Day in the Life : Home Repairs Edition

Hi everyone!  Today I'm so excited to join in the Show and Tell linkup today because the topic is one of my favorites- Day in the Life!  I always love reading about how other people spend their days and it's always fun to document mine.  I love to look back on other days in my life to see how things change as the year goes on.

This is going to be a different type of day- a weekend!  This particular day is last Saturday when Dan and I did lots of work on the house.  My parents also came to help us out and it ended up being a really busy day.  I hope you enjoy following along a day in my life!

6:00 - Wake up bright and early.  We take Selma out and see a few deer and squirrels, then see our neighbor walking his chickens.  We're not in the city anymore!

7:00 - Drive to Lowe's (trip #1) to pick up fence posts and gravel.  We've been taking trips to Lowe's and Home Depot SO. MUCH. Lately!

7:30 - Drive to Breuggers to pick up bagels for everyone.  Life pro tip- if you're getting help from family or friends, always bring food for them.

8:00 - Get home, set up ladder and do other things to get ready for work.

9:00 - My parents arrive, and we all eat bagels and drink coffee.

9:30 - Time to get to work!  Our first job was to trim back trees that were hitting the side of the house.  We have a cherry blossom tree that's in bloom, but about half of it was dead so we cut that all back.  We also realized another small tree in the front yard was completely dead, so we cut that down as well.

10:30 - Move all of the wood down to the mulch pile.  Our yard is pretty hilly, so walking up and down with a bunch of wood was hard work!

11:00 - Start prepping the living room for paint.  That means taping up all of the baseboards, windows, outlets, spackling any nail holes, taking down window treatments and washing them, and washing all of the walls.  Meanwhile, Dan and my dad start to work on the bathroom sink which has been leaking.  There's a problem with the faucet, so they take trip #2 to Lowe's to pick up supplies.

11:30 - Finish up prepping the walls and help take apart the old faucet.  Once it's taken apart, we realize we don't have plumber's putty to adhere the faucet to the porcelain sink, so the guys go back to Lowe's for trip #3 while my mom and I stop at the mall to fix her watch and I grab some food.

1:00 - Start to work on the gutters.  During the home inspection, we saw a lot of water damage in the garage and back corner of the house.  While Dan was cleaning out the gutters, we noticed that there was a leak in the corner, which caused water to run down the side of the house and slowly destroy all of the mortar and wood framing.  Time for another trip to Lowe's (#4) to pick up caulking!

2:00 - Re-caulk the gutters, and start to chip away all of the broken mortar in between the bricks.

3:00 - Head down to fix the broken fence posts in the yard.  There were three posts that were completely rotted and laying down in the yard, so we had to fix those right away so that Selma could be left outside and not chase deer out of the yard (not that this has happened....).  First we cut away the wire fence attached to the fence posts, then remove all the old wooden posts, dig holes for the new posts, fill it a bit with gravel, put in the posts, fill in with dirt, make sure it's level, add in the cross pieces of wood, and nail back the fencing.  Times three.  

4:00 - Just about done for the day!  Clean up all the tools and toss out the trash.

4:30 - Head back to our apartment, stopping on the way at Trader Joe's for some groceries for the week.

5:30 - Home!  First things first- a shower.  I feel absolutely disgusting, and it's amazing how much better I feel after taking a shower!

6:00 - Relax for a bit- read blogs, watch some episodes of Quantico with Dan and eat dinner. I'm so hungry and thirsty!

8:00 - Tidy up around the apartment and pack some boxes to take to the house the next day.  We still have a lot of projects to do this weekend - priming the walls, replacing locks, mowing the yard, cleaning up the flower beds, replacing the mortar- so I make a plan for the next day.

9:00 - I'm absolutely exhausted so I head to bed early, and fall asleep almost immediately!  That's how you know that you had a busy day.  Good night!

Your turn- what did you do this weekend?
What does a busy day look like for you?
Do you like doing house work or would you rather pay someone to do it?


  1. You already know the ins and outs of my life :D I can't wait to see everything you create! I like to do house work when I like to do it. Otherwise, I can't be bothered, haha.

  2. You really got a lot done for one day. It's great that you have a fenced in yard. That will be so necessary for Selma and give her such freedom.

  3. Wow, what a busy, full, exhausting day! I would crash at the end of this too! I am amazed at how much you fit in a day between your blogging, home improvements, full time job, runnning, and of course, Dan & Selma!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  4. I painted on the weekend too. I don't use tape though, I free hand it! I painted apartment buildings for years though so it's no thing but a chicken wing. That sounds like a LOT of work for you guys. I bet that shower felt amazing!

  5. Oh my goodness! It made me tired just reading this! Neither Dave nor I like doing any sort of work on our house, so we always put it off. We're trying to do one big project a year (which, for us means paying others to do all the work!) and that's about as much as we can handle! Anyway, so happy you are settling into your new house!

  6. Wow what a day! You guys got so much done! I'm not a huge fan of doing housework but I'd rather do simple things myself instead of paying for it. And yes.. food for volunteers all the way haha.

  7. What a super busy day! Our weekends have been full of yard work too lately it's exhausting but so worth it!

  8. Sounds like a seriously productive day! Way to go!

    This past weekend we worked on some DIY projects and just hung out at home! After a crazy busy week we just needed some "us time"!

  9. I can't believe how much you got done in one day! Having a house is such a labor of love and it was so nice of your family to help yall out! My weekend was a thousand times less productive. My best friend got engaged so we ended up acting like we were all on adult spring break!

  10. That is a lot of work for a day! It takes us forever to get things done because my husband has a very demanding job and there is only so much I can do myself!

  11. seriously, every time we do any kind of home project, we always forget things at lowes or home depot and have to go back! it's hilarious. you guys did so much though. i want to replace our faucets but have no idea how. totally agree about giving helpers food, it's the only reason i help people ;)

  12. So the whole kitchen remodel @ the BF's house, and the garden & the back porch were all like this. Think you have everything. Decide you don't. Run to Lowe's (thankfully just around the corner). Get home. Get one step further. Realize you don't have everything. Run to Lowe's. We bought tons GCs @ Giant Eagle & reaped the fuel perks. Hope you do the same! Free gas is great. And we bought friends a tank or two of free gas if they helped us with bigger projects.

    Love that fence. While the BF doesn't have one like it, it's what all the neighbors have. Wondering if you have a house nearby, I haven't seen it many places in Pittsburgh.

  13. This weekend was all running, track meet, training, playing with my kids, etc.
    My busy days are always this time of year, up at 4am, hour commute work 6-2:30,hour commute, track 4-5:30, baseball 6:30-8 and my training somewhere in there, oh and dinner! haha!! If I could afford someone else doing it I would. I am too nit picky to do things myself. It ends up taking forever!!


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