Pittsburgh 10 Miler Training : 2 Weeks to Go!

Another week- another training cycle!  After having a semi-rest week last week, I'm back in training for the Pittsburgh 10 Miler.  There are only two weeks until race day, so I'm hoping my fitness from the half marathon will carry over.  

This is one of my favorite races every year, and I'm really excited to run it again this year.  Here's a look at how my training went this week:


Rest Day!


4 miles
We've been having such nice, cool weather lately, so when it was over 80 degrees on this run I was really struggling.  I wish I went running in the morning, but I waited until after work and paid the price.

Yoga / 45:00
Normal Tuesday lunch time yoga session!  It's been a while since I went to this class so I was struggling a bit.


Rest Day!


3.03 miles / 27:15 / 8:59 pace
For this run, I actually did run before work, and it's amazing how great I felt!  I didn't feel like I was pushing myself at all, so I was shocked to see my time when I finished.  I'll have to keep this in mind when I want to skip another early morning workout!


Cardio DVD / 30:00
I wanted to go for a run, but it was pouring rain all day and my driveway got flooded!  Instead, I stayed inside and did an exercise tape.


4 miles
It was still a little rainy in the morning, but luckily the roads were clear.  Nice and easy run around the neighborhood!


9 miles / 1:27:16 / 9:41 pace
I had to work Saturday night and Sunday morning, then did some work on the house, so I ended up running pretty late in the day.  It was warm out and I was really sore, so I kept my pace slow and comfortable.  Caught up on some podcasts and generally had a fun run!


  1. Do you feel weird doing the exercise DVD in front of Dan? Or do you do it when he's not around? Or does he do it with you?

    I love running in the morning ONLY because I get it done and over with. Otherwise, I hate it. I go so incredibly slow. BLAHHH

  2. Great job getting back into the training swing and gearing up for your next race. I can't imagine launching into more training after my race, so I give you a lot of credit! Will that be your last race of the year?

  3. Boo for rainy days! I was planning on heading out for a run this morning but awoke to rain and since where I run is really hilly and slippery when wet, I decided to skip it!


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