What's New With You? Linkup #8

Happy September (WHAT?!) everyone! For today's What's New With You linkup (ps make sure you link up your post at the bottom and check out all the other posts!), I'm going to be updating you all on my monthly goals.  This month I felt like I got back on track with being more productive.  For some reason, summer months always seem more relaxed and laid back, then when school starts back up I feel more motivated to stay on track.  Anyone else?

Each month, I'll go through each goal area and talk about my progress on each resolution.  If there's a "+" by the resolution- that means I was successful that month!  If there's a "-", unfortunately I missed the mark.  Some of my goals are more of a year-long thing, so until I complete the entire goal (for example saving $15,000) I'll have a "-" (which is why none of my fitness goals have a "+").  I'll give you a quick update on my progress though, and hopefully there will be a "+" before the end of 2016!

Enough chatting for now, let's get to my monthly resolution update for August!

Financial Goals

 + August Spending Freeze
I did pretty well with this.  I didn't buy anything in Vancouver (it was hard to say NO at the special Seawheeze Lulu pop-up store but I did it!), but I did buy a shirt at the opening of Nordstrom Rack in my neighborhood, as well as a new pair of running shoes.  More on those tomorrow!  Dan and I are both going to do a spending freeze together for September!

+ Save reward money (Discover, EbatesIbotta) for entire year
I'm loving seeing it add up!  So far, I have $116 for Discover, $62 for Ebates, and $190 for Ibotta (remember if you use my code you'll earn $10 on your first rebate!)  Also- Ibotta just added mobile apps as another category for rebates!  You get 40% cashback on Groupons..what!

- Save $15,000 20,000 in my joint account, $6,000 alone
saved $1504 in joint account and $500 in personal account
For the year, I've saved $1740 in our joint account.  We also started to pay extra on our mortgage principal, so that should help us save money in the long run as well!  For my personal account, I've saved $3918

Fitness Goals

- Run 1200 miles
January miles : 95 miles
February miles : 122 miles
March miles : 102 miles
April miles : 60 miles
May miles : 79 miles
June miles : 93 miles
July miles : 98 miles
August miles : 71 miles
(not bad for taking an entire week off!)

I'm up to 727 miles for the year!

- Run 20 races
0 races in January
1 race in February (read my recap here)
1 race in March (read my recap here)
virtual race in April 
0 races in May
3 races in June (Riverview 5k, Peace Love Run 5k, Butler 5 miler)
0 races in July
1 race in August (read my recap here) 

Personal Goals

- Monthly cooking challenge
January Whole30

February : 4 Ingredients Gluten Free

March : Share 4 recipes on blog
Spring Rolls
Avocado Egg Salad
Brownie Batter Energy Bites
Turmeric Tea 

April : Spend less than $200 on groceries
Done!  I actually only spent $110 this month- which is WAY less than my average of $400.  Check out how I did it here!

May : Cook an international meal
I kind of cheated on this, but I made an Indian meal.  I used a Masala simmer sauce from Trader Joe's (which I recommend!), mixed with sauteed onion and chicken, over top of Jasmine rice, and served with cilantro and a piece of Naan.  It was delicious!

June : Share four recipes
I didn't hit this goal for the month, but I did post a round-up and shared two drink recipes!

July : Eat Vegan
Going vegan was surprisingly easier than I expected.  I have no plans on turning back.  Would you all be interested in a post on how and why I decided to go vegan?  I'm not sure if that's a topic that people are interested in, so please let me know in the comments!

August : Share two recipes
I haven't shared these recipes yet, but I have a big post full of vegan lunch recipes coming up next week!  I've been working on this all month!

September : Spend less than $200 on groceries
I did this back in April and it went great, so let's see if I can do it for a second month!  I'll also share my grocery lists and meal plans so you can see how I did it!

Other Goals

+ Post 3 times a week on GretchRuns, and once a week on Gretch at Home
I did great with this goal in August!

- Complete one mini house project a week.
August Projects:
Installed Fintorp system
Planted an indoor herb garden
Set up office

-  Check off three items on my 30x30 list
I signed up for a SUP Yoga class, so this will be another item off my list soon!

- Plan my next trip
We have a small trip coming up in a few weeks, and started to plan our next big trip for next year!

- Finish a scrapbook
I need to buy a new book, then I can work on finishing it!

How are you doing on resolutions?
Do you feel more motivated in the fall?
What's New With YOU!?  Be sure to link up and check out all the other blogs!


  1. I don't know if I can say that I feel more motivated in the fall, maybe just that there are fewer distractions? Less omg lets do all the things every weekend. Another solid month of kicking ass and taking names!

    1. Yes, that's what it must be! I want to do EVERYTHING

  2. Wow you are one motivated lady! Thats awesome you guys are able to save so much--does a spending freeze just mean paying for bills and basics and nothing extra?
    I'd love to hear your vegan journey--i always enjoy those types of posts!

    1. Thanks Heather! And yes exactly...just monthly bills and groceries (trying to cut that back this month too). No going out to eat, no buying alcohol, no stuff for the house, etc.

  3. Congrats on completing so many goals! Your grocery shopping fascinates me haha. I'd definitely be interested in hearing more, especially about vegan eating/shopping.

    1. Thank you! Planning posts for all of those subjects right now :)

  4. I'm totally more motivated once September rolls around because I have to be on my game with all these kids going back to schools, their different schedules, sports stuff, everything. It feels good to get organized.

    1. That's true..not sure what my excuse (or motivation?) is!

  5. UGH, forgot today was linkup day until JUST now. Glad I remembered!

    I definitely do better with goals when the weather cools off & school is back in session, so I'm with you!

    Excited to see your $200 grocery budget in action, I'm a total meal planning nerd, so this speaks to my heart. Plus, I've always just shopped for me, but now I'll be adding the BF to the mix. Which I anticipate being a challenge.

    1. You and I both love talking about money so I knew you would appreciate that post!

  6. This has to be one of the most consistently organized blog posts I've ever seen. Your organization and accountability is quite impressive.

  7. Okay, I'm super impressed you didn't buy anything at the SeaWheeze store! Way to go!

    1. I had so much in my hands at one point, and I was just like WHY am I buying all this??! I don't even have room in my luggage!

  8. I installed Ibotta a long time ago but it seemed hard so I quit. Maybe I should look into it again?! I don't think I want to be vegan (I love cheese and baked goods too much) but I would like to see how you do it since I do tend to be a vegetarian at lunch most days... new ideas would be great! Great job on your goals - I don't think I could remember all of these, let alone accomplish so many of them!

    1. It's tough to get in the habit but you'll get the hang of it!

  9. Oh I'm looking forward to seeing the vegan recipes that you share!

  10. oh i can't wait to see the lunch recipes, i am always looking for new lunch ideas. good luck with the spending freeze and keeping your groceries under $200. i really need to try something like that with my groceries, our budget is out of control!

    1. Thanks Kristen! I was checking out my budget for the past few months and mine is terrible too :(

  11. You are killing it! I always feel motivated in the late summer. One of my resolutions was to save $10,000 and my husband and I will easily hit that. All of our points mostly go to hotel rooms for trips.

  12. You have incredible goals and I honestly wish I could make a goal of "read 25 books" but I'm lucky if I do laundry each week! Lol

    1. I get that!! I don't have anyone else to take care of so I have a LOT more free time than mommas like you!

  13. You're doing pretty good with your goals so far this year! Your running goal is so awesome, especially since you took a week off too! I also love your reading goal!


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