What's New With You? Linkup #4

Hi everyone and happy Thursday!  It's time for another "What's New With You" linkup!

Here's what's going on in my life:

We're slowly moving into our new house!
Our official move-in date is later this month, but right now we've been moving in smaller things (basically anything that will fit in our compact car).  Our apartment feels so empty right now, but at least it's easier to clean!

We've also been doing a lot of work so far.  Most weekends we're working all day, and I also stop by after work as much as possible.  It's been a lot of fun, a huge learning experience, and is making me STRONG!

I love having a second blog!
So far I've been sharing a lot of "before" updates on different rooms which has been fun, as well as a series called "Design for Less".   I can't wait until we start to do bigger projects and the rooms start to come together!

It still hasn't quite sunk in that we've bought a house since we're still living in an apartment, so I'm excited to fully move in and do fun projects.  Make sure you follow along on my new blog- Gretch @ Home!  I'm still working on a logo and some other site maintenance things, so please leave me any feedback you might have!

I'm deciding on my spring/summer races
I originally thought that I would be sharing the news that I'm a marathoner- but, I decided not to run the Gettysburg Marathon.  In case you don't want to read the post where I explained why, in a nutshell there was just too much going on and I was starting to feel overwhelmed and stopped training.

Luckily, I didn't have any FOMO on race day, and even now I'm relieved that I dropped out!  I know there will be more races to train for, and when I'm ready I'll go in 100% and crush it.  For now, I'm just trying to decide on my race schedule!  I'm thinking about the Riverview Park 5k in June, a 4th of July race, and then the Seawheeze Half in August.  I want to run a few other races to get back in the running mindset, so I'll keep you all updated when I decide!  Any suggestions?

Your turn!  What's new with you?


  1. hope you find some races to do :) i have 3 half marathons in oct-november, so that should be fun haha. glad you don't have any FOMO though, and i am excited for you to completely move in to your house! hope you're having a fabulous time :)

  2. Take me with you to Seawheeze!!!! That is definitely a bucket list race for sure. Are you already registered? I clicked over to see when it is, but it is already sold old.

    1. Yes I am! The race sells out super fast..like within 10 minutes! Crazy!

  3. I feel like there are some key events missing from this post based on what I'm seeing on your Snapchat! LOL! Glad you felt good about your marathon decision and I'm excited for you to officially move in to your house!

  4. The Seawheeze half is that Lululemon race in Canada, right? That would be fun!!

    It's hard for me to find good summer races because it is so humid and hot here in the summer and I don't want to race in that, yuck. Luckily this year I am not racing at all until late this summer/fall, and then I am doing shorter distances (10K) until year's end. Best of luck to all of you guys running halfs and fulls the rest of this year - I get tired now just thinking about long distance training!

    Excited to see things are moving along with your house!

    1. Yes it is! It's super humid and hot here too, but this is when it's really easy to find races and I don't mind the heat...so it's my favorite racing season :)

  5. Would love to hear about any races on your schedule for this summer... my spring race schedule has sucked- I had my first DNS, and dropped from a half to a relay (both due to injury). I think it's so smart to not push ourselves especially when we are undertrained!

    1. Aw I'm sorry to hear that :( I hope you feel better soon!!

  6. I'm not a runner, but I like the name Seawheeze.

  7. I clicked on the link to Seawheeze and it said that the race is sold out. We have one here that sells out within minutes. Those damn LuluLemon races!

  8. SeaWheeze is one of my favourite races, but it sells out in minutes, so if you aren't already registered, you're probably out of luck for this year.

    1. I made sure I signed up as soon as reg opened!

  9. MOVING. MOVINGMOVINGMOVING. It's about to go down, and I'm so pumped. And a bit scared :D

  10. Ahh that's so cool you're doing the Seawheeze race! I want to go to Vancouver someday. And that's also exciting about your house! Sounds like a busy time:)

  11. I have to check out your new blog. While I live in an apartment, which limits me to an extent, I have done an awful, awful job of decorating, especially the walls. Too many have nothing on them. It still feels like that first apartment when you don't have anything nice yet. Good luck with the move!

    1. I hope I can help to inspire you :) We'll see how it goes. Thanks Tanya!

  12. So exciting about the house!! Glad you don't have FOMO about the race...lots of time left to do other ones in your lifetime!!

  13. It sounds like you have some good races in mind. Yay for your move in date! I bet you are ready to just get settled!

  14. I feel like moving bit by bit is probably better than all at once as it's not so overwhelming! How exciting that you'll soon be in your new house!

  15. It definitely sounds like you have a lot going on, so it's completely understandable that you decided not to do the race. I also have no idea how you find the time and energy to maintain two blogs because half the time I can barely keep up with one! Haha.

    1. It's a struggle sometimes :) I don't post much on the other one so it's completely do-able!

  16. Seawheeze is my dream race! It sells out so fast and I'm not sure when it goes on sale for 2017!

    1. I had to mark down the day and time registration opened and I barely got in! Sells out so fast!


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