Gettysburg Marathon Training: Week 1

Wow, now the marathon is feeling real now that training is officially started!  The weather this week was all over the place- super warm and beautiful one day, then snowy and freezing the next.  Luckily, I was able to get in all of my runs outdoors, so I hope that I can continue that as long as possible.

Let's get into the week of training!


Rest Day
What better way to start out a training plan than with a rest day!?  This plan has me resting on Mondays, so in the future I might use this to go swimming or do some yoga.  This day I was tired out from going back to work for the first day and waking up early again, so I was happy to stay home and relax.


4 miles / 37:02 / 9:15 pace
It was a little chilly this day, but otherwise perfect out!  Dan wanted to go for a run, so I ran 2 miles with him then ran a 2 mile loop to my gym.  I felt really great and my legs felt really fresh.

Group Centergy
I've been seriously slacking on going to this class at the gym lately!  We had a new routine which was full of great stretches.  I really like it!  There's one move that the instructor said was to "get in touch with our inner stripper" which was interesting...


4.5 miles / 40:42 / 9:02 pace
My first speed workout of the year!  The plan was to do 2x1600 at tempo pace.  My first mile was a bit faster, then my second mile was right on.  I felt really good the whole time and didn't feel like I was pushing at all, which was a great feeling.  I also loved having the entire track to myself, and the beautiful sunset to look at the whole time!


Rest Day
Yay!  Another rest day.  This might also be another day that I'll swim, but I was happy to have a complete day of rest.  Nothing wrong with that!


4 miles / 36:44 / 9:11 pace
This was a really cold, windy and wet day, so I was planning on going to the gym.  Unfortunatley, my gym closes early on Fridays (which I forgot about) so my only option was to suck it up and run outside.  It ended up being a really great run and I felt amazing!  There were a few slick spots on the sidewalks where the rain started to freeze up, but otherwise I was thrilled that I ran outside rather than giving up and staying home.


3 miles / untimed
Saturday was the beautiful, warm day that I was talking about!  Dan, Selma and I decided to head up to the oval at Schenley Park.  I ran around for 3 miles while they walked, and the park was really packed.  It seemed like everyone in the area decided to play frisbee golf and go ice skating!


7 miles / 1:06:50 / 9:32 pace
This was a run that almost didn't happen.  Dan and I were out most of the day at open houses, and the weather was terrible.  It was pouring down rain and really windy, which eventually turned to a sleet/snow mixture.  I just about asked Dan to drive home, but I decided just to stick it out and get in a few miles.  My plan was to run 10 miles, but the conditions kept getting worse and I eventually stopped a little short.  As soon as I stopped, my entire body was really sore from bracing from the wind.  I was shocked that my pace was so good because I felt like I was almost running backwards for most of the run!  

Week One Comments

I was really proud of myself for sticking out the up and down conditions this week, and didn't give in to running indoors!  I know that I can't control the weather conditions on race day, so I'm happy that I got outside.  I would have liked to complete all of the miles for week one, but I think overall that it was a good decision to stop a little short.  

One thing that I want to improve this coming week is more cross training.  I only got in one session, so this week my goal is to get two.  I also want to continue my daily practice of stretching, foam rolling, and body weight exercises.  I think it's really helping with recovery!

linking up with KatieErin, Holly and Trisha


  1. Go girl! You got this. I'm so jealous of runners who have the stamina to just run and run. I did a 5K a couple years back to back, and I thought I was dying!! I decided to dump 5K's and now the elliptical and I have a love hate relationship. Happy training!

    Kaitlyn @

    1. It definitely takes lots and lots of work! If I take a break from running, even a mile feels impossible. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great week! I really love the graphic that breaks is down. Have a great week!

  3. really interesting plan! glad it had some rest packed in there for you!

  4. Wow - good for you on running through that cruddy weather!

  5. Great week! The weather was crazy. I also need to focus on my "recovery" .. foam rolling, stretching, etc! It's so hard sometimes.. us runners can be so lazy ;)

    1. Yes! Once you get in the habit it becomes a lot easier though. Just have to make yourself do it and your body will thank you ;)

  6. Always love your training recaps! I give SO much credit to anyone who trains for a race during the winter up north.

    1. Thanks Emily! It's not ideal, but I need to break out of my comfort zone!

  7. Look at that fancy pants graphic! Very cool. Go you for going outside and running when it's WAY to cold for me to even make a Starbucks run. I'm a baby with the cold!

    1. Heehee thanks! I'm a wimp too, but once I get out there I'm happy. Luckily training is forcing me outside!

  8. I have Mondays as rest and I do yoga. It's the one day for sure that I can do a good yoga routine, so I've made Monday an active rest day. I hope my muscles appreciate it.

