Currently : March

Today I'll be sharing my monthly Currently post!   I always love to do these to see what changes throughout the months.  This is definitely a month full of changes and my future seems up in the air right now, so I hope you'll excuse this short and vague post!  I promise- as soon as I can share more I will :)  See you all tomorrow for the What's New With You linkup!

wishing : everything goes smoothly for the next few days.  More details to come soon, but there are a lot of negotiations happening in my world lately!

craving : a good night of sleep.  I'm someone who stays up all night when there's a lot going on, so life lately has been ruining my sleep!  Sorry for being vague- I promise I'll share more in the "What's New With You" linkup tomorrow :) - don't forget to join!

going : nowhere. Dan and I are trying to save up as much money as we can, so we really haven't gone anywhere lately, and aren't planning any trips for a while!

wearing : summer clothes one day, winter clothes the next.  When can the weather make up its dang mind?  I'm really excited for spring weather to stick around and bringing out the spring clothes!  Right now, Shopbop is having a big spring sale, and since I can't shop until June, I'll just share my virtual shopping basket with you all (just a heads up- these are affiliate links!  I don't work with Shopbop but I do earn a small percentage if you purchase something through my link) :

  • pretty sneakers that are perfect for the gym or running around
  • a versatile clutch with a pop of springy lavendar
  • gorgeous patterned dress that would be so flattering on any body type
  • flats that will go with anything (if you want a bit of bling!)
  • an over-the-top gorgeous yellow leather jacket
  • if this watch doesn't scream spring I don't know what does!

learning : way too much about home repairs, house shopping, and DIY projects.  I'm pretty sure I've borrowed every book in the home owner section of the library by now.  Obsessed!

linking up with Anne and Jenna

Your turn!  What are some "currently"s for you?
Anyone else in a stressful time of life?  
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate vague blogging?
Are you going to pick up anything in the Shopbop sale?  Let me live vicariously through you!


  1. We'll be sharing OUR currently tomorrow for your link up! Can't wait to join that again! Looking forward, as well, to hearing more about what's new with you - I hope that everything goes smoothly for you the next few days as well.

  2. Are the negotiations house-related??

  3. I love that yellow leather jacket. It's only $87384790384372 Canadian! Ha ha. It's super cute though.

    Hopefully your life settles down a bit and you can get some sleeeeeeep. xo

  4. bahaha probably about a 9 ;) i understand why people need to be vague though, and i hate being vague on my blog but sometimes it can't be helped. hope everything is okay and sorted out soon! especially sleep, that sucks!

    1. I agree with you but all will be revealed :) Just trying to keep the drama ya know

  5. I feel ya on the spring weather! It was in the mid 50s last weekend and I completely forgot how to dress for 50s weather haha. Like is that hot or cold.. I have no idea! Wishing you luck with everything house related!

    1. Haha same! Funny how 50 feels so warm now, but after summer 50 will feel freezing. Weather is weird!

  6. I hope everything goes smoothly for you over the next few days! I love the floral dress, it just looks so light and comfy but cute. Not that anyone in Seattle wears dresses!

  7. Ohhh I love that dress and those flats!!! Hope everything works out for your during your negotiations! Home repair and shopping is always a bear, right??

  8. the weather has been crazy here as well.
    and i totally know what you mean about needing a good nights sleep.
    ohhhhh how i love that jacket!

    1. I love it too but I don't know what I would do with a yellow leather jacket haha!

  9. The weather in Pittsburgh is killing me! I never dress appropriately because it is always changing. I love looking at spring/summer wish lists to get outfit ideas! That yellow jacket is like a feminine leather jacket, perfect for spring (if only it didn't cost what it does). I hope the vagueness means there's good news!

    1. Same here! I wish the coat was cheaper too haha!

  10. I hear you about the sleep! and our weather is the same... 70 on Sunday and 32 on Wednesday. I just keep the scarves around :)

  11. Wow that definitely is stressful! Good luck getting back to work and with your no shopping challenge!

  12. Well, I wish you good luck on your wishing! I might have put in a big Shopbop sale order myself... love the sneakers and clutch you spotted!

  13. Ah, I'm craving a good night's sleep as well. I hope you finally are able to rest this weekend!

    Thanks or linking up!


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