Weekend Update- Moving Edition

Hi everyone! I hope that you all had a great weekend.  This was a big one for me, because I moved into our new house!  Moving is usually really stressful and hard, but luckily we had lots of helpers (Dan's dad and brother and my parents) so the entire process was painless.

Here are some highlights from the weekend, along with some packing tips!

All packed up in our apartment!  We had some boxes from our last move, so we just packed everything up and emptied out all of the furniture.  I always try to keep boxes full of items from one room and write down the room so it makes unpacking easy!

Another tip is to tape up your drawers!  First we emptied everything heavy out, then we taped them up so the drawers wouldn't swing open when we moved them.

Make sure you save boxes for all big appliances!  We saved the box for our TV, tower fan, crock pot, etc.  It makes it so much easier to pack, and your appliances are protected!  I also put all of my clothes in mesh bags and garment bags for easy moving.

We also had Selma as a big helper!  She was staying with Dan's family while we were in Belize, so I was SO excited to get her back.  She was so excited to be at the new house!

We had everything packed up, moved over and unpacked in just two hours.  Everyone was working so quickly that it was no problem at all!  So far, we don't have any living room furniture so that's our mess room with all of the boxes.  The other rooms are coming along pretty well, and I can't wait to share some updates over at Gretch at Home!

We went to Hofbrauhaus to finish of a tough weekend.  My favorite restaurant!  If you're ever visiting Pittsburgh and love German food and beer, make sure to stop by!

I also got back into training this past week!  Here's a look at my workouts :

Monday - Travel Day

Tuesday - 2 miles easy (untimed)

Wednesday - 3 miles - 27:30

Thursday - yoga

Friday - 2.25 miles - 20:05 (first run in the new neighborhood!)

Saturday - Moving day!

Sunday - 3.6 miles - 30:10 and 2 mile bike ride

How was your weekend?
Anyone else in the process of moving?
What are you training for?

linking up with Holly, Tricia and Katie


  1. We have Hofbrau House here in Chicago too! So fun!

    Best wishes on the move.

  2. Glad your move went so well. Two hours must be a record! We'll probably downsize one day, but I'm not in a hurry to go through that process!

    1. It's definitely not a fun process..at least during the move :)

  3. That is a seriously speedy move, girl! Glad to hear it all went so well! xo

  4. I am glad that we only had to move an apartment, and not an entire house. We were definitely speedy about it, but you win by not having complete mental breakdowns.

    1. I definitely got close a few times! Too much going on right now so I'm in sort of a stunned silence and waiting for everything to settle down.

  5. Sounds like you have a very smooth transition. We have never taped up drawers for a move but that is a good tip.

    1. It was great! And the taped down drawers helped so much..no flying out during transition!

  6. Woohoo! Congratulations on moving into your new house! Getting all that done in just 2 hours is a huge accomplishment! Glad you had a nice dinner out to celebrate, and that Selma is also happy in her new home!

  7. Yay for a painless move! I'm impressed. I think it would take a crew a whole weekend to move me at this point!! haha!
    Good luck getting settled and love the bangs from the previous post. I'd try to fix them with a round brush and blow dryer.

  8. love the tip of taping the drawers!! glad it was a smooth process!

  9. Oh, I love your new house! SO EXCITING! Way to get back into running, especially with all the busyness of moving and everything. You rule.

    1. WAIT till you see it all put together!! Can't wait to share :)

  10. Aww what a fun time in your life. A chance to organize an re-decorate just as you want. Glad the move went smoothly!

  11. I actually don't mind moving at all because I like to go through my stuff and clean everything and get rid of stuff or clothes I don't use or wear anymore. We have been so lucky with our last 3 moves, my husband's company pays for movers to pack, move, and unpack everything which is SO nice!

    1. Wow..that's amazing! Lucky you! I can't complain though..all of my moves have been really smooth.

  12. Congratulations on your move! So many things happening!! Life is so exciting when there are so many changes!

  13. Congrats! So many happy things starting up for you!

  14. Yay for moving and yay for easy unpacking! I can't wait to see how everything turns out! (and will be living vicariously through your adorable, non toddler proofed home ;))

  15. That's so exciting about your move! It sounds like an exhausting weekend but a beer at the end makes it a little more worth it:) haha.

  16. We are moving in the summer - I've never moved a whole house before. Just me and my belongings. Should be fun....

  17. I've had professionals move my office a couple of times. They have these huge rolls of what looks like Saran Wrap. They completely wrap the furniture, including the drawers. We just left everything inside! It was wonderful. It's very similar to your taping tip. I hope you enjoy your new home! Thanks for linking with us Gretchen.

    1. That would be so helpful! Probably helps protect it as well :)

  18. I hate moving! Looks like you settled in quickly. I hope you enjoy your new place.

  19. that is so awesome you had so many helpers! taping your drawers sounds super smart. i will have to remember that for next time!

  20. Great blog! I loved how you provided practical tips for weekend moving. It’s incredibly helpful to plan ahead, and the advice on packing efficiently really stood out. This guide will definitely make my next move smoother! Thanks for sharing!

  21. You’ve definitely captured the essence of moving – stressful but rewarding! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see how the new place turns out!


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