What's New With You? Linkup #6

Happy July everyone! For today's What's New With You linkup (ps make sure you link up your post at the bottom and check out all the other posts!), I'm going to be updating you all on my monthly goals.  I can't believe it's already the half-way point of the year, so it's time to change things up a bit.

There are a few goals that I already checked off, and a few new goals that I'm adding to end the year on a more exciting note!

Each month, I'll go through each goal area and talk about my progress on each resolution.  If there's a "+" by the resolution- that means I was successful that month!  If there's a "-", unfortunately I missed the mark.  Some of my goals are more of a year-long thing, so until I complete the entire goal (for example saving $15,000) I'll have a "-" (which is why none of my fitness goals have a "+").  I'll give you a quick update on my progress though, and hopefully there will be a "+" before the end of 2016!

Enough chatting for now, let's get to my monthly resolution update for June!

Financial Goals

+ Spending freeze until my birthday (June 28)
Sokphal and I both made it!  I can check this goal off my list.  For the rest of the year, my goal will be to spend less than $100 in discretionary money- including going out for breakfast, lunch or coffee at work!- each month.

+ Save reward money (Discover, EbatesIbotta) for entire year
I'm loving seeing it add up!  So far, I have $99 for Discover, $30 for Ebates, and $124 for Ibotta!  I had a HUGE month from Ibotta thanks to lots of referrals..remember if you use my code you'll earn $10 on your first rebate!

- Save $15,000 in my joint account, $6,000 alone
saved $2876.65 in joint account, $500 in personal account.
for the year, I have $14,395.65 saved in joint account (95% of the way to my goal!), and $3418 in personal (60% of the way to my goal).  Almost there!

+ No fast food, coffee shops, restaurants, bars
Besides our little road trip down to Virginia for the 4th of July weekend, I didn't go to any fast food restaurants this month!  I had a few birthday rewards and gift cards to use, so I did get coffee but didn't spend any money.

Fitness Goals

- Run 1200 miles
January miles : 95 miles
February miles : 122 miles
March miles : 102 miles
April miles : 60 miles
May miles : 79 miles
June miles : 93 miles

At the halfway point of the year, I'm at 551 miles.  I have some catching up to do!

- Run 20 races
0 races in January
1 race in February (read my recap here)
1 race in March (read my recap here)
virtual race in April 
0 races in May
3 races in June (Riverview 5k, Peace Love Run 5k, Butler 5 miler)

At the halfway point of the year, I have 6 races.  I'm not sure if I'll get to 20, which is fine by me!

Personal Goals

+ Set up cleaning schedule
See my post here!  I'll be posting a new one for our house this month!

I also added this to my Bullet Journal which has made the process much easier to stay on track.

- Monthly cooking challenge
January Whole30

February : 4 Ingredients Gluten Free

March : Share 4 recipes on blog
Spring Rolls
Avocado Egg Salad
Brownie Batter Energy Bites
Turmeric Tea 

April : Spend less than $200 on groceries
Done!  I actually only spent $110 this month- which is WAY less than my average of $400.

May : Cook an international meal
I kind of cheated on this, but I made an Indian meal.  I used a Masala simmer sauce from Trader Joe's (which I recommend!), mixed with sauteed onion and chicken, over top of Jasmine rice, and served with cilantro and a piece of Naan.  It was delicious!

June : Share four recipes
I didn't hit this goal for the month, but I did post a round-up and shared two drink recipes!

July : Eat Vegan
I recently watched Cowspiracy after being encouraged by a few vegan friends, and it really did change my perspective.  I'm going to be giving veganism a go and writing about my experience!

New Goals!

+ Post 3 times a week on GretchRuns, and once a week on Gretch at Home (check out my post over there today!)

+ Complete one mini house project a week.

+  Check off three items on my 30x30 list

+ Plan my next trip!  So this one isn't a necessity, but I'm already itching for another trip somewhere..maybe Europe?  and want to plan it out this year!

+ Finish a scrapbook!  I'm so far behind in my travel scrapbooks, so I want to finish one trip by the end of the year!

How are you doing on resolutions?
Do you change anything up at the halfway point of the year?
What's New With YOU!?  Be sure to link up and check out all the other blogs!

post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for your support!


  1. Want to come and finish our kitchen for us?? That could count as your mini house project. Slash not mini. Or your house. But it would be lovely. I would consider veganism, but then I remember that I love fish, chicken, egg whites, and yogurt. So it prrrrrooooobably wouldn't work :D

  2. I love how you are keeping track of your progress. You are so organized!

  3. Loving the monthly cooking challenge!!

  4. arrghh!!!! you just reminded of ebates! i ordered a ton of stuff in the last few months and didn't bother going through ebates because i forgot! #RAGE

  5. I just started using Ibotta & I love it! I also recently started a bullet journal to keep track of me trying 1 new thing everyday, but seeing the Instagram, Twitter, etc at the bottom of your tracker makes me want to start a 2nd bullet journal for both of my blogs to make sure that I'm getting stuff done consistently for them, more so the new one. I love our goals & you're doing great!! Your organization makes my planner/ocd self happy lol.

