Workouts Lately

Hi everyone!

As you can all probably figure out, my workouts lately have been pretty different than what I'm used to.  Not only did I stop training for a marathon, but I also cancelled my gym membership last month.  This means that I've had to do things a bit differently lately!  Today, I thought it would be fun to share what my workouts look like lately.  I know that this is only temporary, but I thought it might be helpful to those of you who are also in fitness-limbo!


I still run occasionally, but now I'm not following any schedule or plan.  In fact, I haven't even been timing or measuring my runs at all.  I go out when I want to, run however long I want to, and I'm enjoying every minute!  I'm also going on runs with Selma which has made us both very happy.

Since it's been heating up outside, I've also loved to run on the trails.  I've always loved trail running, so it's been great to get back to that and not worry about messing up my training!

TV Circuit Workouts

Ever since I ended my gym membership, I've been trying to stay in shape in other ways.  One of my favorite things to do is a circuit workout while I'm watching a show to help pass the time.

While the show is on, I'll do one set of exercises.  The commercials are my break, then I'll move on to another set of exercises when the show comes back on.  I like to rotate through different muscle groups, so I'll do a set of crunches, then air squats, or jumping jacks.  It's fun coming up with different exercises to do, but it gets really hard towards the end of the set!

Youtube Yoga

One of my favorite exercises is yoga, but all of my workout DVD's are at our new house.  So, I'm using YouTube to get my yoga fix!  There are so many great flows out there, so I just type in the kind of yoga that I'm in the mood for.  Sometimes that's an intense muscle-building flow, or a recovery stretchy flow, or one specifically for runners.

P.S. If you're interested in some of my favorite yoga poses check out this post!

Long Walks

Since the weather's been so nice out, Selma and I have been going on really long walks in the evenings.  Although this isn't strenuous exercise by any means, it feels good to just be outside and moving!  I love to listen to podcasts while I'm out and disconnect with the world.

House Work

Take it from me- working on a house is hard work!  The past few weeks have been filled with working on the new house, and most days I wake up really sore.  I'm using my full body to do work, whether I'm hauling wood up and down our hill or shoveling top soil from a truck onto our flower beds.  It's nice to be "working out" while I'm working on the house!

What have you been doing lately to work out?
Do your workouts change throughout the year?
Who else doesn't have a gym membership?
Linking up with Tuesdays on the Run : 


  1. I don't have a gym membership either! I canceled it a few years ago. I do have access to the gym in my community but mostly I run outside and do pure barre from home. I like my little routine!

    1. At my old apartment I also had a free gym in the building. It's nice to have that option in bad weather! Now I just have to suck it up :/

  2. I really hope you are doing your home workouts dressed like Jane Fonda :D

  3. It's nice to mix up your workouts and it certainly looks like you are enjoying them. I'm running a 1/2 marathon on Sunday in Pittsburgh and I am so, so looking forward to not always having to complete a training run. It's time for me to mix it up too. I have a little BODYPUMP, CXWORX, and BODYFLOW on my schedule and of course some running here and there.

    1. Good luck at Pittsburgh! I've done the half a few times and it's one of my favorites!

  4. I am in my taper week for my spring half marathon this Saturday. As much as I love racing half marathons, I'm looking forward to a break from structured training. Lately I've started bouldering and I am excited to have more time and energy for that this summer.

  5. I signed up for a trial at a gym near my house but I haaate it! I can't make myself go.. so in my mind I kind of have no gym membership :P I'm running lately but not as much as I'd like to! I don't want to ramp my miles up too much because I have a 10K in 2 weeks!

    It's been a bit cold and rainy where I am but I'd also love to start biking to work. There are some great hills for a challenge, but it's not too long of a distance so it feels manageable :)

    1. That's great that you can bike to work! Easy way to save money and get in a workout :) I hope it warms up for you!

  6. Trail runs are some of my favorite things to do. During the summer I usually run the local cross country course at least once a week!! For me that is one thing I don't like with training. I am always too scared to twist and ankle or something out on the trails so I avoid them. Nice to hear you are really enjoying 'naked' running.

