Simple Spring Rolls

Now that the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer, I thought it was the perfect time to share one of my favorite foods- Spring Rolls!  This was something that was always so intimidating to me- it almost seems like an art to put together these beautiful and tasty rolls.  

Last year, I finally bit the bullet and tried making them for myself.  There was definitely a learning curve and practice involved, but they're actually pretty easy to make!  I make them pretty regularly today, and I'll be sharing how I make them.  There are other tutorials out there, and this might not be the proper way to make them, but I think they look pretty good and taste amazing!

The thing that I like the most about these rolls is the fact that they're completely customizable!  I like to make shrimp rolls, but you can make it completely vegetarian, use other meats or put in tofu.  You can also use any vegetables and fresh herbs that you have on hand.  I love experimenting with different flavor combinations and textures!  I'll be sharing my favorite combination today, and I hope that you enjoy!

Chop up all of your vegetables as thinly as you can.  I used mushrooms, avocado and cucumbers.  For herbs, I used basil and mint, and just roughly chopped them.  I also used pre-cooked and deveined shrimp, and just thawed them and pulled off the tails.

Run water over the wrapper.  It starts out very stiff and hard, and loosens up with water to become very sticky and flexible.  You can also dip the wrapper in a bowl of water, but I find running water over it and holding it on each side help keep it from sticking together.  You can find the wrappers at Asian food stores, or in the international aisle of the supermarket.  Mine came in a large pack which I've been using for a while now!

Lay the wrapper as flat as possible on your surface.  I use a silicone baking liner and find that the wrapper doesn't stick to it at all!  Layer in your ingredients in a thin strip, leaving about an inch free on each end, and about 4 inches free on the top and bottom.

Start to roll!  I fold the sides in first as tightly as possible, then bring up the bottom and tightly roll to the top.  The wrapper sticks to itself very easily, so it takes some practice to get it to roll without having to adjust it too much, which can cause it to tear.  Don't worry about messing up- it will still taste great, and you can always start over with a new wrapper.

Make as many rolls as you want!  With the ingredients I showed above I was able to make about five large rolls.  Prepare any dipping sauce if desired and enjoy!

The sauce that I made is a mixture of equal parts coconut aminos and rice vinegar, a tiny bit of grated ginger and a few drops of toasted sesame oil.  I also love using Trader Joe's Island Soyaki or a peanut sauce!

I love making these for lunch or a snack.  They last well over night (the avocado will turn slightly brown but will taste fine).  If I don't feel like making rolls or don't have wrappers, I'll also use the same ingredients and throw it in a bowl for a spring roll salad!

Have you ever made spring rolls before?
What food seemed too intimidating to make until you tried it?
What's your favorite cuisine?

linking up with A Pinch of Joy x Melt in Your Mouth Monday x #Recipe of the Week x Meatless Monday x Foodie Friday  Handmade Tuesdays x TastyTuesday x Week End Pot Luck  x What's Cookin' Wednesday x FoodFriDIY Link Love x Thinking Out Loud


  1. Spring rolls are one of my go-tos when I am out. I love Vietnamese food! There is another great spring roll that is done at one of my favorite sushi fusion restos around here that has beet and asparagus :D

    1. Ohh that's an interesting combo! Might need to test that one out for myself :)

  2. I had never thought to make spring rolls before, but this looks SO easy and I love them! I also love the sights of that sauce you made to go with it. If I can find some wrappers, I'll be making these ASAP!

  3. Love making spring rolls- my husband and I usually tag team it and make an assembly line but it's still definitely a process!

  4. Get in my belly!

  5. I love spring rolls! The prep worth is definitely worth the end result. I just like how versatile they are! Can't wait to try that sauce!

  6. You're not even going to believe me right now when I tell you that I make these often! I use chicken not shrimp, but still. I DO IT! I'm usually such a donkey in the kitchen, so if I can do it, anyone can.

    1. Ohhh chicken sounds good! I'm proud of you for making these..great job Suzy!!

  7. These look so good! I've never made spring rolls before but the way you explained it makes it look easier than I thought haha. I love Mexican and Asian cuisines the best!

    1. They were seriously a lot easier that I expected! I promise you can make them :)

  8. You're the second blog I've seen in 24 hours to post a shrimp recipe. And now I definitely need to make shrimp for dinner ASAP!

  9. Thanks for this tutorial! I love fresh spring rolls but have been afraid to try making them in my own. This gives me confidence to try since it doesn't seem too hard.

    1. You can definitely make them! I would love to see your interpretation of them!

  10. I always want to try making my own spring rolls, but it kind of intimidates me - I need to try these ASAP!

  11. I love spring rolls. I'm intimidated to make them as well but maybe I'll have to try. You made it look easy!

    1. I promise it is easy! Especially with a little practice :)

  12. I love spring rolls! These look delicious! :)

  13. I remember rolling these all the time with aunts and family members :) I love adding some cooked vermicelli noodles!

  14. yum! these look delish. definitely gonna attempt these one day!

  15. These look Great! I have not made Spring Rolls before, but the way you have it broken down into these easy steps, I will have to give it a try! Pinned :-) I would love for you to add this to the Sunday Fitness & Food Link-Up at:

  16. They look wonderful, I've not made spring rolls for years but will again now Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays


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