Seawheeze Half Marathon Training Week 3

Hi everyone!  I can't believe it but I just finished week three of half marathon training.  This race will seriously be here before I know it!

This was my hardest week of training by far. I'm excited to take a step back this upcoming week with lower mileage, a mini vacation, and no races!  For now, let's take a look back at my week of workouts.


4 miles (treadmill)


4 miles
I'm so excited to be able to run downtown again!  Now that I have a gym membership near my work, I can run outside, get a shower at the gym, and head over to work.  This morning it was really humid out, but it was still a little cool so I was happy to get my run out of the way early.  I ran on the river trails for four miles and headed back to the gym.  Great way to start my day!


Lunchtime Yoga
This was a nice and relaxing class.  There were a lot of great stretches and breathing exercises.  I loved doing this at lunch time!

5 mile bike ride / 30:10 / 9.9 MPH
I headed over to North Park after work to meet up with my friend Jon for a bike ride.  I was pretty nervous about riding in the park for the first time, because there are a lot of really serious riders and I'm still learning!  It was a lot of fun though and an absolutely perfect day.  I think I did a pretty good job, even if a runner passed me at one point...


 4.5 miles / 42:10 / 9:22 pace
First speed workout of my training cycle! I think I love speed workouts more than anything else in training. Today's workout consisted of : 1 mile warmup, 8 x 90 seconds fast, 90 seconds slow, 1 mile cool down.
For "fast", I started at 7.0 mph and my last rep was at 8.0 mph (7:30 pace). The pace felt good but hard, and it just blows my mind that Suzy ran a marathon last week at a faster pace.  That woman is amazing!


Rest day!



5 miles / 44:03 / 8:48 pace
1 mile warm up and cool down
I ran the Butler Road Race 5 miler for my third racing weekend in a row!  It was a really tough course on a hot day, so I'm alright with my finish.  I was hoping for a faster pace, but my body was just not having it that day.  


8 miles
I took off really early in the morning to beat the heat, and it wasn't too bad out!  I went without a watch so I could take it really nice and easy.  I was feeling a little sick after my race on Saturday and still feeling it all day on Sunday, so this turned into a really easy run.  This was definitely a tough week of training, so I'm fine with this run being slow!  

linking up with Weekly Wrap and Tuesdays on the Run


  1. Three race weekends in a row (especially in this heat) is very impressive. Your bike is such a pretty color! That is a great sunrise you captured on your 4 mile downtown run. Enjoy your mini vacation and cut back week! You deserve it. Thanks for linking with us Gretchen.

  2. That's impressive mileage for first 3 weeks. How many training weeks are there?

  3. Another great week for you! I love that you are adding bike riding into your training, I am hoping to get a new bike this summer and cannot wait to get out on the roads with it.

  4. Great wk of training. How cool that you can do yoga on your lunch break. Must be nice.

  5. Wow! A runner passed you on your bike? I think that says a lot more about how fast the runner was than how you were on your bike! I might run into you on the trail at some point in the mornings! I love the river trail at dawn, and it's great you get to run there now that you have a gym close to work.

    1. I was looking for you last week! It's so beautiful and peaceful..definitely missed that from living downtown!

  6. Your bike is super cute. I'm in the market for a new one. Where did you get it? What's the make?

    1. Good question! It was actually passed down from my grandma to my mom, and then she replaced the tires on it and gave it to me last year for my birthday. I'm not sure what the company or model says MBK Saint Brisue on the side!

  7. I hope you're feeling better now, girl!

    I am loving your pink bike! Mine is boring and blue because we couldn't get a pink one! :(

  8. I want your bike!!! The heat makes things so much fun, doesn't it?! Still a great week!

  9. I hope you're feeling better! Sounds like a decent week aside from that. xxoo

  10. Another great week, it seems. The sunrise is gorgeous! And nice cross-training... I need to do more of that.

  11. oh i'm sorry you were feeling sick, hope you are feeling better now. the picture of your bike in the park is so pretty! i would be nervous riding around other people, serious or not haha.

  12. Great job on your runs! I wish I could run as frequently as you do! I love having yoga class at lunch, such a great break in the day.

  13. What a great week of training! Keep up the great work and enjoy a more low key week :)

  14. Nice job on your week of training! This heat is just awful.

  15. 27.5 miles...Wow! the achievement is amazing. Certainly, you have practiced so much. The sult is great for a runner as you.


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