Seawheeze Half Marathon Training : Week 9

And just like that- another training cycle is in the bag!  This weekend I'll be running another half marathon, and my final full week of training was a good one.  I feel ready for the race and excited to run!  Let's take a quick look at how this week of training went:


4 miles / 38:15 / 9:33 pace
Little morning run to get the week started! Felt good, just a little tired today. It was a beautiful morning though, and the days are starting to get (slightly) cooler!


5 miles / 44:18 / 8:52 pace
Great speed work this morning! 5 miles with 20 minutes alternating fast and slow. Funny how I can start out feeling so tired and legs feel heavy, then as soon as I have to start the speed session I can bust out 7:00 paces and it not feel hard at all. Felt so good to stretch out my legs! Loved this workout.

Yoga / 45:00
My normal favorite instructor wasn't there, but the sub was alright.  Not my favorite, not my least favorite.  Big focus on leg strength and mine were still tired from the morning, so this was challenging!


Rest Day!


3 miles / 30:00 / 10:00 pace
Stayed indoors to run on the treadmill in the morning.  I watched the Vanilla Ice Project while I ran which was pretty entertaining!


Rest Day #2!


5 miles / 46:04 / 9:12 pace
I woke up early on Saturday morning to run a nice and easy 5 miler at North Park.  It felt great out, but was incredibly humid!  For some reasons, the weekend mornings have been stifling with humidity..just in time for my long runs!  My body and legs felt great though, so this was a really good run.  Afterwards, I met up with Jennifer for brunch at the boat house!  


5 miles
I was planning on waking up early and running at the lake again, but I stayed up watching the Olympics and slept in.  I decided just to run around my neighborhood, which ended up being a great, relaxing run.


  1. Happy race week! Great job on your training! I can't remember if I've asked you this but are you still doing the marathon in October? Will you start training for that right away?

    I'm sure you're going to do great. Seawheeze sounds like a blast and I'm so jealous. Have a GREAT time!

  2. I agree completely about starting a run feeling so tired but then as soon as I get started on speed, it's like Boom! You've had a great training cycle, and I'm so excited that you get to experience Seawheeze. Of course I wish I could be there with you, but I look forward to running it vicariously through you!

  3. Can't wait to hear what you think of Seawheeze! Bucket list race for sure.

  4. Good luck this weekend! Love getting to a race feeling ripe and ready!

  5. I'm glad that you are feeling quite prepared for your upcoming race. All your training will be sure to pay off. Good luck!

  6. NICE WEEK! And whoa, I can actually see the humidity in that photo!!! YOWCH.

  7. i love when i start out a run feeling blecch and then i feel good after i push myself.. although, i don't think i've ever seen a 7 at the start of my pace ;) good luck on your half this weekend!

  8. Kudos for you for busting out all that running in the humidity! That is NOT easy and hard to get motivated to go for it!

  9. Great week! I always like to see your sharing about training. It is interesing! Wishing you will get the best achievement in the next race.

  10. I love the mileage breakdown that is awesome!


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