Resolution + Goal Update : January

Happy Monday, and happy February everyone!  I may have just finished talking about all of my goals for the year, but we're already due for my monthly check-in.

Each month, I'll go through each goal area and talk about my progress on each resolution.  If there's a "+" by the resolution- that means I was successful that month!  If there's a "-", unfortunately I missed the mark.  Some of my goals are more of a year-long thing, so until I complete the entire goal (for example saving $15,000) I'll have a "-" (which is why none of my fitness goals have a "+").  I'll give you a quick update on my progress though, and hopefully there will be a "+" before the end of 2016!

Enough chatting for now, let's get to my monthly resolution update for January!  Let's start off with a visual of my goals, then move into the detail.

Financial Goals

+ Spending freeze until my birthday (June 28)
I bought a new cheese grater because my old one broke, but I wouldn't consider that breaking the freeze.

+ Save reward money (Discover, Ebates, Ibotta) for entire year

- Save $15,000 in my joint account, $6,000 alone
saved $1,125 in joint account (due to our paycheck schedule, some months might be lower than others, so it's fine that this is low in January), $300 in personal account (I just realized that I have to adjust my savings rules in my personal account to hit my goal, so this will be fixed next month.)

+ No fast food, coffee shops, restaurants, bars
exception made to get tea with Alexa, and Tim Hortons while we were in Bradford (aka my favorite coffee)

+ Get a library card
I got my library card, and already checked out four books!  Now I can take this item off my list for the rest of the year!

- Run commute at least once a week when it's warm
Definitely not warm enough yet.

Fitness Goals

- Run 1200 miles
January miles : 95 miles

- PR in two distances
0 races in January = 0 PR attempts

- Run 20 races
0 races in January

- Swim 1,000 yards without stopping
Up to 100 yards.  Goal in February is go more consistently and get up to 150 yards.

- Bike 20 miles without stopping
No biking this month

- Try out 4 new workout classes
I tried out one new class this month- Group Core

Health Goals

- Get regular check-ups
PCP check-up, bio metric screening, and dentist is scheduled 

+ Clean up eating habits
See: Whole30
+ Take vitamins and supplements
Calcium, Vitamin D3, Omega3 Fish Oil

Personal Goals

+ Declutter 10 items each month
Three beer growlers, plastic shelf, broken Keurig, plastic folder, old painting that I did and never hung, old nail polish, mini travel perfume sprayer, Selma's toy that is destroyed, Rubiks cube game that Dan never played, webcam  

+ Set up cleaning schedule
Post coming up in February

+ Monthly cooking challenge
January : Whole30
All of my meals in January followed the Whole30 plan, with a lot of recipes coming from this book. 
February : 4 Ingredients Gluten Free
In order to keep my healthy habits and save money at the grocery store, I'm going to try 30 recipes from the 4 ingredient gluten free cookbook!

Blogging Goals

+ Improve photography
Working on it!  I bought two backdrops and got Dan to take pictures for my energy bites post!

- Write an e-book
In progress!
- Get over 15,000 views in a month
January views : 12,797 
+ Start to earn money
In January, I made a total of $22.  Better than nothing!

+ Start a newsletter
Subscribe here!

Other accomplishments this month:

+ Completed the Whole30 with zero slip-ups
+ Cross-trained twice a week
+ Ran all long runs outside (and only ran indoors 3 days)
+ Announced my first link-up with Kristen (don't forget- starts on Thursday!)
+ Filed my 2015 taxes

How are you doing on resolutions?
Did you have any major achievements in January?
Any big plans for February?

linking up with KatieErinCaryleeJenna, Holly and Tricia

post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!


  1. Go you! You are doing awesome, especially with the spending! Your willpower is amazing. I love that you're also adding additional accomplishments each month, it's such a great way to reflect! As for library cards, if you have an e-reader or an e-reading app, check if your library has an e-book program. Mine shares the rights for s TON of books (some that aren't even in the library!) with a few counties so we have access to even more books, which is really nice!

    1. Thanks Morgan! That is one thing that I definitely have..lots of willpower. Thanks for the tip about e readers!

  2. You are already SO on top of it and it's only February! Above all, I need to unclutter and you throwing away a growler is inspiring me! Although I always throw them away and need one like a week later. I also love your saving goal and how well you're doing. I know it's not easy when you have a big trip/wedding coming up!

    1. I try my best :) I've had those sitting around for so long..and every time we fill them up we end up not drinking the beer in time and it goes bad!

  3. You are amazing! So impressed with all you've done already this year - makes me want to step up my game. I'm also trying to improve my photography for the blog and this month I'm starting another spending freeze - updates on the blog to follow! Thanks, as always, for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much Emma! Good luck with your spending freeze :)


  5. I am super impressed with you list! You are really killing it!! I need someone to come in my house and go through all the cabinets where I hide my hoarding demons :-)) haha (It's not THAT bad, but it could be better :-)))

    1. I think we could all be better with organizing and cleaning out cabinets :) Luckily in my apartment I only have about 2 of them so I can't hoard that much!

