Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 2

Week two of my marathon training is over, and I'm feeling great!  I was so inspired by a few friends that had races this week (Steffany finished her fifth full marathon despite tons of foot and toe issues, her husband took over 40:00 off his half marathon PR, Suzy won a 5k and then paced her husband in his first marathon, who crushed it despite catching pneumonia and having hamstring issues).  I love the running community for all the support that it offers, and love to use these incredible stories to fuel my training!  What excuse do I have to not go out there and run now?!

This was a really great week for me.  I felt so energetic the entire week, and even did some strength training.  That derailed my training a bit, but I still got all of my substance runs in.  Hopefully next week I'll be able to follow my plan perfectly and get back on track!


Rest Day
I spent time doing some yoga and extra stretches this day.  I was pretty sore from week one of training, so this felt great!  Every day this week, I made sure to foam roll and stretch.  I think it helped a lot!


3.5 miles / 32:03 / 9:09 pace

The first snowfall of the year!  It was absolutely gorgeous on the trail- a real winter wonderland.  Running in the snow is one of my favorite things to do.  I always feel like a little kid again, and the cold or wetness never bothers me.  I even saw some deer during my run (there were about 10 of them, but you can kind of see 3 in the picture above).  Great run!


5 miles / 47:29 / 9:29 pace

My Run Club track workout was cancelled because of icy roads, so I took my speed workout to the gym!  On my schedule was a one mile warm up, three miles at marathon race pace (9:05) and one mile cool down.  I typically hate running on the treadmill, but this was a great run!  I guess I miss running in shorts and a tank top, because I hit the paces with no problem.  Towards the end of the three miles I bumped up the pace a bit, and had no troubles at all with this workout!


Group Power

I decided to head back to my Group Power class (which is similar to Body Pump or other high rep/low weight strength classes).  Apparently everyone had the same idea because it was packed in the class!  The class was great and the hour flew by.  My arms and legs were shaking most of the class because it has been way too long since I last lifted.  Spoiler alert- I'm going to feel this for a while.


5 miles / 48:17 / 9:39 pace

This was such a painful run.  My legs were SO sore from Group Power, so I went out for some slow, easy miles.  I was shocked at my pace because I felt like I was running much slower.  This definitely wasn't a fun run at all, but the weather was beautiful and I was just happy to be out there!


550 yard swim

My legs were really sore from my class on Thursday and running the next day, so I decided to give myself a rest day from running and head to the pool.  This was the first time that I shared my lane, which I was really nervous about.  Luckily, my lane partner was a very nice guy who didn't mind at all that I'm very slow and take frequent breaks on the side of the pool.  

I ended up doing 550 yards and spending some quality time in the hot tub and sauna afterwards, which helped to loosen up my muscles!


10 miles / 1:34:10 / 9:25 pace

Such a great long run! My legs were still a bit sore from Thursday (which means I really have to work on my strength training!) but my body felt so energetic and just wanted to go! My plan was to run the first 3 miles easy (9:27, 10, 9:47) then aim for 3 miles at marathon pace (9:02, 8:51, 8:42) then finish with easy miles (9:28, 9:43, 9:36, 9:39).  Apparently I need to work on pacing at the beginning of my runs!

This was also my first run where I fueled with dates and coconut water during the run.  I brought along two dates, both cut in half.  My plan was to eat a half every 2.5 miles.  They were a bit too big and heavy for me, but they really helped to energize me.  It was also nice to eat something instead of just taking a gel.  I think next time I'll cut them in smaller pieces and take them every mile instead and see how that works.  I also drank some coconut water at the halfway point.  I like having this better than Gatorade or plain water, because it's really refreshing and has some potassium in it.  This one has no added sugar or flavor, so it's Whole30 compliant!

How was your week of training?
Did anyone else race this weekend?

linking up with KatieErinHolly and Trisha


  1. That is a beautiful picture of the deer in the snow! You had a very strong week, even with sore legs. I'm sure that will ultimately help you though. I get tired of eating gels on really long runs. Dates are a great idea. I've tried coconut water but wasn't too fond of it. Thanks for linking with us Gretchen!

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping that sore legs and taking a day off now = stronger later in training. Let's hope ;)

  2. Nice week of training. I wish I could do some swimming as cross training but my gym doesn't have a pool :(

    1. Thanks Shaun! That's definitely one reason why I chose mine over a few others. A bit more expensive, but great way to cross train.

