Resolution and Goal Update : March

Happy April everyone! It's already time to go over my goals and how I did this month.  To be honest, this month I didn't really pay attention to my goals that much.  It was a stressful month and I felt like I always had my mind on other things and was running around a lot, so some of my numbers are a little lower which is fine. I can't expect every month to be fantastic!  Let's just hope that April is a better month :)

Each month, I'll go through each goal area and talk about my progress on each resolution.  If there's a "+" by the resolution- that means I was successful that month!  If there's a "-", unfortunately I missed the mark.  Some of my goals are more of a year-long thing, so until I complete the entire goal (for example saving $15,000) I'll have a "-" (which is why none of my fitness goals have a "+").  I'll give you a quick update on my progress though, and hopefully there will be a "+" before the end of 2016!

Enough chatting for now, let's get to my monthly resolution update for March!  Let's start off with a visual of my goals, then move into the detail.

Financial Goals

+ Spending freeze until my birthday (June 28)
Still going strong - halfway there!

+ Save reward money (Discover, EbatesIbotta) for entire year

- Save $15,000 in my joint account, $6,000 alone
saved $1640 in joint account, $500 in personal account.
for the year, I have $7619 saved in joint account (50% of the way to my goal!), and $1500 in personal (25% of the way to my goal).

- No fast food, coffee shops, restaurants, bars
broke twice this month :(

+ Get a library card

+ Run commute at least once a week when it's warm
I went twice in March!

Fitness Goals

- Run 1200 miles
January miles : 95 miles
February miles : 122 miles
March miles : 102 miles

+ PR in two distances
15 miles : 2:13:46
Half Marathon : 1:54:34

- Run 20 races
0 races in January
1 race in February (read my recap here)
1 race in March (read my recap here)

- Swim 1,000 yards without stopping
I ended my gym membership in March, so I'm going to put this goal on hold until I get a new gym membership!

- Bike 20 miles without stopping
No biking this month

- Try out 4 new workout classes
#1 - Group Core

Health Goals

+ Get regular check-ups
Had my annual physical and biometric screening in March!

- Clean up eating habits
Not a very good month for healthy eating in March.  Time to get back on track!

+ Take vitamins and supplements
Calcium, Vitamin D3, Omega3 Fish Oil

Personal Goals

+ Declutter 10 items each month
March items : 2 pairs of shoes, 3 belts, all of my nail polish (don't even remember the last time I painted my nails!), sent a bag of clothes to Thred Up (referral link)

+ Set up cleaning schedule
See my post here!

I also added this to my Bullet Journal which has made the process much easier to stay on track.

+ Monthly cooking challenge
January Whole30

February : 4 Ingredients Gluten Free

March : Share 4 recipes on blog
Spring Rolls
Avocado Egg Salad
Brownie Batter Energy Bites
Turmeric Tea 

April : Spend less than $200 on groceries
This is going to be a big challenge, but I want to cut my grocery bill a lot this month!

Blogging Goals

+ Improve photography
Working on it!  Here are shots from my energy bites post
and my S'mores post.  I can already see a huge difference!

- Write an e-book
In progress!

- Get over 15,000 40,000 views in a month
January views : 12,797 
February views : 36,828
March views : 15,500

+ Start to earn money
January : $22
February : $31.22
March : $20

Start a newsletter
Subscribe here!

Other accomplishments this month:

+ Got an offer accepted on a house!  Whoo!

+ Started a bullet journal

How are you doing on resolutions?
Did you have any major achievements in March?
Any big plans for April?

linking up with Amanda

post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!


  1. GAH those smores. I'm doing pretty well with my priorities (which you know what my focus, rather than goals). More to come on that! GREAT job with your goals!

  2. you rocked the month!! i need to get a library card. i've lived here 6 years and haven't. i just use the one the kids i nanny for have. how embarrassing, right? hehe

    1. Thanks Elle! Girl get a library card! Haha one day the kids might withhold it from you!

  3. Actually just shared my race schedule on my blog today- I should've wrote more about my goals but one of my big ones is to PR on a half this year, two spring half marathons on the agenda but coming off an injury. The S'mores pics look great- that's definitely a big blog focus of mine for the year- to improve photography. Congrats on the house offer- can't wait to hear more!

    1. Those are all awesome goals Jessica! Going to check out your race schedule now :)

  4. Sounds like a good month! My friend has a bullet journal and loves it! Glad you had a good month last month blogging!
    Hope to see you at the Best of the Blogs linkup today!

  5. I get so excited for these posts! I love seeing how you're doing on your goals and it's always motivating for me to work a little harder on mine. Congrats on getting your page views to goal for the second month in a row! That's fantastic!

    1. Thanks Gina! I was happy to see my views are still over my original goal (without the boost of the Whole30 facebook giving me a shoutout!)

  6. Congrats on the house!

    And I'm way too excited about your grocery shopping goal of under $200. I usually get away with $120 for just me, but that usually includes plenty of splurges. So I KNOW you can do it for under $200! I'm planning a mini series about some of my shopping habits & meals that are tasty but cost effective. So, let me know if you need any help!

  7. These posts are really cool. I was going to say that I didn't make any goals but I just remembered that I actually did! After I hurt my back at Christmas time, I resolved to strengthen my core, so I've been doing crunches and push ups nearly every day since then. I have built up from 30 push-ups to 100, and 50 crunches to 200.

    1. That's amazing! I need to work on that this month. I think I'll add that to my tracker in the bullet journal!

  8. It sounds like you're making great progress on your goals! I always like to read these goal update posts from other bloggers because it motivates me to get going on my own goals. Big plans for April? My bridal shower!

    1. Yay!! I hope it goes really well and you have a blast :)

  9. Less than $200 on groceries for a month? That's an awesome goal! You'll need to share your secrets. I spend usually $100 a week on Ryan, not counting beer/wine. I think that's good but I'm always looking to do better.
    Congrats on your house!!! That's so exciting and is a huge achievement.

  10. I love these posts! Great job on all your goals! That's an awesome grocery shopping goal. April is a month full of weekend traveling and some (hopefully) fun races!

  11. I agree, you MUST spill how you achieve <$200 in groceries next month. Inquiring minds want to know! You are doing a great job on all your goals, especially all that reading and the financial stuff. The year is still so young, too, so you will accomplish a lot! What is your e-book about?

  12. This was the most intense and detailed goal post I've ever seen! LOVE IT! Can you come help me meet my goals and plan out my life? ;)

  13. I think it's awesome how transparent you are with your goals. That is something I am looking at doing as well. I was never that "goal oriented" but I feel like lately I need to be...I've been all over the place.

  14. GIRL you continually impress me with your blogging and all of these goals! Seriously, this all looks amazing!!

  15. seriously you are just a goal killing machine! twice a month for fast food or whatever is not that bad, i mean i know you still broke it, but not as bad as i do when i break goals lol. how'd the thred up experience go? i have never sent anything to them. i would love to get our grocery bill down so i can't wait to see how you do that!

  16. Ohh it'd be so hard for me to not go out for coffee!!

  17. Bullet journaling looks so interesting! Do you have a post on it (or plans to do one?) I made a goal to trail run once a month and do yoga twice a month, and unfortunately didn't make those happen in March due to half marathon training---but another goal for 2016 was to run a half marathon, so it's a somewhat fair trade off.

  18. You are a total rockstar! I love seeing your goal updates - you are seriously killing it! So glad you're liking your bullet journal. :)

  19. I love your goals and I love the way you're recapping them!!
    I think I need to adopt a daily cleaning schedule since I'm very lazy when it comes to cleaning and tidying.


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