Favorite Podcasts for Running [That Aren't Serial]

I'm convinced that there are three types of runners- those who listen to podcasts on runs, those who listen to music on runs, and the very few who somehow make it through runs with no sound but the stomping of feet, and the rise and fall of the breath.  I personally fall into the first group.  To me, there's nothing better than catching up on my favorite podcasts while getting in my workout.

I think that podcasts became popular thanks to Serial coming out last year, and now everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.  While I liked season 1, I've found other podcasts out there that I enjoy even more.  I think podcasts are the perfect way to get your mind of your body while you're running, and they really help the miles fly by!  I like how I can get lost in a new story, learn something new, or just be entertained.

Today I'll be sharing some of my favorite podcasts.  I'm always adding new ones to my list, so this is ever evolving!  If you have any suggestions I would love to hear it in the comments below!  I'll be dividing up my recommendations in a few different categories, starting with food and health, then pop culture, moving into story-telling podcasts and ending with everything else.

Balanced Bites
A practical and modern approach to holistic and Paleo/real food nutrition with a healthy dose of humor. Hosted by Diane Sanfilippo and Liz Wolfe (of Real Food Liz).

I started to listen to this podcast during my Whole30, and I love the wide variety of topics that Diane and Liz cover.  Not only do they interview a wide range of health professionals, but they also talk about organic beauty products and pop culture.  I never know what to expect from this podcast but I always learn a ton!

Burnt Toast
Here at Burnt Toast, we talk about the things that don’t always make it on the website. Join host Kenzi Wilbur, plus a rotating cast of smart, salty guests, for controversial cooking topics, food culture, and occasional good-spirited debate.

This is another podcast that is all over the place, but the topic always centers on food.  The episodes vary a lot in subject matter and length, so I never know what I'll get going into the episodes!  I love to cook though, so this is an interesting podcast to me.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Gretchen Rubin is HAPPIER, and she wants you to be happier too. The #1 bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before gets more personal than ever as she brings her practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits to this lively, thought-provoking podcast. Gretchen’s cohost and guinea pig is her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft, a TV writer and producer living in Los Angeles, who (lovingly) refers to Gretchen as her happiness bully.

I love how organized this podcast is- I always know how each episode will be formatted and I really like that.  Each episode features a tip to try out, a happiness stumbling block, listener question, and weekly gold star and demerit.  Gretchen and Elizabeth are great to listen to, and I love hearing their tips for being happier everyday!  Their most recent episode featured the creator of Whole30 if you're looking for a good episode to start with!

Here to Make Friends
A HuffPost Podcast about The Bachelor, where hosts Emma Gray and Claire Fallon lovingly snark and recap the latest episodes from The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise.  Whether you love The Bachelor, or love to hate it, you will enjoy their witty discussion about this reality show and what it reveals about the world of dating.

The Bachelor is one of my guilty pleasures, and this podcast is my new favorite.  I don't have many friends that watch the Bachelor, so I love listening to recaps and reactions of each episode.  The co-hosts of this podcast are so entertaining and are so much fun to listen to, and I feel like I'm chatting with girlfriends about the show (even though they're doing all the talking and I'm just listening along).  They also bring in interesting guests like past contestants and even Chris Harrison!  If you're as into the Bachelor franchise as I am, you'll love this podcast (and also, can we talk about the show in real life too?)

Wait, Wait..Don't Tell Me!
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! is NPR's weekly hour-long quiz program. Each week on the radio you can test your knowledge against some of the best and brightest in the news and entertainment world while figuring out what's real news and what's made up. On the Web, you can play along too.

This is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to during a run.  Each episode is around 50 minutes and follows the same format.  There are always three comedian panelists along with the funny host (and runner) Peter Sagal, listeners that call in for quizzes, and a celebrity guest that plays a game.  I feel like I learn a bit of current events from this show from bizarre stories to big headlines.  It's all delivered in a hilarious way, so it's a great program to listen to when I really want to miles to fly by!  This is actually what I listened to during the first half of my most recent half marathon!

