Resolution and Goal Update : February

Happy March everyone!  Even though February is the shortest month, it seemed extra long to me this year.  Did that happen for anyone else?  I'm not sure if it's because it's a leap year or what, but I swear this month dragged on!  Since it's the end of the month, I'm going to share my goal progress.

Each month, I'll go through each goal area and talk about my progress on each resolution.  If there's a "+" by the resolution- that means I was successful that month!  If there's a "-", unfortunately I missed the mark.  Some of my goals are more of a year-long thing, so until I complete the entire goal (for example saving $15,000) I'll have a "-" (which is why none of my fitness goals have a "+").  I'll give you a quick update on my progress though, and hopefully there will be a "+" before the end of 2016!

Enough chatting for now, let's get to my monthly resolution update for February!  Let's start off with a visual of my goals, then move into the detail.

Financial Goals

+ Spending freeze until my birthday (June 28)
I broke the freeze to buy running clothes from Athleta, but that was allowed in my original conditions

+ Save reward money (Discover, EbatesIbotta) for entire year

(p.s. for those of you who asked last month, I created this chart in Excel!)

- Save $15,000 in my joint account, $6,000 alone
saved $5225 in joint account (thank you tax return), $700 in personal account (made up for last month.)
for the year, I have $6350 saved in joint account (42% of the way to my goal!), and $1000 in personal (16% of the way to my goal).

+ No fast food, coffee shops, restaurants, bars
exception made for coffee twice when I ran before work

+ Get a library card

+ Run commute at least once a week when it's warm
I went twice in February!

Fitness Goals

- Run 1200 miles
January miles : 95 miles
February miles : 122 miles

- PR in two distances
0 races in January = 0 PR attempts
1 race in February = 6:00 15-miler PR!

- Run 20 races
0 races in January
1 race in February (read my recap here)

- Swim 1,000 yards without stopping
Jan: Up to 100 yards.  Goal in February is go more consistently and get up to 150 yards.
Feb: No swimming :( Goal in March is to go once a week.

- Bike 20 miles without stopping
No biking this month

- Try out 4 new workout classes
#1 - Group Core

Health Goals

- Get regular check-ups
PCP check-up, bio metric screening, and dentist is scheduled 

+ Clean up eating habits
See: Whole30
Still going strong with healthy eating in February!

+ Take vitamins and supplements
Calcium, Vitamin D3, Omega3 Fish Oil

Personal Goals

+ Declutter 10 items each month
I went crazy this month!  I decided to clean out my craft areas and consolidate to one container.  I wish I took before and after pictures, because I narrowed down my collection to about 1/4 of what it was.

+ Set up cleaning schedule
See my post here!

Monthly cooking challenge
January : Whole30
February : 4 Ingredients Gluten Free
March : Share 4 recipes on blog

Blogging Goals

+ Improve photography
Working on it!  Here are shots from my energy bites post
and my S'mores post.  I can already see a huge difference!

- Write an e-book
In progress!

+ Get over 15,000 views in a month
January views : 12,797 
February views : 36,828
New goal is to get over 40,000 views in a month!

+ Start to earn money
January : $22
February : $31.22

Start a newsletter
Subscribe here!

Other accomplishments this month:

+ Post got shared by Whole30 Facebook account (which is why my views were so high this month!)

Great Whole30 recap from Gretch Runs, including this bit of wisdom: "Outside of a few people in my real life, no one...
Posted by Whole30 on Sunday, February 21, 2016

+ Cross-trained twice a week

+ Ran all long runs outside (including an 18 miler)

+ Hosted my first link-up with Kristen (don't forget- link up with us on Thursday!)

+ Hosted a giveaway to celebrate my blog's first birthday!  And the winner is....Gabbi!  Thank you to everyone who entered!
By the way- Steve is very generously offering 40 Days on Kindle for only 99 cents today only!  This is an amazing book and I can't recommend it highly enough.  Don't miss out on reading an inspirational story for less than a buck!  You can order it here until Wednesday morning at 8AM!

How are you doing on resolutions?
Did you have any major achievements in January?
Any big plans for February?

linking up with Tuesdays on the Run and Training for Tuesday

post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!


  1. Great job on rocking February! Hope March continues the amazing experience for you!

  2. Happy March 1! Holy cow I can't believe how much money you're saving, but that's so awesome! I love the book atonement and I also love how you're killing all your goals. Great job, Gretch!

    1. It stinks not going out and doing fun things, but it's worth it to see that money go up and up!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Let me try that again: You are literally spanking your goals, and soon enough, you are gong to be lapping me in your blogging stats! And I've been at it for a while! Please come and make over my life??

    1. HAHA thanks Susie! I'm pretty sure that the number is a fluke, so don't worry about me lapping anyone ;)

  5. Wow. Big congrats on those page views. That's awesome!

    February was kind of BLAH goal wise for me. So, I took a step back for March. Set fewer goals & am ready to rock them.

    1. February is a blah month in general, so I'm sure you'll get back on track. Good luck!

  6. WHOA. That is a LOT of page views. I mean, I am not surprised one bit! I love it! It's so great that you set all these goals for yourself. Congrats on a great month!

  7. Did you create the graphic, Gretch? I love it!! Love this entire goal post. It’s so comprehensive! :)

    1. I did! I use Canva and it's super easy. Thanks for the feedback!

  8. Awesome job in growing your pageviews! You'll break 40K in no time! I loved the book Atonement - such a well-written and engaging period piece.

    1. Thanks Laura! And I completely agree about the book :)

  9. so what did you end up thinking of atonement?!!!! i want to know haha.
    girl you are killing it with your goals! congrats on whole 30 sharing your post, i loved what you said about not talking about it.. i think talking about it helps some people, but hinders others. i really need to get a proper declutter / purge done, maybe this weekend. maybe.

    1. I really liked it! A bit of a slow read at times but really intriguing and I loved the three time periods.

  10. I love the way you're keeping track of your resolutions, you're doing a great job so far this year! And congrats on all of those pageviews!

  11. Congrats on all your goals and progress! 2 months in and it looks like you're already doing awesome :)

  12. I definitely need to declutter. Spring Cleaning will be in session shortly. I always say in the beginning of the yr I want to read more Books. Well third mth in and I only read half of one. Maybe I'll finish it before the end of the yr...ha.

  13. Awesome job with your goals this month! I love how you lay it all out and organize them, it's probably contributing to your success. I hope you have a great March!

  14. Gretchen! WOW!! Congrats on your major page view increase this month! That's so great!! And all in all you're tracking so well with your goals and it's just so motivating!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  15. Congrats on all the progress! My tax return has really helped me in the savings department this month. I can't wait to check out your recipes!

  16. Great job setting and exceeding your goals!

  17. Love love love reading your goals. You are progressing so admirably on all of them! Particularly impressed with your financial and blog goals - you go, Gretch! I'll need to pick your brain at some point for your secrets of financial success AND to chat about blogging. :)

    1. Thanks Emma! Get in touch with me whenever but I'm no expert (just to warn you!)


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