Top Five Friday #43

We made it to Friday, and I have a long weekend ahead to look forward to!  This weekend I have my first race of the year (which of course falls on the coldest day of the year so far..the high is only 9 degrees!).  This is exactly how I'm feeling right about now :

 Linking up with MarCynthia and Court 
I hope that you all have fun plans for the weekend and enjoy another random roundup of my favorite things from the week.  I'll see you back here tomorrow with a special recipe that will be perfect for Valentine's, Galentine's, or just any plain old Day!  I shared a sneak peak on Instagram, and I swear it's a good one!

Top Moments of the Week

New Instagram accounts

In case you missed it, Instagram just made having multiple accounts much easier.  Now, you can access any account you own without having to constantly log in and out of the application.  Just go to your profile and switch back and forth!  This makes things so much easier since I separated my personal account and blog account!

Whole30 Tweet

Alternative Title- my 15 minutes of Internet Fame

The highlight of my week was getting noticed by the official Whole30 twitter account!  Tara was so sweet to share my final Whole30 thoughts and tips post from earlier this week, and then I noticed that my phone was blowing up with Twitter notifications.

I couldn't believe that they actually shared my post, and I ended up getting a lot of views and new followers that day!  That was a post that I put a lot of time and effort into, so it really made me happy that I got a good response to it and some exposure.  Thank you all for your feedback on that post!!

Work Desk Necessities 

Last week I shared my favorite makeup products, so this week I thought I would share my necessities at work!  What do you keep in your desk at work?

- Cute bag with feminine products (all of us girls need them, and this way they're inconspicuous and easy to throw into a purse or bring to the bathroom)

- Redken Frizz Dismiss Fly-Away Fix (basically dryer sheets, but useful in the winter when my hair is full of static)

- GUM Flossers (it's really annoying to have something stuck in your teeth, and this is a lot more convenient than brushing your teeth or using mouthwash!

- Mini Lint Roller (so convenient if I come in and I'm covered in dog hair!  not very professional)

- Milani Nude Creme Lipstick (such a creamy formula and a perfect every day shade)

- Hempz Fresh Coconut and Watermelon Lotion (great formula and fantastic scent)

- Bio True Contact Solution and Clear Eyes for Contact Lenses (irritated eyes are one of my pet peeves, so it's always handy to have these around)

- Jergens BB Body (my favorite lotion with just a tint of color in case I wear a dress or skirt to work)

- Burt's Bees Pink Grapefruit Balm (so hydrating and fresh scent)

- Screen Cleaner (who likes a dirty cell phone?  not me!)

- Mini Nail File (always handy to have around in emergencies)

- Cosmetic Wedges (throughout the day, my makeup sometimes starts to crease or settle into lines, so I just go over it with a sponge and it looks refreshed!)

- Hair Ties (#LongHairProblems)

House Hunting Update

Dan and I put in an offer on a second house!  Earlier this week, the perfect house came on the market- ideal location, beautiful architecture, large yard, the works- which means that there was a ton of competition for it.  In fact, we scheduled a showing with our realtor the day after it was put on the market, and there were about 10 other people at the house and two offers were already sent in!

So far we haven't heard back about our offer, and I'm not holding out much hope since it's such a competitive situation.  It would be our dream house though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping I have a good update for you all soon!  If not, I hope that the next house we find won't have yet another bidding war.  Now we should really be pros at the offer process!

Edit-- We heard back late last night that we didn't get it.  There were eight other offers on the table so I'm not surprised!  Third time's a charm, right?!

TV Lately

I've had some time this week to catch up on TV shows, and here's what I'm loving with some thoughts!

American Idol - We're finally at the live rounds!  I'm so excited that my favorite singers from auditions (La'Porsha and Dalton) made it through, and there are a few other singers that are on my radar now as well, like Mackenzie and Jenn.  Excited for this season!

The Good Wife - I'm still way behind on this show, but I finally finished the first season!  It was just announced that this will be the final season, so I can finally catch up.  I'm so obsessed with it and need to knock out a few seasons with a marathon (maybe on my day off Monday?)

The Biggest Loser - I'm team Erin all the way!  I loved her on the Voice and she's been so strong this entire season.  I think she's such a beautiful woman on the inside and out, and I can't wait to see her crush everyone in the finals!

The Bachelor - Not sure what was wrong with Leah this week, but I'm pretty sure that the producers had something to do with her lashing out against Lauren B!  Lauren clearly the front runner, so I'm guessing the show wanted a bit more excitement and drama heading into the hometown dates.  I still think that she's going to end up winning, so I'm excited to find out who the next lead is going to be.  I'm hoping for JoJo!

Songs of the Week 

Love on the brain - Rihanna
I'm loving Rihanna's new album, which has a really different sound for her.  This one is my favorite, and I love the base line that plays throughout the entire song!

Feel Flows - The Beach Boys
To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of the Beach Boys.  When I heard this song, I thought it sounded so cool and different, so I was shocked when I saw who sung it!  I'm pretty hooked on it right now.

Hymn for the Weekend - Coldplay ft Beyonce
Why did Coldplay not play this at the Superbowl?!  It even features Beyonce..perfect opportunity to pull her in.  This song is so fun and upbeat!

Bang My Head - David Guetta ft Sia and Fetty Wep
This song had me at "Sia and Fetty Wep".  Two of my favorites that couldn't be more different on one song?  Ok!

Summer Sixteen - Drake
I don't know why Drake's looking for revenge, but I'm just going with it.  Love this song!

