Seawheeze Half Marathon Training Week 1

Training time is finally here!  I just finished my first week of training for the Seawheeze Half Marathon.  Even though I have a really far way to go, I'm feeling really positive and excited.  I ran my first race in months this week as well.  I'll be talking more about it on Wednesday.  Until then, here's my week one recap!


4 miles / 34:55 / 8:43 pace
First day of training!  I could tell that there was a storm coming, so I tried to get my miles in before it started to pour.  I made it about half way before it started to sprinkle, and the last mile it was really coming down!  Luckily I love to run in the rain and brought along a hat, so it felt amazing.  It also made me run a lot faster!


3 miles bike ride
Nice and easy bike ride!  I didn't time this ride, but I think I might start just to see if my times are improving.


Rest day!


5 miles easy
I took this run nice and easy to get ready for my race!  In the middle of the run, I did 5 strides (about 50 meters where I pick up the pace to stretch out my legs).


3.1 miles / 25:10 / 8:07 pace
1.5 mile warm up / 1 mile cool down
Riverview Park 5k - full recap coming on Wednesday!


3 miles
My legs were a little tired and sore from the race, so I took it nice and easy for the three miles.  Followed it up with some excellent foam rolling and stretches!


7 miles / 1:08:10 / 9:38 pace
This was my longest run in a while, so I took it nice and easy.  It definitely wasn't easy, so I know I have a lot of work to do.  It was a great end to my first week of training though!

linking up with Weekly Wrap and Tuesdays on the Run


  1. Congrats on the AG award! I look forward to hearing about the race!

  2. Congrats on your race! And excited for you and sea wheeze. I tried to register but didn't get in. So I will be cheering!

    1. I have a few other friends that also didn't get in :( Such a shame!

  3. Wow great job on your race and I love your infographic for your training! Congrats on winning an award too!

  4. CONGRATS on 1st place in your age group! That is beyond exciting! :) can't wait to see where training continues to take you!

    1. Thanks Brie! I'm excited to follow your training too!

  5. Congrats on placing in your AG!

  6. I love the mileage breakdowns you did! Nice to see the differences between easy vs. speed vs. long

  7. Congrats on placing! That must be such a great feeling. I absolutely love your recap graphic!

  8. Congratulations on your age group award! I can't wait for the full recap.

  9. LOOK AT THAT BLING! Congrats! :) What a way to start half marathon training. Woohoo!

  10. Wow, it's always fun to win an AG award. Nice job with your running this week too. Looks like you got in some good pace work.

  11. Nice job in your race! That's funny, I think that was my exact finish time from my 5k a few weeks ago.. twiiiins:)

  12. Congratulations on the AG medal!

    Very cool charts too!

  13. Awesome! Congrats on your AG award, Gretchen! Also great first week of training! That's pretty high mileage for week 1! I think my marathon plan starts at like 10 miles in the first week.

    1. Thank you! This plan is definitely pretty aggressive! It worked well last time so here's hoping it will again this race :)

  14. Nice week of training. Congratulations on your 1st AG placement in the 5k. It's wonderful to be excited about running and training! I really like your graphic up there too! Thanks for linking Gretchen!

  15. Congrats on the award! Also you seriously have the coolest graphics!

  16. Wow nice job on your race! That's awesome!!

  17. Congrats on the AG, and for an awesome week! Keep it up! <3

  18. Way to go on that AG! I love that you broke down your runs into speed, long and easy categories. Have a great week!

  19. Love those graphics at the top!! :) Good luck with the rest of training!!!

  20. Great week of training! Congratulations on your 5K race and AG award!

  21. Congrats on a strong first week of marathon training! Nice job on the AG award as well!


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