It's not just crazy talk, it's Psychobabble - the official free audio podcast from YouTube sensation Tyler Oakley. Listen each week as he and his bestie Korey Kuhl bring you a half hour of unfiltered gossip sessions, pop culture scrutiny, and stories never told before.

Tyler Oakley is one of my favorite YouTubers, and I absolutely love his hilarious, over-the-top personality.  He has this podcast with his best friend Korey (both of whom are currently on the Amazing Race, by the way!) where they talk all about pop culture.  I'm not the hippest person around, so I like that this show keeps me in the loop of what's going on, including celebrity twitter feuds, music releases, movie reviews, and more.  The show is very inappropriate but hilarious!  I find myself laughing out loud to this podcast more than any other on this list!

There's a theme to each episode of This American Life, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the stories are journalism, with an occasional comedy routine or essay. There's lots more to the show, but it's sort of hard to describe.

Each week on This American Life, a unique and interesting topic is explored with completely different stories told by normal people, celebrities, comedians and more.  I always look forward to the release of new episodes of TAL because they're all so intriguing and you never know what to expect!  I also just love Ira Glass as well, so any podcast that he's on I'll listen to.

Ten years ago, over three hundred men, women and children disappeared from a small town in Tennessee, never to be heard from again.  In this seven-part podcast, American Public Radio host Lia Haddock asks the question once more, "What happened to the people of Limetown?"

Limetown is one of my favorite and least favorite podcasts out there.  It's my favorite because the story line and delivery is so, so good.  I'm always on the edge of my seat (while I'm running of course) and can't get enough of the mystery.  On the other hand- the release of new episodes was so sporadic and I was waiting months for the latest episodes to be released.  I don't want to give away any spoilers, but from episode one we were promised seven parts total and only six parts have been released.  I've been waiting and waiting on updates and have been left on a huge cliff hanger, so I'm not sure how I feel about this podcast!

Modern Love
Modern Love: The Podcast is a new audio experience produced by WBUR and based on The New York Times’ popular series of weekly reader-submitted essays. Exploring the joys and tribulations of love, Modern Love: The Podcast adds new dimension to the popular New York Times column, with readings by notable personalities and updates from the essayists themselves.

This is the newest podcast that's on my list, and I've only listened to a few episodes.  I love the premise of the show though, and the few episodes that I've listened to have been great!  I can't wait to hear more!

Most people don't like to talk about money. We are not most people. On each episode we catch up on married life and check in on our money - from big financial goals to weekly grocery bills. We share real numbers, including our budget, and how we spend and save as we raise our two young boys.

Since I started really planning on buying a house, I've cared more and more about my finances.  This podcast is all about money, but it's actually interesting and not intimidating at all.  Kelsey and her husband Chris talk all about their bills and financial goals in a really relateable and non-intimidating or judgmental way.  They both inspired me to start my very first budget and make my own financial goals for the year!  I also don't want to brag but I was mentioned in an episode (just in case you're looking for more of a reason to listen!)

The Girl Next Door
We're two next door neighbors who love a good chat and a good cocktail.  Come on in, have a drink and stay a while.

This is another podcast by Kelsey from the Matrimoney podcast.  She does this bi-weekly podcast with her neighbor, and they talk about every topic under the sun.  I don't really have anything in common with either of them- they're both moms of two kids and live in Arizona..one is an ex-teacher who is now a stay at home mom to two little girls she adopted while the other is a science writer at an University- but they're so entertaining to listen to!  I actually started listening to this podcast during my half marathon training last year, and made my way through their backlog of episodes on my long runs.  I feel like they single-handedly got me that sub-2 hour finish!

The Lively Show
The Lively Show is designed to uplift, inspire, and help you add a little extra intention to your everyday.