Post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!

Plans for the weekend?  I'm hoping you have plans to stay warm!
Homeowners out there- how many failed offers did you it take to find your home?!
What shows have you been watching lately?


  1. I"m sad about your house. You need me to go in there and give them a piece of my mind about why you need to have an awesome place with amazing historical details. FOR REALS

  2. I'm still so sad about your home, but I'm also hopeful for the one you're looking at today! You're a Whole30 idol in my book, heck yeah they wanted to share your stuff! Your work desk puts mine to shame I'm definitely organizing today!

  3. O gosh I realize I keep very few personal items in my desk. I do have a lint roller though. When you own a yellow Labrador it's a must!

  4. Good luck at your race this weekend! Just followed your blog insta account- definitely loving that new feature so I can go between my blog and personal accounts as well. The personal items at my desk are most food and teas, haha.

  5. Your work desk is so organized!! (I could never take a picture of mine. Too embarrassing!)

  6. Sorry about the house! I've been watching American Idol too-- I loved the duets last night.

  7. Our run group run was cancelled for the weekend, so I considered a local 5K to try to make my sub 25 goal for the spring, but NOPE, those wind chills? No thank you. So good luck! AKA You're crazy. Haha

    Also, I'm impressed by how organized your desk is. I've got like vitamins, random lady products tossed about, some hand lotion & a big stack of business cards I never remember to pass out. Haha.

  8. We put an offer in on one house and didn't get it. But I am so glad that fell through! I LOVE where we live now. :) The house we live in now was on the market for one day. We offered asking price so we got it. :)

  9. Sorry about the house! Third time has got to be a charm, right? I'm pretty sure in Seattle it's going to take about 2000 offers because of how competitive the housing market is here. I've been watching Jessica Jones lately, but mostly because of David Tennant. Have a great weekend!

  10. You are so organized at work! I need to follow your lead! I'm always the one with a rubberband in my hair while working out because I forget my hair ties. Happy weekend!

  11. My plans for the weekend are just like you said -- staying warm! It has been so cold this week and I just want to be warm inside all weekend, besides my run tomorrow!

  12. The switching between accounts on instagram has been amazing. I'm finally glad they decided to go with that.

    I ran a late February marathon last year and I completely understand your pain. I seriously felt the pain of some of those winter long runs.

  13. Thank you for the first picture! I just YELLED to my fiancé yesterday that we should not have signed up for a Spring marathon... and told him I'm breaking up with him if we have to run 17 miles on Sunday. BUT... Sunday is supposed to be a balmy 20 degrees in Harrisburg that day!

    We made offers in 6 houses before finally getting one.

    Good luck to you on your 10k! Stay warm!

  14. I think we went through 4 rejected offers before we finally had our 5th one get accepted. The whole process ended up taking about a year. We started looking at houses in January 2014, had an offer accepted in November, and ended up closing in January 2015. It was long and exhausting, but in the end I am really happy with the house we bought. Just try to stay patient and eventually it will workout in your favor!

    I was freezing my butt off on a 6 mile run earlier this week and all I could think was "Thank god I am only training for 5ks right now!"

  15. GOOD LUCK AT YOUR RACE! And stay warm.. or try to! I'm sorry about the house :( I agree about the Bachelor. I'm glad he finally got rid of Olivia! She was too much. I'm also glad someone likes Sia and Fetty Wap as much as me :) haha

  16. Good luck on your race this weekend! Run swift! I am escaping this cold for possibly colder weather in Oregon (Mt. Hood area). Happy Feb 14th! :)

  17. Bummer on the house. Our area has times where houses sell like that too and it always makes me happy that we plan to stay here until retirement. I don't think I could handle the buying/selling stress.

    And, brrr, I ran in a feels like of 13 today and it was not awesome.

  18. I'm so bummed for you with the house! I've been there. I think he did 2 other homes before we were accepted for our house. It was so worth it though!! And now that I look back on the other two houses, they would have so not been the perfect fit for our family, even though it seemed like it would be at the time. (Uh, we actually put in an offer on a 1 bedroom. I was 9 months pregnant. There was a nook of sorts in the bedroom and I remember saying that we put the crib in the little nook. That would have been horrible.)

  19. OH I hate how competitive housing market. When we were house hunting almost 10 years ago (what?!?!) we were in the same situation. We lost out on two houses that were what we thought, perfect for us. When we finally got our house, we could look at the other houses and see that, no, they were not perfect at all. The right house is what we ended up with. Have a great weekend and thanks for linking up to High 5 Friday!

  20. Ha ha! That first graphic is hilarious! Good luck at your race this weekend! It's going to be a cold one for sure, but that will probably help you run better/faster.

  21. oh girl that sucks balls about the house. here's hoping 3rd times a charm. we live in a fairly small, sleepy city, so we didn't have any issues in regards to competitiveness, but there is definitely less available here. i hope you find something soon!
    congrats on your whole 30 recognition! that is amazing!
    good luck with your race!! i'll be... not running outside. haha.

  22. Ohh , I need to see if I can link my work account to my Instagram! Would make things so much easier! I think for our second house, we were in a bidding war. hard to remember now but pretty sure!

  23. sorry about the house, but yes - 3rd time is the charm!

  24. Lint roller and girly products are a definite MUST at work! I also keep some lip balm, gum, hand lotion, tea... the necessities. :)

  25. Sorry you didn't get that house! On to the next one, right? I neeeeed to have Chapstick near me at all times! I think I have one in every purse haha.


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