    1. That's a great idea to have a separate bujo for blogging. You should check out Bojo Berry..she does a great job explaining how she uses hers and keeps it organized!

  6. I really like the way you break down your goals here. I just find it really interesting, especially the financial goals. I'm not a big spender but I don't keep track of my spending either, which I should probably do now that I'm going to be paying an exorbitant amount of money on rent.

    1. Thanks Sarah! When I started to keep track of my spending it was definitely eye opening and I ended up saving so much more!

  7. Congrats on making it through your spending freeze! I'm sure some moments were rough, but I'm sure some moments you were all, "this is a breeze, why do I ever buy stuff!".

    I'm itching to plan my next trip as well, I saw a Groupon to Budapest & Prague & wanted to snatch that one up after your recap last year, but, the BF isn't quite as gung-ho - I guess we shall see. I don't really have a set destination in mind, which makes things harder.

    1. DO IT! That was one of my favorite trips! If he needs to be convinced, let me know :)

  8. I always love reading your goals and accomplishments! You are so driven and disciplined. I am impressed.

  9. Are you still following Whole 30? I've been pretty curious as to how that would work with a vegetarian diet. I'd love to hear about your planning/success with a vegan diet.

    1. I still am for the most part. The program has some substitutions if you're on a vegan diet (you can add in some grains and beans). Mostly I've found that dairy and wheat affect me the most, so I've eliminated them from my diet as well as added sugars! I'll definitely be sharing more about how my experience goes :)

  10. You have so many goals! I love this format, and how it's like keeping a running tab over the year. I might have to do that for 2017!

  11. I commend you for your organization skills! It's impressive!

  12. Wow, you're so organized. I love all the goals (I am a planner, too, but I have failed so far to set up monthly/annual goals and measure progress along the way. Maybe a blog project for next year?)

    1. That's a great idea! I always do better when I put out my goals publicly.

  13. oooooh yes, please go to europe so i can live vicariously through you :) i am always planning my next trip lol. and um damn girl you are killing it on all your goals!! i still don't know how to work ibotta, but i do make a lot of fun money from ebates (because i order a lot for work) so i guess that's okay. i'm sure you'll catch up with your races and miles, i always do more of everything in the second half of the year than the first. good luck on going vegan! can't wait to hear your thoughts. i did a vegetarian month last year i think and it was great. i don't eat a lot of meat as it is, but i definitely eat dairy. not as much as other people, but here and there and i don't realise it adding up - milk in my smoothies or a recipe, a little bit of cheese here and there. anyway! can't wait to see how it goes!

    1. Thanks Kristen!! Right now I eat a lot of meat but no dairy, so I'll have the opposite problem ;)

  14. You're so on top of things!! Can you do a post on how you did the groceries?

    1. Hi Heather! I actually shared a post last month about how I saved money- you can find it here: http://www.gretchruns.com/2016/06/how-i-save-money-grocery-shopping.html

      Hope that helps!

  15. Woot woot I just started using Ibotta a few weeks ago. I haven't earned a lot so far, but I like it. I love my Chase Sapphire card for earning points. I have a bunch stacking up I am saving for whatever comes up that we need. You are doing awesome with savings! We have been saving a lot while Greg's away, but I have a feeling a lot of that is going to be going towards baby stuff.

  16. $110 on groceries? Way to go, girl!

    I am totally intrigued to find out how you go with your vegan diet!

  17. Love reading about your goals.. as always:) You're killing it on the financial goals! Also- something I always forget about but just remembered after reading your scrapbooking goal, I've been wanting to make Shutterfly books for each year. I love them and they're so fun to make! I just have to actually do it instead of talk about doing it:)

  18. You are kicking some major ass with your goals! That's awesome!

    I love rewards/cash back programs. Right now the ones my husband and I use most are our Capital One Venture cards for miles (they never expire, so we're saving them for a huge splurge trip), Swagbucks (I usually earn between $75-$100/month there, especially since I have referrals), and Ibotta.

    I really like the idea of a monthly cooking challenge. I may have to borrow that idea from you next year! :-)

  19. I'm so impressed with all your organisational bits and pieces. I think I need a cleaning schedule like yours! It sounds like you're doing great with all your goals, it must be so cheering to see your progress all laid out. Good luck with trying to eat vegan, it's something I kind of want to try and kind of really don't. I already have to eat gluten free so I think gluten free vegan might be just a bit much. I cannot live on spinach leaves alone!

  20. I love your cleaning schedule and I am absolutely going to steal that idea for my own bullet journal! You're doing great with your goals!!! I still have to head over and check out your other blog...off to do that now.


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