Towpath Half Marathon Training : Week 1

We're back at it again with a new training season!  I love fall races, so I'm so excited to start training for the Towpath Half Marathon.  This is one of my favorite races that I ran last year, and I can't wait to see how it goes this year!

This was my first week back at running, so let's take a look at how the week went!  (I forgot to take pictures this week, so I apologize for a text-heavy post.  Pretty pics of Pittsburgh will be back next week!)


3 miles
I'm back!  I decided to take a week off running after my half marathon.  Even though I didn't feel like I raced and didn't have any soreness at all, I thought it was a good idea to take a little break.  I definitely think it helped, because I felt really excited to run again my legs felt really refreshed!


4 miles
Alternated 5 minutes slow/5 minutes slightly faster. Not full blown "speed"work but enough to get some energy in my legs!


I had a lunch meeting on Tuesday so I had to skip my normal weekly yoga class.  Instead, I decided to do a video at home.  I never do as well on my own, so this wasn't a great workout to be honest.


Rest Day!


4 miles
I took the bus to work, which means that I didn't have any time to run in the morning.  Instead, I ran after work when it was super hot!  Apparently the cool days are over and the summer heat is back (for now).  WAH.


4 miles
I should be sharing a race recap for Run Around the Square, but I woke up and just wasn't in the mood to drive across the city and run a race in the heat.  Instead, I ran an easy four miles around my neighborhood and checked out the opening of Nordstrom Rack with my mom and sister!  Much better.


6 miles
I woke up nice and early to go running before it got hot out (or stormy judging by the forecast) and it was a great run!  I was trying out a new pair of running shoes since the ones I wore during Seawheeze somehow got a rip on the inside, and so far I'm loving them!


  1. Great job getting miles in. This race sounds so familiar, I think another running blogger is training for this as well!

  2. An easy 4 miles and shopping sounds like a great Saturday to me! I'm the same with at home dvds, I'm just not as good....

    What are your goals for this half marathon, and when is it?

    By the way, I started a linkup with my friend for weekly Recaps and would love for you to join!

    1. The race is October 9 I believe! Just a few weeks away! I'm still working on my goal for the race, but it's always to get a PR!

  3. Aw, what a bummer that your home yoga workout wasn't good! I hate when I finish a workout and feel like I didn't get what I wanted from it! But the rest of your! Way to go!

    1. I'm the worst with home workouts...I don't know how you do it!

  4. Nice job, Gretch! I noticed you tried the Launch 3s. I love them too! I usually run in the Asics Nimbus so the Launch feel so much lighter to me. I wear them for about 25% of my runs.

  5. Good call taking a rest week after Seawheeze. I feel like a little downtime between training seasons really helps with my motivation and training.

  6. Michel Telo's song is the bomb! Have you heard the Pitbull remix? I love both!

  7. A new Nordstrom Rack is way better than a race ;) jk. good job on your week though, a pretty good start! yoga is the only thing i can do 'well' at home or on my own, i mean i can run as well, but at home i suck at like strength videos or anything like that, i get distracted too easily.


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