Gettysburg Marathon Training : Week 3

Another week of training has come and gone, and I keep feeling stronger and stronger.  This week we were hit with a bit of the blizzard, but luckily I was able to get outdoors for most of my runs.  I'm hoping this week will be a bit more mild (and maybe even be able to meet with the True Runner marathon training group for the first time!), but overall I was really pleased with my week of training!




3.5 miles / 33:04 / 9:26 pace
This was a very, very cold run!  I bundled up like crazy and was still freezing.  I will gladly take cold weather on my short, easy runs over a cold 15 miler, so I didn't mind it too much.  I ended the run with 4 strides going down a side street by my apartment which is about 100m long.

Group Centergy
The stretches felt great, and I can feel my balance and flexibility improving!


5 miles / 46:30 / 9:18 pace
Once again, marathon training track practice was cancelled due to weather.  I had to go to the gym again to get in my speed work, which ended up being a great workout.  On my schedule was 1 mile warmup, then 2 miles at tempo (8:15) and 2 mile cool down.  The pace felt challenging but not too hard for me, so for the second tempo mile I bumped up the pace to 8:00.  Overall, a great run!


Group Power
Luckily, this week was a bit less challenging than last week.  I was only sore for about 2 days as opposed to 4, so that's good!  I also remembered to bring water with me to class, which made a huge difference.  PSA- don't workout without water!  Hydration is important!


4 miles / 37:30 / 9:26 pace
I was lucky to get out of work a bit early, and went for a run as soon as I got home.  I knew that the snow would start to come down in the early afternoon, and I was happy to only get some on the second half of my run.  The weather was cold but wasn't too windy, and this was a really nice run.  I went in a completely different area than I usually run, which was a great change of pace!


3.5 miles / 31:50 / 9:05 pace
Thanks to the winter storm, all of the roads and sidewalks around me were a complete mess!  I wanted to be safe, so I stayed indoors to run.  Instead of running on the treadmill again, I ran on the indoor track.  It's a very small track- 15 laps for a mile- so I only did 3.5 miles while listening to some podcasts.  Not the most fun or interesting run, but I got it done!

3.5 miles spinning
After running, I wanted to do some spinning as well.  My legs were feeling tight, so I went on a nice and easy ride on the bike.  I love going on the Espresso machines that have different courses for you to watch as you ride!  I went on a California coast ride, and it made me forget about the snow for a bit.


13 miles / 2:03:12 / 9:28 pace
I went for my long run at North Park again.  I did a total of two laps around the lake, with an added 3 miles by looping around McKinney and Kummer.  This is a hill that I'll have to tackle during Just A Short Run, so it was nice to add it to my workout!  It was really cold out, but luckily no snow and little wind.  I started out feeling sore and not great, but seemed to loosen up and feel better as the run went on.  I kept up with my fueling plan of eating dates- having about 1/6 of a date every mile.  This didn't bother my stomach at all!  I also stopped at my car for a drink of water at about mile 7.5.  

I ended the run really strongly, with mile 11 being 9:05 and mile 12 9:03.  It's crazy to me that during my long runs I seem to hit my stride and feel stronger during the second half.  In the past, I would always fall apart at around mile 7, so this is a fantastic start!

How was your week?
How was the weather in your town this weekend?

linking up with KatieErinHolly and Trisha


  1. I always think running in the cold is tough on your muscles...seems like I always feel a lot tighter than in more mild weather conditions. I have a funny feeling you belong to a YMCA because all the classes and equipment you mentioned are what we have at our YMCA! Great job getting in your workouts this week despite the winter weather! -C

    1. Yesss definitely! I always wonder if my muscles are getting tired or if I'm just numb from the cold! Hopefully it'll get easier as it gets warmer :) I'm actually at a Jewish Community Center (hence all the Hebrew on the walls in the indoor track!). It's really similar to a YMCA though and they both might use the same company for group exercise.

  2. 13 miles in all that snow?! You're crazy and so awesome all at the same time! I think I would be such a baby right now if I were in your shoes!

    1. Thanks Margaret! It really wasn't bad at all...luckily the roads were all salted and clear (minus a few spots). Sometimes I just have to tell myself to suck it up and go!

  3. I got really used to running in cold and snow and such last year, but once training for Phoenix was over, I was such a wimp and was like NOOOOOOOO. Great week of workouts!

    1. Thanks Suz! So funny how last January my total mileage was around 15 miles..and now I'm doing that in one weekend!

  4. YAY for an awesome week. Seriously, this cold weather training is going to make you so mentally and physically strong. The weather down here was cold and windy but not nearly as bad as up north.

    1. I sure hope so haha! I'm sure it feels cold to you though, so it's still tough to get out!

  5. Nice week, Gretch! I usually feel best during the second half of my long runs too. The first few miles are always the worst because it takes me so long to warm up and loosen up.

    1. True! Haha, I used to only feel good for the middle third of my run. First third was warming up and the last third was getting worn out. Feels good to get stronger as I continue!

