#RunningWhole30 Week 3 : Meal Plan

Am I really halfway done with the Whole 30?  I can't believe that.  A lot of people in my life have been asking me how I'm doing with all these restrictions, and how I'm feeling.  To be honest, I couldn't be better!  I'll talk more about that in my update below, but I really can't believe that I'm passing the halfway point already.  I feel like I'm just getting started!

Week Two Update

Week two came and went with absolutely no issues.  I'm getting in the groove of preparing my food ahead of time, so it's been great to not worry about cooking during the week, or having a slip up.  Every morning, I'm still waking up early to eat breakfast at home, which is really starting off my day on the right foot.  I've been able to train for my marathon normally, and had an amazing week (more on that in my training update on Monday!)

A major change that I'm experiencing this week is an increase in energy levels.  It's actually kind of crazy to me, but I haven't felt tired at all this week - no 2:00 slump, or drowsiness in the morning - nothing.  With marathon training picking up and dark/dreary days lately, this is typically the time that I would feel exhausted and run-down most of the day.  Now, the only way I can explain the way I feel is "fresh".  My body feels energized, and I just want to be productive all the time, whether at home or at the office.  I'm sure this has a lot to do with cutting out sugars, but it might also have to do with the supplements that I added (Fish Oil, Vitamin D3 and Calcium).  Whatever it is, I love this feeling!

Some physical changes that I'm experiencing is clear skin (YAY), flatter stomach with no bloating, and stronger hair.  To get a bit TMI- my hair seems to fall out a lot and shed all over the place, but I haven't noticed any shedding at all this week.  I wasn't expecting that kind of change, so it was a nice bonus!  Last week I also mentioned that my pants were fitting tighter, and (thankfully) that is not the case this week.  

As you can tell, this was a great week overall, and I'm getting a little sad that the program is almost over.  I'm thinking about changing my future eating habits to be more Whole30-based since I've never felt so amazing in my life.  Now I see why people say this is life changing!  I also don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.  I haven't had any cravings for food that are off of the plan, except for wine.  I could have gone for a glass of wine a few days this week!

Planning for Week 3

This week I'm going to be taking a break from making my own meal plan, and share the love a bit!  Here are some great meal plans that I've found around the web:

Whole30 meals that are cheap?  Sign me up!
What I want to try : Mamabars

Love the format of this one!  So easy to follow, and clever way to stay organized.
What I want to try : Paleo "Faux"tmeal

I just really love the design of this blog and this post in general.
What I want to try : Chocolate Chili

A collection of dinner recipes for the entire 30 days of Whole30!

A whole 30 days worth of frozen meals!  Prepare once, and enjoy all month long.
What I want to try : Thai Curry

If you sign up for Chrissa's newsletter, she'll send you a 30 day plan!  I received it and it's amazing!
What I want to try : Pizza Egg Cups

How's everyone else doing on the Whole30?
What is on your meal plan for this week?


  1. That's awesome that you are seeing and feeling results! I am feeling better this week and it's funny to see how my body reacts to a bit of sugar (hangry slip up on peanut butter Friday) and how foggy my head gets.

    1. That's interesting to hear that you can already tell a difference! Glad that you're feeling better!

  2. Sounds like Whole 30 worked out great for you! I notice more energy when I eat less garbage too!

  3. It sounds like you are really benefitting from this. I've just googled whole 30 and was reading it for a while. It seems you have given up quite a bit, but obviously your body is thanking you for it. Maybe I might try and ease myself into something like this lol..

    I remember doing a juice fast and after a few days feeling amazing and full of energy.. But that wasn't sustainable. And I had massive constant cravings.

    Good luck with the remainder, you will be able to enjoy a wine soon enough :)

    1. I've tried a juice fast and didn't even last a full day! I definitely couldn't do it again..I'm not the type to drink all of my calories so it was really hard. This is so much easier since I can eat all the healthy stuff I want. So many options!

      Looking forward to that glass of wine ;)

  4. Isnt it crazy about the increased energy level thing?? I definitely have more energy after cutting out virtually all processed foods. I dont even really need my coffee any more although i still have it because i LOVE it :)

    1. That's great to hear! I still have my coffee mostly because I love the taste :)

  5. Thank you SO much for featuring my 30-day meal planner Gretchen! I SO appreciate it!!! You are an inspiration :)


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