  6. What is the graph tool you are tracking your financial stuff with? I love the color coordinatedness. Awesome job on saving this month- I'm super impressed!

  7. Awesome job on your goals so far, Gretchen! I love the one about de-cluttering ten items. I feel like I need to set something similar for some areas of my house (like my closet, ahem.) It feels overwhelming to tackle it all at once, but if I just made a goal about eliminating X items that might be easier. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Thanks Gina! Definitely start with a small area so it's not as intimidating :)

  8. I've been doing so de-cluttering too though that wasn't a goal. It does make me feel good to clean up stuff, and I know I'm not going to use the things I throw out.

  9. My goals for February are to do 15 minutes of strength training every day and to only take the stairs at work.

    I might have to steal your declutter 10 items/month resolution. I hate clutter but I also never have time to do a full room declutter. I really like the idea of taking care of a few items each month.

    1. That's something I should do too! Not the take the stairs part..I work on the 38th floor so I would be late every day haha!

  10. Wow you are already off to such a great start! Can't wait to see the cleaning schedule :) Love the back drops for photography!!

  11. Wow, this might be the most comprehensive and detailed goal progress report I have ever seen! Good for you, Gretch! It sounds like you are off to a terrific start!

  12. I love how positive and inspiring and goal-driven you are. It is so contagious!!!

  13. I am so impressed with your ability to save money. I really need to be more mindful of exactly where all my spending is happening.

    1. Writing it all down completely opened my eyes. I realized how much money I was throwing away, so when I became more mindful of where my money went I saved SO much more!

  14. Every time I read your posts about goals/resolutions, I get so motivated! Seriously you're so inspiring! I'm doing pretty well with my goals for this year, number 1 being that I'm more conscious about meal planning for the week. I've even gotten my boyfriend involved with thinking of dinner ideas which I think he likes!

    1. That's the nicest thing you can say to me Amanda, seriously! Thank you!! Great job with meal planning..once you get in the habit it gets a lot easier :)

  15. I love this! You are doing a great job on your goals. This is a great way to hold yourself accountable and see your progress.

  16. You are so organized and goal-driven! Good for you - and there's no doubt you'll only get even better at achieving your goals as the months progress!

  17. Oh my god! I've been taking pictures of the *Shtuff* (not my word) I have been taking out of my closet, to prove to my sisters that I am working hard at decluttering my closets, thanks for proving that I am slightly normal and not the only person doing this! except I'm starting with mostly taking out random trash I have saved... like tags and receipts...

    You are ON point with your goal! that's amazing! good job!

    1. Dan was looking at me like a crazy person when I was taking pictures of all my garbage haha. The things I do for the blog!!

  18. Congrats on putting a dent in you goals/to do list.

    Ps, we have that same toy duck (but ours is green). It's the dog's favorite!

  19. You are so smart to lay our your goals with such specific detail. It's much easier to follow through and track your progress this way. Overall, it's a wonderful way to stay accountable. You are doing awesome, by the way. I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to give up my coffee! LOL. I really like your Thursday linkup idea too. Thanks for linking with us Gretchen.

  20. Woo- those goals are coming along nicely! Love that you made it a goal to go to the dentist (mostly because I am in dental school-ha!). Love your running/ fitness goals as well and setting a yearly mileage goal. I would have trouble keeping track though-ha!

  21. hmmm i need that 4 ingredient gluten free cookbook.
    look at you knocking out a ton of goals! seriously, amazing. good job on a strong start in january, here's to the rest of the year! i'm sure you'll start to knock your running goals out easily once it gets warmer.

  22. I'm getting so fed up with the amount of STUFF we have in the house. Things we haven't touched in three years since living here!! I'd love to get rid of 10 things every month. Maybe even every week :)

  23. I am so very impressed with the amount of detail in your plan. Since having a plan is the first step you are sure to succeed. I love how you take just little chunks like in decluttering. I may even try this. I can not wait to see how you do in the. Keep it up your an inspiration to all of us!!!

  24. I am so very impressed with the amount of detail in your plan. Since having a plan is the first step you are sure to succeed. I love how you take just little chunks like in decluttering. I may even try this. I can not wait to see how you do in the. Keep it up your an inspiration to all of us!!!

  25. way to go! Your dedication is inspiring. Not sure I could do a lot of that :-) My January got off to a slow start but I'm happy about the way meal planning is going.

  26. Wow, your goals for 2016 are impressive and very detailed. It looks like you're well on your way with several of your goals. I'm hoping to run 1200 miles this year too. It's been my goal for the past two years, but I always seem to fall short due to sickness. I always manage to get sinus infections or stomach bugs that keep me down for weeks.


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