Seawheeze Half Marathon Training Week 5

Another week of training is in the books, and suddenly I'm half way through my training schedule.  It's so hard to believe that in just five short weeks, I'll be at the starting line for another half marathon!  

This was a challenging week for me, filled with lots of ups and downs.  Later this week I'll be reviewing my training up to this point, but for now let's check out how the week went!


Rest Day / Travel Day!


4 miles
Nice and easy run to ease back into training.  After a fun weekend and lots of driving, my legs were dead!


5 miles / 43:10 / 8:37 pace
Morning speed workout! My legs were feeling much better and really fresh after yesterday's run, so this workout was great.  1 mile warmup, 3 x 5:00 at an 8:00 pace with 5:00 recovery in between, and 1 mile cooldown.  Great run!


5 miles
Such a great morning run!  It was a beautiful, cool morning.  I got to run on my favorite sections of the river trail, and felt great the entire run.  My favorite way to start the day!

Core and More / 45:00
I tried out a new class at the gym during lunch time.  In the 45 minutes of the class, we used stability balls and hand weights to do a ton of different core moves.  It was a really challenging class and I liked it!


Rest Day!


5 miles
It was another cool morning which felt great!  Nice and easy run around the neighborhood.  The rest of the day was spent doing yard work outside!  My side garden was completely overgrown when we bought our house, so I spent a few hours weeding which was really tough.  The yard went from this
to this!
Time to add in some pretty flowers and bushes!


8 miles / 1:16:20 / 9:32 pace
When I woke up, my hamstrings were both feeling really tight.  I started my run early in the morning, hoping that they would loosen up and unfortunately they didn't.  I was originally planning on running 10 miles, and had to stop after 8 miles.  Everything felt great, but my hamstrings were hurting me the entire run.  If you've been following my blog, you might know that I have recurring hamstring issues during training, so I'm hoping this isn't the beginning of another problem!

How was your week?
Does anyone else deal with hamstring issues?
Tried any new gym classes lately?

linking up with Holly and Tricia


  1. Wow, you really worked hard on that yard! Good job on your runs. I am slowly trying to work up to 5 miles for this training cycle but it's been SO hard in this heat! -M

    1. Thank you! Good luck training in the gets easier I swear!

  2. I hope your hamstring issues sort themselves out soon! There's nothing worse than a recurring injury/issue!

    Um, that is some SERIOUS gardening so way to go on that! I hateee yard work but Jesse loves it so I kind of get suckered into it haha!

    1. Thanks Kristy! I don't mind it, but it's definitely hard work!

  3. Yard work is hard work! I can't wait to see the finish pic. I had a hamstring issue last week -- out of the blue. It was painful, but thankfully short lived. I hope yours is too. I have to say I'm very jealous of your cool mornings. I did a lot of work at PT using stability balls. They'll give you a great workout! Thanks for linking, Gretchen.

  4. Poo on the hamstring issues! I hope they get better! I too have been trying out new classes and I'm really enjoying a particular one on Thurs nights. It's total body and she changes up the moves from week to week but we used the stability ball and weights too. Man it was very challenging too!

  5. Can't wait to see the finished side garden project!

    I keep trying to get myself to a new class at the gym, but they never change up the schedule. So, like the same thing is always offered on the same day @ the same time, which, I guess is kind of nice if you find something you like, but not so nice if you want to try something new!

    1. That's annoying! My gym is the same way, which I guess is good and bad.

  6. I saw you running at North Park Sunday! I was driving to the Boat House. You looked in the zone so I didn't wanted to yell out my window at you, but I mentally cheered you on! 8 miles is a success when you're not feeling great!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I probably looked in pain and frustrated..that's how I felt :/

  7. Loved watching your weeding process on Snapchat! :) Hope your hamstrings feel better!

    1. Thanks Ciara! I'm sure that was riveting footage lol!

  8. Nice week! I hope you are able to get your hamstring issue sorted so it doesn't turn into an injury.

  9. Do you do anything special to help with your hamstrings? I've had PTs and docs comment that I have the tightest hamstrings ever, and I definitely feel it when I run. I'm getting back to running now and hoping to train for a half soon, but I'd take any tips :)

    1. I do a lot of stretches that target that area and use heating pads when they start to get sore. It usually helps, but sometimes I just need some rest!

  10. Great job on another week of training! I like that speed workout set up!

  11. I'm super impressed with your weeding! That is NOT easy! Great week of training!

    1. Thanks Jenna ! I'm happy someone can appreciate the hard work!

  12. Oh crap, seriously!!! I get hamstring soreness when my SI joint gets jammed and until my physio guy mobilizes it, it is tilted in a way where my hamstring is lengthened and then pulls when I run on it. So I don't really have hamstring issues as much as I have hip issues (forever those damn hip issues!!!!).

    1. Ouch! Sounds super painful, but at least you know what the issue is and how to fix it, right?

  13. Ever since I strained my hamstring badly three years ago, I still deal with tight or sore hamstrings. Yoga has definitely helped a lot! And getting semi-regular massages :)

    1. I just went to yoga today..they already feel so much better! Now off to book a massage ;)

  14. I can't believe SeaWheeze is only 5 weeks away!
    I really need to get in a longish run between now and then. Ha!

  15. I hope your hamstrings are feeling better! I haven't had issues with mine aside from tightness after running half marathons. Stretching usually helps me (but not overstretching!)

  16. Good job putting the miles in and look at your cross-training activities (aka yard work!) Impressive! :)


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