Jess Lively is another podcaster that covers every topic under the sun.  Her podcast always inspires me and puts me in such a great mood!  She also features lots of interviews with interesting people which I enjoy.  Most of her episodes are around an hour long, but she also does random short episodes which are great "fillers" during long runs!

What kind of person are you- podcast, music or none of the above?
What's your favorite podcast?
What do you like better- podcast or audio books?  For some reason, I can't stand audio books!  I lose attention or get lost and end up replaying sections over and over, then get fed up and shut it off.

linking up with Amanda!


  1. Oh, I definitely love listening to music--that's my go-to for sure. I tried a few podcasts and got bored. I'd rather watch Netflix (the Mindy Project is my current fave) on days that I need to keep it easy and I'm stuck on the TM. And then about 10% of my runs, I listen to nothing, and I never regret it.

    1. I love to catch up on shows when I'm on the TM as well!

  2. I hope you listen to my podcast! It is up NOW! http://www.dizruns.com/susie-lemmer

  3. I just downloaded SO many of these! This is an amazing list, but it's so funny that we listen to such different ones! I usually only listen to blogging, running, and faith based pod casts and never considered food or pop culture!

  4. I was obsessed with Serial when it came out so I started getting into more podcasts and found Criminal which has short crime stories... Sound Bites is great if you're into food/nutrition. I usually listen to them while traveling (long drive or on a plane), never tried listening while running though. Thanks for sharing and that's so cool you were mentioned in one of them!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! Dan and I also love listening to some on road trips :)

  5. It seems podcast are a common topic in a lot of runner's blogs at the moment! I think this is the 6th one I've seen on podcasts. I feel left out.

    I find myself to be a mix of Podcast, audiobooks, steps on pavement and music; depending on the type of run. Treadmill REQUIRES an audiobook, or podcast. Long run is music all the way. And *some* races are steps on pavement.

    Have you checked out Invisibilia? I think the second season has not started yet, but the first season was really interesting. Another that used to be a favorite podcast of mine, but I need to catch up, is Alt Latino. The combination of story, history, music and commentary holds my attention for a long time.

    1. Oh wow I honestly didn't know that..I guess it's that time of year huh? I like Invisibilia a lot but wish there were more episodes!

  6. I listen to podcasts in the car because I commute an hour each way to work. For some reason I've never listened to a podcast while running. I either listen to music or don't listen to anything at all. Planning on doing a long(ish) run this weekend so will try a podcast instead. I'd love to get lost in a story and forget about the miles!

    Thanks for the list of podcast suggestions. The only ones you mentioned that I listen to are Serial (of course) and This American Life. I also really enjoy Stuff You Should Know and Only Human.

    1. I also listen on my commute! Thanks for the other suggestions :)

  7. I love listening to podcasts when I run too! SO great to catch up on your favorite stories! I'm pinning this for future reference because there are so many here that I haven't heard of before!

  8. I love the BB podcast! No matter if you follow a Paleo diet or not, Diane and Liz are so relatable.

  9. I ALWAYS listen to music when I run -- I just can't do the no sound thing, but I have never listened to a podcast while running. I may need to try it out! I am currently listening to the Balanced Bites and even though I am not paleo, I love the podcast!

    1. So do I..really interesting and they make all the science of eating really understandable and interesting!

  10. i've actually never listened to a podcast! i'm not averse to the idea, just haven't given it a whirl. i'm a music junkie by nature so love having the time to discover new music while running, but lately if i'm on a treadmill (blech), i've taken to watching Blue Bloods on Netflix. :)

    1. I agree that music is great for running! I mostly listen to podcasts when I need to keep my pace down. I always have such a backlog of episodes too so I like to clear them out!

  11. thanks for this list! i've only heard of like 2 of these, so it's great to find some new-to-me ones! awesome list. bookmarking!