  9. Great start to your training! I'm not sure I remember when the weather has just been so all over the place in one week and even during the days. On Sunday when I ran in the morning, it was warm with no rain (just a bit of mist for a few minutes), and I even considered wearing shorts! In the afternoon it got so cold that I went to take my dog for a walk and it was sleeting so bad that he turned right around to go back in the house, ha ha. Have a great week!

    1. Ugh I should have gone in the morning on Sunday! It was so horrible..there were only about 3 other runners at North Park. That's when you KNOW it's bad!

  10. Wow. Can't believe you got 7 miles in on Sunday!
    I snuck 3 in around 1030 when the sun peeked out, but by the afternoon the wind was crazy! So much so the BF & I skipped hiking, trees & branches were flying everywhere.

    So big props to you for getting all your runs in ! And outside to boot.

    1. It definitely was a struggle! I give myself credit for going out there, so I won't beat myself up for not getting in all 10 miles!

  11. I don't know if I'll ever run a spring marathon... just reading that post was painful, good for you for getting out there and crushing it!

    1. I'm kind of questioning why I did this to myself as!

  12. Woah I'm so proud of you for all of this! I can't believe you even started running in those conditions, but I hate running in doors so I totally understand. Even going and busting out a track workout is tough to go do by yourself motivation wise so many kudos.

  13. Great week! So exciting! Why on earth does your gym close early on Fridays though? That kinda sucks.

    1. I know! It closes at 5 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I hate it!

  14. Nice job Gretchan and it sounds like you really made the best of the weather this week. It's been so gross and it's only going to get worst. UGH but you are right that you cannot control race day weather.

    What Valentines Day 10k are you thinking of doing?

    1. Thank you Hollie! I'm going to get out there as much as possible now before it gets dangerous and I HAVE to stay in. There's a race at North Park in's a 5k, 10k and 15k called the RSG1 Valentine's Day Race.

  15. Great week of training-way to go! I always think I want to run a spring marathon but then winter arrives and I can't handle the cold and possible wintry weather!

    1. I'm still not sure if this was a good or bad idea. I have a backup marathon in fall just in case this one goes really badly!

  16. Awesome job on your first week or training! Props to you on running through that weather! I've been sticking to the treadmill currently with the single digit weather we've been having haha.

    1. Thanks Amanda! The cold doesn't bother me so much, but ice does. I'm going to stay outside until it gets too slippy :)

  17. Great job on running outside for all of your runs! That is definitely something of which you should be proud! Mondays are great days for recovery days or rest days - it helps switch back into the week if there's not a hard workout to do on top of going back to work.

    1. Thank you! I am pretty darn proud haha! I agree..having Monday off is really nice.

  18. I love the graphic up at the beginning of the post :) nice visual of your week. Happy Monday!! Xoxo

  19. Wow what a great week of training! I had all runs indoors last week except my 6 miler Saturday. I find it's more helpful for me to do speed/pace runs on the treadmill so I know I'm hitting my goal paces. This week is way chillier so we'll see how my runs go!

    1. That's great that you found what works for you! I prefer going to tracks, but treadmills are really helpful for speed work. Good luck this week!

  20. How cool!! great job on the runs!! It has been COLD and windy in Central PA... I don't mind cold, as much as I mind Windy! We cut our long run short yesterday because of strong winds.

    1. Windy is the worst! I think that's my least favorite weather condition. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who cut my run short!

  21. Great week! I hate the first mile when it's cold, but I warm up quickly.

  22. Our marathons must be the same weekend! I look forward to following how your training goes. My first week I didn't make it outside at all due to the freezing cold temps here in MN! Hoping it warms up so I can get outside again soon. I'm terrified of slipping on the ice!

    1. Yes I think they are! I don't blame you for staying inside..when the windchill is below 0 that's just unacceptable!

  23. Hey there! I'm new to your blog but am looking forward to following your training for your marathon. And I LOVE that infographic! Nice work this week!

  24. Gretchen, it sounds like you had a really strong first week! I agree to try and get your runs in outside if possible because you can't run your race indoors. At least you know you'll be ready for any race condition. It's good to see you back on the Weekly Wrap and I look forward to following you through this training cycle!

  25. I so agree on the routine of stretching, rolling and body weight exercises and getting in more strength training did help me. I need to get back into the routine of daily stretching and rolling, why is that so hard to pick back up??? Good luck to you in your marathon training! I can't wait to keep up and see how it plays out for you!!!


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