  3. So cool that you got to meet some deer on your snowy run! I love dates and eat them a lot pre-run and as snacks. If you don't like the big pieces, Whole Foods sells a gel that's just mashed up dates and some salt, I think. You could also probably make it on your own if you had an appropriate container to carry it. I like my dates in big pieces so didn't like that gel, but you might!

    1. I'll have to check that out! I'm guessing that they mark it up like crazy, so I might have to make them on my own :) I have little baggies that I put the dates in so that might work! Thanks for the suggestion :)

  4. You go girl for running in that snow! I've always fueled with coconut water and dried cherries (smaller, easier to chew). I much prefer coconut water over the sports drinks in general.

    1. I'll have to try out dried cherries next time! I love their tart flavor, but they usually make me thirsty.

  5. I miss the snow for about 5 minutes when I see photos like the one in your post! I've never taken coconut water, but know lots of runners/triathletes who love it. My go to drink is Nuun unless I need extra calories and then I have Gatorade. Your training looks spot on for your marathon.

    1. I love the's just the cold weather and ice that accompany it that I don't like :)

  6. Love that you're fueling with dates! I've brought bananas in plastic bags and also larabars and very small date pieces if I wasn't planning on any speed. I definitely prefer real food to traditional fuel. Looks like training is going so well :)

    1. They're SO good! I think I'm going to try larabars as well for my next run.

  7. Nice job, lady!! Sounds like you had a great, great week. :)

  8. Nice job this week! I just learned how to swim last year so I am also very slow and take a lot of breaks. I need to get to the pool soon!

    1. I hope that I start getting better! I'm always the slowest person there..and also the youngest by about 50 years!

  9. You are so brave for running in the snow! Sounds like your week was great! I had a half marathon yesterday and PRed by 4 minutes, so pretty happy with that, however a bit sore :P I also really want to try dates out...never had one before.

  10. I'm so happy that you are doing SO well with running on whole30! It just makes me even more excited every time I read your recaps! I would be terrified with sharing a lane too. I've only had to do it with someone I didn't know once and it was for a very short period of time! Scary never the less. You are such a rockstar for running outside in that snow! Keep it up!

    1. I'm shocked at how well it's going honestly. I've never felt so strong and energetic before! The guy I shared a lane with was super nice, and he said to take as many breaks as I needed and he would stay out of my way. The man never stopped and he had to have been 70+! Inspiring!

  11. Sounds like a great week! I love it when strength classes leave me sore, but being sore for days is also a sign that I need to do more.

    1. YES definitely. I had no idea I got that out of shape!

  12. Great week of training! I feel you on the strength. I was sore for a WEEK after my first CorePower class! But to be perfectly honest, I notice a huge difference in my body, both how I look and feel, so I think because I've seen the results, I'll be more likely to keep it up.

    1. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! I loved how I felt and looked when I used to go a lot, so that's my motivation to keep it up!

  13. Super job on foaming and stretching every day. Why is that so hard but we know it does us so much good! Beautiful picture of deer in the snow! On my run this morning I saw 3 and so did my dog. Good thing I had a good hold on the leach because he almost pulled it right out of my hand. I like coconut water, it is a different taste but really hydrating I especially like it after a run in the summer. Thanks for joining us this week!

    1. Haha good thing you were alert! My dog is the opposite..if she sees something she gets low to the ground and wants to stop so she can slowly approach the animal. I wonder if she used to hunt animals, because she's so good at sneaking around!

  14. Sounds like a great week of training! I don't mind running in the snow either! I think it's really pretty. It's crazy how having a great long run can boost your confidence so much, at least it really does for me! I know I always feel on top of the world when I have a good long run haha.

    1. Definitely! If I have a good long run that week, none of my other runs matter. Same for a bad run though...I feel like I'm doomed!

  15. great update! and omg at the deer--truly a winter wonderland! looks like a postcard!!

  16. Love the picture you captured of the deer in the snow! Looks like you had a great week of training! Great job getting out there in the cold and snow!

  17. Wow, Tuesday looks like such a beautiful run. Like something out of a fairy-tale with those deer...

  18. Awe, hey Gretch! Thanks for the props. You're really getting fitter, fast. I can tell! I'm impressed and inspired by your treadmill speed work. I find it so hard to do speed work on that thing but you do make a great point about being able to wear shorts again. I think it's true that we run faster in shorts! Great job last week. I'm proud of you.

    1. Thanks so much Suzy! I feel so fit right now. Love it!

  19. Looks like you had an awesome week! Those deer are adorable. I used to always fuel mid distance runs with dates. I might need to pull those out again.

  20. Thanks so much Gretchen! You had a pretty great week!

  21. Glad you had a nice week of training!! You got this!


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