  12. I used to listen to podcasts all. the. time when I commuted, and it kind of dwindled after I became a SAHM. BUT I've been getting more into them again which makes me happy. YES to This American Life - more people need to listen to that one, because it's amazing. In terms of pop culture-y ish ones, check out Stuff You Didn't Learn in History Class, How Stuff Works, and Stuff Your Mother Didn't Teach You. They're all awesome and there's a TON of them on so many different cool topics. I also like the Totally Laime podcasts - It started as a show where they brought on comedians and talked to them, and the hosts are super funny. Totally Laime (the comedian one) isn't making new episodes any more but they're all still there, and they have 2 other shows - Totally Married and Totally Mommy where they give "unqualified advice" and are seriously just hilarious. Highly recommended. Also, I've been listening to some old editions of Smart Passive Income because that guy is a freakin' genius. Even the posts that don't pertain to blogging are so interesting.

  13. I only listen to podcasts if I'm running on the treadmill. Otherwise, I really do enjoy the quiet! But I need something to help me get through the long miles indoors...some of my favorites is the TED Radio Hour and Running on Om.

  14. Hmm... If I train for a long race again, I think I would love to listen to podcasts. I've thought about listening to sermons too while running. :)

  15. I used to not listen to anything for my runs! I don’t know if I could ever go back to that now though. Nowadays, I listen to podcast or audiobooks, hardly ever do I listen to music. People talking and narrating keep me much more engaged. I TOTALLY agree about Limetown. When I first began, I was allllll about it. But when I couldn’t know exactly when to expect the next episode, I stopped listening entirely. Maybe one day I’ll bring it back, now that it’s over, but I think I’m a little salty about it still, haha. If you enjoyed Limetown, you have to listen to the Message! Similar format, much shorter, and an interesting story!

    My favorite podcast ever is Totally Married! Which is funny because I'm very single. But it is amazing!

    1. YAY! Thank you for that suggestion Julia! You rock.

  16. Thanks for sharing these. I've actually grown pretty tired of listening to the same music while running so I'll have to look into some new podcasts.

  17. I mostly listen to music but about once a week I listen to the Dr. Joy Browne show. I used to love her on the radio so the podcasts keep me up to date on her shows. I love the random callers looking for advice, she is the best and tells it how it is.

    1. I haven't listened to that so I'll have to check it out :)

  18. Okay we are twinning today because I wrote about how podcasts help me get through treadmill running! I am adding a bunch of these to my list, thanks for the good recommendations :) I LOVE Here to Make Friends.. oh my gosh I think the girls are hilarious. It's almost like they're reading my friends' group text about the Bachelor :)

    1. I was laughing when I saw your post! Same wave length!

  19. I'm obsessed with true crime podcasts like Sword and Stone and Generation Why, but really like This American Life too. The Jillian Michaels podcast is light, but talks about all sorts of stuff. If you like her you might like that one too!

    1. I listened to Jillian's, but I don't really like random shows like that, that don't seem to have a focus. I couldn't get into it!

  20. I love podcasts for treadmill runs, especially the Runner's Connect podcast, and I'm always looking for new ones. I run without music on all of my outdoor runs and just kind of let my mind wander.

    1. I wish I could do that! I can go music free for shorter runs, but if I'm doing a long run or speed workout I need something!

  21. I also love Limetown and was disappointed in the sporadic posting (and the fact that there were only 6 instead of 7!). I'm hoping they get things figured out and can come back with regular episodes.

    I would also recommend that you check out The e20 podcast! My friend TJ is the host and he's had some really fascinating guests.

  22. I will have to check some of these out, I have only heard a few of them. One of my favorites is Jenna and Julian.

  23. I also love This American Life! I will have to check out Limetown. My other faves include Radiolab and Freakonomics.

  24. Thanks! I'll have to check these out!

  25. My client this afternoon told me about Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!! Gotta check it out. I'm all over TED Radio Hour and This American Life :) Ray likes Radio Lab.

  26. I'm all for music when running, but I love podcasts at other times. The Lively Show has been one I'm really loving lately. I think I'll have to check our Psychbabble because I've been finding Tyler hilarious on The Amazing Race.


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