Currently : January 2016

Resolving a lot- check out my post here!

Reading a few different books :
1984 by George Orwell *
Interesting concept, but pretty slow read.

Life and Other Near-Death Experiences by Camille Pagán *
Really funny and a super quick read (opposite of 1984 basically!).  Plus, now I want to visit Puerto Rico!

10% Happier by Dan Harris *
Everyone recommends this, but I can't get into it.  I think I need to just focus on getting through the first few chapter and it'll get better?

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime by Ree Drummond *
Spoiler alert- next week's Whole30 plan is all based from this cookbook!  I'm obsessed.

Organizing everything thanks to my planner.  I'm one of those planner freaks who is obsessed with paper planners.  I'm not sure what I did before I got one!  I keep my workouts, blog posts, meals, housework and appointments in my planner.  Some people ask how I stay so organized and get so much done, and my secret is planning and planning, and planning some more!  
image from Etsy

Right now, I'm using the Plum Paper Planner (2016 should be coming soon, and I'll dedicate a post to how I plan!).

Loving the start of a new year.  I know that some people don't like resolutions or say that you don't have to wait for a particular month/day to start making changes, but for me the new year is always a blank slate.  
2016 Google Doodle!

I love the ability to make dramatic changes in my life and have lofty goals.  Everything seems possible at this time of year!  The year is already off to a great start, and I can't wait to talk more about what I'm doing in my resolution update posts (see schedule above).

Craving warm weather and sun (yes, I'm already hating the cold weather and snow and ice.  How many days till summer?)

*An asterisk indicate an affiliate link, if your purchase an item through this link I get a small percentage.  Thank you for your support!

Linking up with Anne and Jenna

Your turn!  Tell me what you're currently up to.


  1. I am craving warm weather too! Winter is rough on me...but in Texas it can be all over the place temperature wise, so I am hoping for some warmer weather too! I need a new planner! I will have to check that out! Happy New Year!

    Alexis @

    1. I was in Texas during winter twice, and I was surprised at how cold it was! I thought it would be nice and warm and sunny, but nope. Hope it warms up for you!

  2. Yay for paper planners! I'm loving mine, I got one for the first time since college & I'm still trying to figure out the best way to utilize it.

    I'm currently wondering what I will eat tomorrow. An unexpected day trip came up for work & since I'm doing #RunningWhole30 I'm nervous about what options will or won't be available.

    1. I'll be dedicating a post to how I use my planner, as soon as I get my new one :) How did the trip end up going??

  3. I read 1984 in high school. Interesting, especially given what's going on in this day and age.

    Will you review the cookbook? I like her show and thought about buying her book.

    1. I agree! Some things are SO accurate, it's a little scary. I'll be talking about the cookbook on Saturday!!

  4. Oh, let's see. Well I ordered the book "The Awakening" from this little used book store and I get to pick it up today! So I'm excited about that. Andrew spends the evenings watching Cops, and I'm too sensitive to watch that stuff and then let it go (remember my post from yesterday? Me and Dan!!!) so I really need to get a book to read so that we can sit together once the kids are in bed.

    1. Kate Chopin's The Awakening? That's such a good book!

    2. Ohh I haven't heard of it! But if you and Laura recommend it I'll have to borrow it from the library!

  5. You aren't alone, friend. I'm a total paper planner lover, too!

  6. I looovveee having a paper planner! Writing things out makes me remember them better and I love being able to flip through pages to see previous or upcoming weeks.

  7. Paper planner lovers unite! That one you got is gorgeous! Ryan bought me a Moleskin planner and I love it so much. 1984 is such a slow read - I like the story, but it takes so long to actually become an engaging book. I have a bibliophile problem (we have over four full bookcases and that was after we sold/ donated over 100 before our move) so my goal this year is to actually read what's on my shelves.

    1. Hah I just said that same thing above! Great minds think alike :) I agree with you..the story and concept is SO GREAT, but it's really hard to get through. Frustrating!

  8. I read 1984 and The Jungle in high school, as a side effect I am terribly afraid of rats. Ugh, so awful.

  9. I'm going to Cabo next week. Feel free to hate but love me.

    1. I could never hate you! I might be a little jealous, but hope you have a ton of fun!

  10. I just checked "Trigger Warning" by Neil Gaiman out from the library and I hope to start reading it tonight! :) All my favorite trash TV shows just started their new seasons (The Bachelor, Teen Mom, and Newlyweds--I know, I'm the worst) so I probably won't be going through books quite as fast.

    I also love planning on paper, but I switched back to EC from Plum Paper this year.

    1. Haha girl I am right there with you with the trash shows! Bachelor is great so far. What do you think of Lace and Mandi?! CRAZY!

  11. Looks like you've got a great year ahead :)

  12. I'm craving warm weather, too! And I've never read 1984 (even though it's a classic and I was an English major...ooops!). You'll have to post a review! :) Glad you posted this on the currently link-up!!

    1. If I ever get through the book I will! I'm about half way done..took me about 3 months haha!

  13. I watched the film 1984, but I've never read the book. We did study Animal Farm in school by George Orwell which I must have read a hundred times..

    Looking forward to warmer weather too, and hopefully the days will start getting a bit longer soon as well :)

    1. I haven't seen the film! Is it any good? And yes, longer days would be excellent!

  14. i felt the same way about 10% happier--i did an audiobook review of it on the blog. It took a long time to get into it, but I found it interesting once I did.

    1. That's what I hear! I'll just have to keep plugging away!

  15. last year i bit the bullet and finally splurged on a plum paper planner and I REGRET NOTHING! it was one of the best decisions i made because i use it all the time and i love it!

  16. i love my plum paper planner! and good to know that the pioneer woman's cookbook is good, i've been meaning to get that!

  17. LOVED 1984! And you know I love me some Pioneer Woman ;)
    I have a Whitney English Day Designer and it's great.

  18. Craving the same... we've barely had any real winter weather, and all I want is a nice sunny day for a long run. Oh well. And I'm impressed that you could plan a Whole30 week from the Pioneer Woman :)


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