Top Five Friday #59

Happy Friday everyone!  Did you all have a good week?  Mine was great, but I'm ready for the weekend!  I want to start off this post by thanking you all for your amazing comments and encouragement in yesterday's post.  I can't even tell you how happy I am that Dan wants to make healthier choices in his life, and with all of your support I know that he'll be successful.  So, thank you all so much!

Linking up with MarCynthia and Court 
as well as Heather and Momfessionals

Today I have a really random collection of favorites..maybe my most random yet!  I hope you all enjoy, and I'll see you back here on Monday!  Have a great weekend!

#Life Pro Tip

If you're anything like me, you love listening to podcasts.  I subscribe to so many, and it's hard to actually listen to them all!  A few weeks ago, I was listening to one and accidentally hit a button in the corner of the screen which sped up the podcast.  This has been (not to be too dramatic)  life changing!  Most podcasters speak slowly, so I don't even notice a difference when I speed up the episodes to 1.5 speed, and I get to finish episodes a lot quicker.  If you have a long list of episodes to listen to, I would recommend speeding it up next time!  All you have to do is click the number to the left of the rewind button, and you can speed it up 1.5 or 2 times, or slow it down!

Also- another favorite is the podcast pictured above- Chris Loves Julia podcast.  I love their blog, and their podcast is just as entertaining.  If you haven't checked them out, take a look at this Pittsburgh kitchen that they just renovated!


My newest food obsession are Kumatoes!  They're also known as brown tomatoes, and have a really sweet, juicy taste.  I like them a lot more than regular tomatoes, and I've been adding them to everything from salads to smoked salmon bowls, or just enjoying them plain.  If you see these at the store pick some up, because they're amazing!

Bo Burnham

Dan introduced me to Bo Burnham (his comedy, not the actual person..but that would be so cool), who made his start in comedy on YouTube and eventually got his own specials on Netflix.  If you haven't heard of him, I would highly recommend checking him out!  His comedy is really funny, but also thought-provoking and different.  His specials are only 60 minutes long, so it's the perfect length for me!

Beer Caddy

I was recently contacted by to pick out a beer or wine item from their site.  Right away, I knew exactly what I wanted- a beer caddy!  I've been seeing these everywhere and thought it would be so cool to have.  Just throw in some beer, and bring it outside for easy entertaining.  I love it!  I also got to personalize this one and I think it looks amazing.  If you're interested in picking one out too, you can find it here!


I usually only share work outfits on here, so today I wanted to switch things up a bit and show you what I wore on the weekend!  I wore this to a Father's Day lunch at Penn Brewery with my family.  It was a hot day, so I loved the maxi skirt, paired with a crop top and vest.

crop top: Madewell
skirt: Kohls

This is another way that I like to wear my denim vest (which is one of my favorite summer pieces)- paired with a romper.  I'm all about rompers and wear them constantly in the summer.  This is just a basic black one from HM that is so comfortable!

romper: HM
necklace: Madewell

Thanks for stopping by!  I'm also posting today on my home blog, Gretch @ Home.  Come check it out!

post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!


  1. Thanks for the podcast tip and I love the beer caddy! Have a great weekend!

  2. You know I love a good podcast! And beer me a beer from your caddy :D I'll be the person in the maxi skirt. have a great weekend, Gretch!

    1. You got it!! We can sip our beer in our maxi skirts. Sounds good to me!

  3. I did not know you could speed up podcasts! Very good to know! Are Kumatos a cross between a tomato and something else or just a specific kind of tomato?

    1. I believe it's just a variety of tomato. I think it's some sort of special variety that you can't buy seed for, and only certain areas grow it!

  4. The beer caddy is super cute! I keep seeing those around (especially around Father's Day) and have been tempted to pick one up :)

  5. Nice tip about the podcast! Maxi skirts are fun. Glad you had a good week!

  6. oooh Kumoatoes. Those look very interesting!

  7. Those Kumatoes look so interesting! And that beer caddy would be perfect for my husband and father in-law, I'll have to check them out. Have a good weekend :) Beautifully Candid

    1. Definitely! It's so handy to have around and looks great too :)

  8. love that jean vest and the beer caddy!

  9. Your outfit looks great!
    I never heard of a kumato. I probably would have thought it was a

  10. I loooove that beer caddy! Maybe I could still get it for my dad as a late Father's Day gift?! Haha. Have a good weekend!

  11. I realized that podcast tip when I listened to them a lot more (it also works on Audible for audio books!) I'm from NJ where everyone talks really really fast so I get BORED listening to, what to me seem like, the world's slowest speakers, ha!

  12. You are so right about podcasters (is that a term? I'm rolling with it) speaking slowly so speeding them up is definitely a good idea! Especially for podcasts where they seem to speak really slow anddddddddd take long pauses.

  13. oooh i have never heard of kumatoes, but i love regular tomatoes (a LOT) so i will keep an eye out. i don't really listen to podcasts (only one, the armchair librarians) but i use that trick for audiobooks, because narrators talk super slow sometimes and it is so annoying!


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