    1. That's great! The park where I run most often now is actually where my cross country meets were in high school and middle school so I run that all the time :)

  7. I do have a gym membership, but I only use it to go to Body Pump classes a few times a week. I have a treadmill at my house that I use on the other days. I usually just run as far as I feel like that day which usually ends up being between 3 and 5 miles.

  8. It's fun to read how you're switching up your workouts! I gave up my gym membership over 10 years ago I really enjoyed reading how you've adapted your workouts without the gym. It's great to switch things up!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

    1. Wow that's a long time and you're in amazing shape! Good to hear you can still stay in shape while doing at home workouts. You're an inspiration for me for sure!

  9. House work is definitely hard work! I can see how you'd be sore from it! Love that you've been going on trail runs with Selma. I keep saying I want to get back to trails, and now's a good time for me too. I feel the same about walking. I don't measure my steps or count all my walking miles because walking a lot is just part of my life and not something I consider exercise BUT it definitely rejuvenates me and makes me happy!

    1. I love running on trails when it starts to get hot's kind of like natural air conditioning because it's so much cooler on the trails.

  10. I think it's great that you're taking a break from the harder training runs. Selma must be in her glory! When you're ready to get back into running for pace and time, you'll be all refreshed.

  11. Oh my gosh, girl. I totally missed that you gave up marathon training. Must have been a hard decision but it looks like you're filling your time with so much other stuff. :) Sometimes training is draining. Mentally and physically.

    And heck yeah working on a house is TOUGH! But worth it :)

  12. Oh my gosh.. doing yard work can be such a workout! Haha we did a volunteer project for work last week and did a lot of raking up mulch and man.. the next day my arms and abs were so sore! And that was just 1 day, sounds like you're doing it several times a week haha.

  13. You timed cancelling your membership just right. Now that the weather is nice, it is much easier to run outside. I do not have a goal race coming up so it has been nice to run for as long or short as I like to.

  14. I'm doing a half marathon Saturday, so my recent workouts have involved a lot of running and some cross training. My workouts definitely change throughout the year--when I'm not training, I typically have a greater variety and more yoga/pilates/circuit training. I don't have a gym membership either, but I really like Classpass!

  15. That's awesome that you're enjoying running on the trails! I definitely believe in running as you want - and if that's marathon training great, but if it's not why train hard and not enjoy it? I don't have a gym membership either - my apartment complex has a gym that I use since it's free, but I've gone years without a membership before.

  16. my sister gave me a set of Zumba DVDs and whenever I can't make it to zumba (snow days) I pop those in... then I end up being very distracted by Beto Perez abs and his dance moves that I spend the last 10 minutes trying to figure out 1. how he gets those abs! and 2. how to do that salsa turn!

  17. I feel like running without a plan is more enjoyable than anything else! I am so glad you're loving every minute of it because you're doing what you want!

    I've been using youtube to get my yoga fix too - and this random daily yoga app for short sessions (as I don't love it but it's okay for 10-15 min blocks)

  18. oh Gretch I completely missed that you weren't going to run the marathon, sorry! sounds like you made the right choice for you though.
    my workouts change based on the seasons, really. also, i've just learned what works for me, or more importantly, what doesn't. i am not someone who can workout at home, sometimes yoga but that's it. i like the gym, and i like a particular gym that just happens to be more expensive than the other gym, of course. but anyway. my workout mood is very dependent on other areas of my life, including the seasons, which is why i am 0% ready to run my half marathon on saturday. but i have another one in november, and i just signed up to run another in october. i train much better in the spring/summer/fall, i know most people don't, or they prefer spring races, but like i said.. you gotta find what works for you and your life.
    house work is no joke! when we moved into our house, we did so much work that i had to bail on a 10 mile race because i could barely move i was so sore.


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