we stayed for an extra day to see the Thanksgiving Day Parade in person.  Such a great trip, and I have a post planned to talk more about our trip (tomorrow)!

loving : Selma, always and forever

we've been up to : budgeting.  Dan and I are hoping to buy a house in the next 6-12 months, so we're really working on saving up money!  If anyone has advice on saving up for a down payment, I would love to hear it! (Also, I've been living and breathing by my ways to save money post.  I even lowered my data plan even more!)

dreading : cold weather.  I've been loving the unseasonably warm weather lately, which just leaves me dreading the inevitable bitter winter.  It gets really cold, snowy, icy, slushy, and gross December through February, and I'm really not looking forward to it!

working on : lots of fun Christmas posts.  I'm going to be sharing a ton of crafts, cookies, and favorite songs.  Can't wait!

excited about : marathon training!!  I will talk more about this in an upcoming post, but I decided to sign up for my third full marathon.  I'll be starting to train in January, so I'm just getting excited about finding a training plan and scheduling races around my training.  I can't wait to talk about it!

watching : not much to be honest!  How to Get Away With Murder is on a winter break, The Voice and Dancing With the Stars aren't holding my attention, and tennis is over for the season.  I'm taking a TV break, and I'm fine with that!  More time for holiday movies?

reading : 1984 by George Orwell.  I got this book for Dan for our first anniversary since he was always mentioning it (and then I wrote down the wrong date in my inscription..idiot!) and now I'm reading it.  This is on the list of Time's Best Books, and I'm trying to cross off 25 books before I turn 30!

listening to : Christmas music, duh! 

wearing : everything warm and cozy.  As soon as I get home, I immediately put on pajama bottoms and warm sweaters.  I basically look like this all day :

doing this weekend : spending time with Dan's family.  Tomorrow I'll be running in the Turkey Trot 5 Miler, then heading to spend the weekend with his family.  We don't have much planned, but I'm looking forward to a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend (away from the crazy Black Friday crowds!)

looking forward to next month : snow activities (which is a complete contradiction to my "dreading" answer)!  Last year I went skiing for the first time ever, and I'm hoping to hit the slopes a few more times this winter.  I also want to try snow shoeing and cross country skiing this year. 

linking up with MelSheaffer and Shay


  1. i plan on doing the christmas music on friday. i go a little crazy--i have it playing in the car, at home, even the shower. even my phone ringtone will be christmas music. i love it.

    1. I keep it low key until Thanksgiving, then I just surround myself with it! Now it's just acoustic stuff at work :)

  2. A Groupon Getaway! I've always wondered about those. Clearly, you had a great experience - I am interested to see what the pros and cons of going the Groupon route are. That is very exciting about the marathon training!! I am going to start training for my first marathon next week actually (which answers What I'm Excited About). I am interested to see what training plans have worked out for you, and which haven't. To answer one other question - What I'm Reading: Once a Runner!

    1. I'll try to share my experience as best as possible! I'll have to check out that book :)

  3. I've broken down and started listening to Christmas music early this year. Oh well. With Thanksgiving tomorrow and sparkling wine from a place I visited in Napa, I can't help but think about my Napa trip this past spring.

    1. Ohh sounds like a great choice- Christmas music and sparkling wine...yay!!

  4. LOL, I love your contradiction in answers about the cold weather! I don't think I have any money saving tips that you don't already know (cook at home vs out to eat, don't buy Starbucks, blah blah blah). Since you have been "off" TV a bit, maybe you haven't seen the commercials for the new 5 week show Galavant that's coming in January? It's like a Renaissance musical comedy and I think I'm going to have to watch that! Happy Thanksgiving Gretchen!

    1. I've been really working at cooking at home more! I think I'm doing a good job lately. We'll see when I get my next cc bill. I haven't heard of Galavant but I'll look it up! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  5. that outfit is fabulous! good luck with saving and yay buying a house! wish i had advice on the down payment, but we luckily didn't need one. and yay for marathon! how exciting!

  6. I'm so going to have to do this next week! Reading "a day in the life" type lifestyle posts are my favorite, but writing them is SO unnatural to me! I can't wait to follow with you in your marathon training! You're the budget queen and I love it

    1. I would love to see what your days are! I'm super nebby because I always love reading what other people do all day. I'm scared to start training!!

  7. I've decided no marathon for me next year, I'm sticking to the HM & below and hoping to work on some speed. But very interested to hear your training plans. I love seeing what works for other people.

    And excited to read your vacation recap, the BF & I are doing our first Groupon Getaway in February to New Zealand. I've heard great things about them. The only bad news is, I can't stop looking at the website, and it takes a great deal of restraint not to buy them all.

    Happy Thanksgiving. :)

    1. That's so cool!! I want to hear all about your trip as well. It definitely gets tempting to go on tons of trips especially with all the emails they send. One click away from another vacation...

  8. I love hearing about all these fun plans you guys have for this weekend! I wish Canadians had as big a Thanksgiving as you guys. I'm being tortured by all these Thanksgiving food ideas!

    1. You could always start that tradition with your family! It's a great holiday and great excuse to try out lots of recipes :)

  9. Yay for a marathon! I just ran my first full and want to find another one to do so I will definitely be following along in your training! I went skiing for the first time last year too- and I think we are taking another group trip to the Poconos so hopefully I will survive this time too! Happy Thanksgiving :)

    1. That's great Jessica! Congratulations to you on completing a full :) I'm scared and excited and anxious all at the same time! The Poconos are so beautiful..you'll have a great time!

  10. that sweater is adorable! ugh on budgeting! the first few months were hard figuring everything out but now that we've done it for about 6 months is easier. having a budget makes my life so much easier. good luck saving up for a house thats so exciting!!!

    1. Thank you Rachael :) Good to know that saving money gets easier with time. I'll keep that in mind!

  11. Christmas movies and music are my jam right now. I'm kind of excited all of my favorite shows are on a winter break, I'm filling my DVR with whatever is on the Hallmark channel. I'm a sucker for cheesy Christmas movies. Happy Thanksgiving!!


    1. So am I! Christmas movies are the best :) Happy Thanksgiving Jen!

  12. I went to Budapest and Prague five years ago at this same time of year - what beautiful cities! Congrats on signing up for your third marathon - how exciting! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. They're so amazing! Happy Thanksgiving to you Laura :)

  13. Selma is precious!! :D
    I always change into comfy and cozy clothes when I get home, too!

  14. Great post - I love the theme! What marathon did you sign up for for your third?

  15. So excited about your 3rd marathon! I heard Gettysburg is a good one!

    1. I also LOVE that sweater!!! Where did you get it from?

    2. That's good to hear! I'm excited too! And scared!

    3. It's from Forever 21 a few years ago!


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