  6. I tried running around one of those indoor tracks once and I could NOT keep track of my laps! haha! I'm too distracted!
    We had lots of snow too! Still snowed in :-)

    1. Thankfully my watch is really good at keeping track indoors! I lose count as well..I try to count to 4 for each quarter of a mile and that helps!

  7. Great job this week! Way to rock that Steelers gear, love it! 15 laps to a mile sounds rough. It's hard enough for me to keep track of my laps on my gym's track, and it's only 6 to a mile! I always feel better in the second half of my long runs, too. In really long runs it sometimes takes up to 5 miles for my legs to warm up. We've had some gnarly weather and roads here, but it's been bad for a while now so I'm getting used to it. I don't mind running in cold but I'm so over the icy sidewalks! Ugh!

    1. Always have to rep my Steelers! Hope that you stay safe out there and don't slip on ice :/

  8. So cute in your beanie! I'm glad you were able to improvise with your runs. I'm glad that God had me born at a time where we have lots of options for snow gear and even exercising indoors. I do love running in the snow!

  9. Running in the snow is kind of peaceful for me :) Although, I can't run too long!! Good job on your training!

    1. I agree! Scares a lot of people off so it's just me and sometimes a deer or two :)

  10. Excellent 13 miler! Beautiful scenery too, wow! We have a tiny indoor track that looks exactly like yours. I think I've run on it once, but it's tough on my left IT band to keep going around in circles to the left.

  11. Dear North Park,

    Thank you for clearing your roads quickly so that runners everywhere might never have to miss a long run.


    While I gotta say North Hills got a lot less snow than south of the city, big ol' props to the park. The lake loop was clear by noon on Saturday. Impressed with all the running you got in this week. I let the snow this weekend deter me. Oops.

    1. YESSS!! So impressed with them. The side street where we parked still hasn't been plowed, and the entire North Hills area was salted and cleaned by 10AM!

  12. I love your graphics at the beginning of this post! I think winter training is going to make us mentally tough! :)

    1. Thank you! It BETTER for all this pain we're going through!

  13. 15 laps to a mile? I thought my college indoor track was bad, and that's only 8 laps a mile. I hope you're able to get out now, or soon, to do your runs.

    1. I'm trying to avoid going there as much as possible :)

  14. Go you, getting out there in all that snow! I don't mind running in the snow as much as running in the cold. That's awesome you finished your long run so strongly! That's the best feeling ever.

  15. Congrats on having such a strong long run! Being fast in the second half will really help you during the marathon. You have some serious mental toughness also - I think a 15 lap per mile track would drive me crazy! Great job on getting your training done, especially with all of that snow.

    1. Thanks Laura! Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, right?

  16. Wow, that looks gorgeous, but good to hear you weren't hit too bad with the storm. Yeah, running short laps can get monotonous, and can be a really hard run. I have a park with a 0.2 mile loop which can be a bore to run any distance...

    1. Agreed! It's ok for 3 miles, but any more and I'm going crazy! Better than nothing though.

  17. i wish my gym had an indoor track! i'm stuck with the treadmill, which i actually don't hate anymore because at least i'm safe and warm lol. your wednesday run sounds fun / interesting, i like how you did it. i might try that, 1 mile warm up, 2 miles 'fast' and 2 miles cool down. interesting. and good job on the group power class! my first class after a few years was without water (and i hadn't eaten, it was 6am) and i swear i almost puked. lesson learned! water = necessary.

    1. It was pretty good! I always turn on music for only the fast parts so it goes by quickly. Same for water and it was a bad decision!

  18. I did McKinney on Sunday too! I try to do it often since it's on the race course. If I win the lottery, I'm going to build a full-sized indoor track with a clear dome roof so we can run under the sky but still be protected in bad weather. :)

    1. It's so hard but the more we do it the easier it gets, right? I would definitely visit your track if you build it! Sounds amazing!

  19. I think I'd pick your indoor track over a treadmill. At least you have something to look at below. 1/6 of a date doesn't sound like much fuel. They are probably bigger than I'm picturing? It is fantastic you are feeling better and running faster in the second half of your long run! It means you are pacing correctly! You are going to have a great marathon. Thanks for linking with us Gretchen!

    1. I had a total of 3 dates..just cut them into small pieces so it wouldn't bother my stomach. Thanks for hosting :)

  20. Running in the cold sounds so hard!! I feel like I can't take deep breaths :P
    We got slammed with snow, and it took me forever to shovel out the car!

  21. Oh!! How awesome!!! I have discovered that with the proper jacket, running in the cold can be quite enjoyable!

    We are covered in snow in Central PA, Camp Hill got 32 or something crazy inches of snow. We are back at work today, but some schools are still closed! I'm hoping for rain, so we can go back to running long distances outside this weekend !

  22. I love your infographics, they are so cute! You're doing great, especially with the weather. :]

  23. Wow 15 laps for a mile does sound like a lot but to me it would be much easier than on a treadmill. Great that you have somewhere to go like that! I am still pretty sore from my Monday session at the gym. We haven't been working on legs much since my marathon but hit them an wow are they sore! I was getting to where the would only bother me a little but it's like I'm starting over again! Keep up the good work!


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