30 x 30 Update

Hi everyone!  Today I'm dropping by to share my annual update on my 30x30 list.  I shared this last year when I turned 25, and now one year later I'll let you know my progress.  This has been such an amazing year, and I can't wait to see what 26 has in store for me!

Buy a house 4/1/16

Break 2 hours in the half marathon 10/11/15 and 3/19/16

Break 4 hours in the full marathon

Complete a triathlon (sprint counts!)

Get Married 5/6/16

Visit Mexico

Splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime meal

Bungee Jump or Sky Dive 10/17/15

Visit Falling Water

Go to all the east-coast MLB stadiums (Remaining stadiums: Marlins Park, Tropicana Field, Turner Field, Yankee Stadium)

Cook a fancy 5-course meal

Plant a garden

Learn how to ski

Stay at a BnB in Vermont

Learn how to belay 11/6/15

Have a spa day

See a Broadway musical

Ride a jet-ski 7/4/15

Stay at a really fancy house on AirBnB

Attend a professional tennis match

Run a race for each birthday
  1. 2015: Achilles Hope and Possibility 5 miler (43:17)
  2. 2016: Butler Road Race 5 Miler (44:03) 

Get PMP-certified (No longer work in project management, so taking this off the list!)

See the Northern Lights

Attend a TED conference

Read 25 books off the Time All-Time Novel list
  1. 1984
  2. Atonement
  3. Animal Farm
  4. The Great Gatsby
  5. To Kill A Mockingbird

Try Stand-Up Paddleboard Yoga

Hike part of the Appalachian Trail

Learn how to sew and make something

Be in a member of a studio audience for an event or show

For the first year of doing this list, I think crossing off 8 items and making progress on 3 other items is a good start!

Who else has a bucket list?
What's one major thing you've accomplished in the last year?
What item should I check off next?!


  1. This is SUCH a great list!! Staying at a BnB in Vermont sounds AMAZING. & I should put that on my bucket list as well. I have a few things on mine - but nothing as cool or as thought out as yours. I hope I get to be as adventurous as you are someday :)

  2. This is so fun! I need to think about starting to make a list like this :)

  3. You're surely making progress on your list. I never really had a list but when I do some things I think perhaps they should have been on that list!

  4. Wow, that IS great progress! Way to go Gretch! I'm sure you will cross many more off in the next year as well, especially that sub-4 marathon. Are you still doing that full marathon this year, by the way? I haven't heard you mention it much lately and I know you'll be doing half-specific training through August.

    My lifetime bucket list really only includes on item - to one day experience the feeling of being able to quit 9-5 jobs for good, whether that be to work for myself or retire. I don't know if it will ever happen for me but it is the biggest dream I have for myself. That and the day I become debt-free. So I guess two items :-)

  5. You have an excellent bucket list. I love how some are very specific, and some are a bit more broad--and all are totally doable!

  6. What a year! I love being able to cross things off my bucket list. I just looked back on mine a few weeks ago and it's cool seeing the things I want to do in life. One semi-big/cool thing I've accomplished lately is buying my first car!

  7. A B&B in Vermont, either to see the leaves, or curl up in front of a huge fireplace sounds incredible. The BF & I booked a B&B in the Poconos for October through Groupon. I've never been out there before, so I'm pretty excited!

    The big things I've accomplished recently are more travel & travel related. I've been to 48 of the 50 states, & figuring out how to get myself to the last 2 right now!

  8. i'll go SUPing with you when I get back to town! :)

  9. I am totally intrigued by your once in a lifetime meal! Is that a ridiculously expensive meal (like one of those gold leaf pizzas) or a super decadent meal?

    All of these goals are so fun and you've already ticked off so many!

  10. Wow! It seems everything great! Actually, running is sometimes tired, so these activities are necessary. It is certain that you have a great time. ^^ I also feel interesting...

  11. wow, you go girl! great progress for a year. i really like the idea of staying at a fancy airbnb house. fun. i have less than a year for mine so i should probably work on getting them checked off lol. i have never ridden a jet ski, you look like you enjoyed it!


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