Resolution and Goal Update : April

Happy May everyone! It's already time to go over my goals and how I did this month.  This was a very up and down month for me in terms of my goals.  In some areas- like finance surprisingly- I did really well, and in others not so great.  It shouldn't come as a shock that since I said I wasn't doing the marathon, fitness was one of those "down" areas.

Things are finally starting to settle down in my life (more on that on Thursday) so I'm hoping that I can get back on track in May! 

Each month, I'll go through each goal area and talk about my progress on each resolution.  If there's a "+" by the resolution- that means I was successful that month!  If there's a "-", unfortunately I missed the mark.  Some of my goals are more of a year-long thing, so until I complete the entire goal (for example saving $15,000) I'll have a "-" (which is why none of my fitness goals have a "+").  I'll give you a quick update on my progress though, and hopefully there will be a "+" before the end of 2016!

Enough chatting for now, let's get to my monthly resolution update for April!

Financial Goals

+ Spending freeze until my birthday (June 28)
I had to buy a few things for an upcoming trip, but otherwise I'm doing great!

+ Save reward money (Discover, EbatesIbotta) for entire year

- Save $15,000 in my joint account, $6,000 alone
saved $2500 in joint account, $584 in personal account.
for the year, I have $10,119 saved in joint account (67% of the way to my goal!), and $2084 in personal (35% of the way to my goal).

- No fast food, coffee shops, restaurants, bars
Didn't do too well with this goal...back on track in May!

+ Get a library card

- Run commute at least once a week when it's warm
I didn't go at all this month.

Fitness Goals

- Run 1200 miles
January miles : 95 miles
February miles : 122 miles
March miles : 102 miles
April miles : 60 miles

+ PR in two distances
15 miles : 2:13:46
Half Marathon : 1:54:34

- Run 20 races
0 races in January
1 race in February (read my recap here)
1 race in March (read my recap here)
1 virtual race in April

Swim 1,000 yards without stopping
I ended my gym membership in March, so I'm going to put this goal on hold until I get a new gym membership!

- Bike 20 miles without stopping
No biking this month

- Try out 4 new workout classes
#1 - Group Core

Health Goals

+ Get regular check-ups
Had my annual physical and biometric screening in March, dentist in April

+ Clean up eating habits
I did much better eating cleanly in April!

+ Take vitamins and supplements
Calcium, Vitamin D3, Omega3 Fish Oil

Personal Goals

+ Declutter 10 items each month
April items : We started moving into the new house, which means I was decluttering EVERYTHING!  I might have thrown out 100 items!

+ Set up cleaning schedule
See my post here!

I also added this to my Bullet Journal which has made the process much easier to stay on track.

+ Monthly cooking challenge
January Whole30

February : 4 Ingredients Gluten Free

March : Share 4 recipes on blog
Spring Rolls
Avocado Egg Salad
Brownie Batter Energy Bites
Turmeric Tea 

April : Spend less than $200 on groceries
Done!  I actually only spent $110 this month- which is WAY less than my average of $400.

May : Cook an international meal!  What cuisine should I pick?

Blogging Goals

+ Improve photography
Working on it!  Here are shots from my energy bites post
and my S'mores post.  I can already see a huge difference!
(P.S. Once I'm all settled in at home I'm really going to start working on this goal)

- Write an e-book
In progress! (almost done!  My goal is to send it out by the end of June)

- Get over 15,000 40,000 views in a month
January views : 12,797 
February views : 36,828
March views : 15,500
April views : 12,800 (whoops!)

+ Start to earn money
January : $22
February : $31.22
March : $20
April : $26.17

Start a newsletter
Subscribe here!

Other accomplishments this month:

+ Closed on the house!

+ Started a second blog- Gretch @ Home

+ Got my first paycheck from the blog (via Amazon Affiliates!)

+ Became a Brooks Wear Tester

How are you doing on resolutions
Did you have any major achievements in April?
Any big plans for May?

post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!


  1. I feel like for all the "life" happening in April you still managed quite a bit of goal progress.

    And get out there on that bike! You can do 20 miles at NP no problem! Lake loop x 4...though that can get old. But seriously. Such a great area to ride.

  2. YAHOO for the first cheque! And Brooks wear tester!!!! LOVE IT.

  3. Awesome job with your goals! I love that they cover different areas of your life--makes it easier to stay in balance! I did a half marathon in April and although it didn't go according to plan, I still consider it an accomplishment!

  4. Nice work on all your goals! With all the moving and house work it looks like you still accomplished a lot. I feel like April was the busiest month I've had in a long time and all I want right now is a weekend of 0 plans haha.

  5. We bled money this month. But we did declutter, so winning there. You had a huge huge month! The house! Brooks tester! The second blog! And now you are on vacation, but you have EARNED IT

  6. Whoa you need to share your grocery budgeting tips! That is so impressive how you cut spending there - and great job on your goals overall. Congrats on the Brooks Run Test -what a fun gig!

  7. You are going so well on your goals, girl - especially with all the busy-ness happening in your life! And a second blog too!

    I'd be running around like a headless chicken so you're doing an awesome job ;) xo

  8. ooooh how do you become a brooks wear tester? what is that? sounds fun. and WOW $110?! teach me your ways! do you like indian food? you should try that if you haven't before.. any kind of asian food is my favourite lol.


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